Reign of the Hunters

Chapter 460: Some People

Chapter 460: Some People

“I don’t believe in God.” Fleeting Time said.

“And I don’t believe in fate.”

“Nor do I believe in destiny.”

“I know I am willful at times, and that it is not a very likable trait of mine.” Fleeting Time shrugged. He was a person who didn’t mind how others thought of him, “So what? I’ve grown up to become the man I am today. Life moved on, until a certain someone challenged me to a duel.”

The veteran players who still remembered what transpired on that day immediately looked at Ye Ci, while many others among them perked up at the story. Fleeting Time was telling them something about himself, which was rare.

“Many of you would agree that first impressions are important. So do I. But I’m different from all of you. While most of you might change your first impression with the passing of time, mine will never change. I trust my feelings. If I don’t like you the first time we meet, then there’s no way I’ll change my mind. But if I have my eyes on a person, then…” he then directed his gaze slowly to a certain person.

Mo Leng slumped against her chair. Fleeting Time’s words were echoing in her mind. She sighed. His words were clearly directed at her.

“And then what?” one of the attendees hollered.

A smile spread across Fleeting Time’s lips.

“I’m not a likable person.” Fleeting Time suddenly diverted the topic, much to the disappointment of his audience.

Yup. You’re an unlikable one. A number of the attendees agreed with him.

“But I know that it’ll only get worse when I meet a certain someone.” Fleeting Time chuckled. The organizers had swapped out the display of the winner of the PVP tournament and were showing Fleeting Time’s face on the large screen behind him.

This elicited screams among the female audience. This was the first time they were able to see his face up close. And he was a very handsome man.

“Life is full of surprises. A first meeting is always important. People meeting for the first time would continue doing the things they were doing when they met. And when someone meets their rivals for the first time, they will continue as rivals.” Fleeting Time continued, “I’ve never expected to have a rival of my own, as every opponent I’ve had was a mere obstacle that I could overcome.”

“But… When I least expected it to happen… Someone like this walked into my life.”

The conference room was silent. This is it! The truth has finally been spoken! This is more interesting than baseless gossip. Was what most of the attendees were thinking.

“We ended up fighting the first time I met her. Neither of us won.” he continued, “Our second meeting resulted in a fight as well, which ended in a draw. And when we met for the third time, it still ended in a fight. We clashed against one another every time we met. Some ended in my victory, and some I’ve lost. Neither of us could prove ourselves to be superior. And before I even realized it, we’ve become a goal that must be surpassed by the other.”

“That was when I finally came to the realization that I’ve finally met my rival.”

Oh, come on! Stop beating around the bush… All eyes were on Fleeting Time.

“Of course, there’s something else.”

Ye Ci could see Fleeting Time’s lips forming into a grin on the giant screen.

“And as I said, I’m not a likable man. I was happy when my words embarrassed her.” Fleeting Time nodded, “Heh, I am childish.”

You sure are. Those in attendance nodded in agreement. They knew what he was talking about.

“But an idiot is not what I am.” his grin widened, “I came to a sudden realization one day that I must keep such a rival by my side or she’ll disappear when I’m not looking.” the crowd broke into laughter.

“I’m a strange man. Once I’ve set a goal for myself, I’ll do my best to achieve it, even if it might end in failure. I am someone who believes that action speaks louder than words.”

Absalom nodded in agreement. Fleeting Time was indeed a man of action, no matter how likable he was. There was no changing his mind once he had made a decision.

“And I’ve made my decision. I wasn\'t sure before, but everything is not clear as day to me. That is why I’m standing here today and am wasting your time.” he said, “I have something to say to someone.”

“I want to continue our fights, forever and ever, even if I’ll always be the one to lose. Then again, I’ve already lost the moment I made this decision. You’ve always wanted to win against me, and I’ve always refused to lose without a fight but… Will you accept my surrender today? Are you willing to accept me as your prisoner?”

The crowd erupted into cheers.

Ye Ci’s face was immediately displayed on the screen. F*ck! Which camera is it? She looked around, but was unable to spot the culprit.

Just then, Fleeting Time jumped down from the stage, followed closely behind by the emcee. Wait, why is he coming along? Thought Ye Ci.

Fleeting Time raised an eyebrow at the young man, who despite the excitement written all over his face, was able to keep a serious tone, “Someone has to catch the mic.”

Heh, that’s a good one. Fleeting Time smirked at him.

Ye Ci stood like a statue as Fleeting Time made his way towards her. Is this… Real? He was already in front of her before she could realize it. He stared at her, and she returned his stare.

“I know you’ve always wanted to win against me in the PVP Tournament, but I guess that ship has set sail. I don’t know how long it will take until our next battle on such a stage, but I know that I can’t wait any longer. Gongzi You… Will you accept my request to be the winner in our fight?”

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