This is a Beta Test?! - A Literally Broken System

Chapter 76 14.4 Party Finder?

As the two introduced themselves, I could only watch as the brown-haired of the two suddenly made a beeline for the woman beside me. Seemingly pulling a literal rose out of nowhere, I actually did a double-take as I took a step back from the guy.

"A rose for the beautiful maiden, if you\'d be so kind."

"Ahh~ T-thank you!" Guidance squealed, much to my own disturbance as she acted so out of her own perceived age group and was actively embarrassing herself. "I-I never thought this moment would come!"

"Shade! We are in the presence of the Emperor!" the army paladin scolded out loud from where he was still standing. "We should behave ourselves!"

"But I am behaving, Maruki," Shade lightly chuckled, his hair... seemingly glistening against some random source of light? What? "I\'m simply paying my respects to the two ladies that graced us with our presence."

I blinked in disbelief as he then pulled out yet another rose out of nowhere and gave it to Shizu. Thankfully, the princess visibly stopped herself from taking a step back as she accepted the flower, the impassive look on her face giving me all the assurance I needed to know that I wasn\'t alone in thinking that this flamboyant guy was pushing his luck way too far.

"And what of the Emperor\'s respect!?" Maruki questioned out loud. "It is our duty to show our-"

"Enough of this." At the Emperor\'s tone, all present in the room proceeded to shut their mouths. The new arrivals quickly kneeled down before the highest authority in the room, the Emperor simply waving his hand for them to stand up again. "You two will accompany Princess Caris and her retinue for this venture. I trust that you will do your duties accordingly."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Sure thing."

The dichotomy between these two was practically night and day with the way they addressed their superiors. Also, we\'re Shizu\'s retinue now?


Oh boy. It was that sound again.

[mm@$8ain Queas95t ACce342ptdc: Final Attack!]

Wait... Was I reading this right? Final Attack as the quest name?

[E8237nd t34he W2Ar1]

I squinted at the quest objective given to me. With the number of glitches covering the prompt, it was kind of getting hard to read the damn thing. Then again, it\'ll probably sort itself out the more I followed what was asked of me. And somehow, despite the game tearing itself apart, I still feel like I\'m being railroaded through the story.

Huh, I should probably ask that to Guidance too. Assuming I remember, of course.

"Now, my daughter..."

"Yes, Father?"

"Seeing as your... incident has given you the power to look for the secrets in this world, you will be leading this expedition."

Shizu\'s hands trembled on her sides even as she gave out a resolute reply, "Of course, Father."

"Also, let it be known to all that the Empire is not to be trifled with," the Emperor bellowed out. "We might not have [Marquee]\'s mystical technologies or [Vestyge]\'s mechanical industry, but we still have the most powerful resource of all; humanity."

I found myself nodding to everything the man said. It was true, after all. What use was technology or tools if there were nobody to even use them? I didn\'t know what he meant about mystical technologies, but I could only assume that it was something this Empire also took an offense to, what with the hostile tone the Emperor had as he said it.

"The power of humanity is what keeps this Empire afloat. It\'s what keeps the [Shallow Deep] as safe and pristine as it is," he continued. "With [Vestyge]\'s black smoke obscuring the [Stars], and [Marquee]\'s energies polluting the waves, it is up to us to preserve the balance of the world."

Huh... So this was some sort of environmental speech... Looking at Guidance, her eyes couldn\'t seem to decide on whether to stay glued to Shade, to Shizu, or to the Emperor as she fidgeted. Kind of disrespectful, really, but this was her game, so who was I to judge?

"Did I make myself clear?"

Various grunts and echoes of approval echoed out from the four of us. I myself simply nodded while the new arrivals had their fair share of flavor text. Shizu elected to do her salute, while Guidance absently let out a word of approval, her attention still glued on the people that were ostensibly going to be our party.

"Go forth then," the Emperor declared, his right hand outstretched towards the door. "Show them what you\'re all capable of."

And with that, we all turned around and left the throne room. With Shizu leading the pack, I trailed behind the princess while Guidance walked in step with me. Shade strode right beside the two women, while Maruki was left walking behind us. Kind of a weird party chemistry developing right now, but surely it\'ll all make itself clear soon enough.

"Right. Do you two have your supplies at the ready?" Shizu stopped in the middle of the hallway, turning on a dime as she addressed the two men with us.

"We have them at the ready, Your Highness!" the paladin proudly declared. "It is our duty to-"

"What he meant to say is that we\'ll pick them up by our vessel," Shade smoothly cut his companion off. "We\'ll meet you by the Imperial Docks, my princess."

If Shizu was disturbed by how Shade had addressed her, she didn\'t show it as she simply nodded. "Very well. We shall rendezvous come midnight."

"We\'ll await you then," the womanizer smiled as he turned around, but not before giving Guidance one last look as he left. "And I await the time for us to have an earnest talk, my lady."


I fought the urge to shake my head as I watched the two leave. The paladin was fine enough, but that Shade guy was just giving me the creeps, and I wasn\'t even a woman!

"I still don\'t see what you find attractive in that guy, Guidance," I sighed at the squeeing dev.

"I agree," Shizu shivered as she spoke, a slouch slowly cracking away at her elegance as she relaxed. "That man is relentless in his pursuits."

"But he\'s handsome though," Guidance weakly defended. "Isn\'t that enough?"

"Let\'s just have the talk we have to do," I rolled my eyes, placing a hand on my face in exasperation. "I\'m sure we all have questions or something for each other, and we might as well do it now. Assuming you don\'t have something else planned, Shizu?"


AN: Kindly vote so that I can get back to 2 chaps per day ^^

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