Am I A God?

Chapter 355: Squeeze!

Chapter 355: Squeeze!

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

1000 ...

2000 ...

3000 ...

The experience point came pouring into Zhao Yao’s BOOK as he delivered the victims from the village back to their loved ones. This trip alone had earned Zhao Yao 3000 experience points. With the ‘X2 Exp Card’ in effect, the experience points netted increased to 6000 instantaneously.

Hence, Zhao Yao’s book now reflected BOOK: lv5 (12608/10000).

“Good, good, good! Now, I have more than enough points to upgrade my book! I never expected this district of scammers to be my lucky star!” Zhao Yao’s eyes then drifted towards Xiao Ming, who remained unconscious. Another 1000*2 experience points awaited him the moment he successfully delivered Xiao Ming back to Jiangmen City.

“But there’s still the issue of Old Cat and extracting more intel regarding this entire saga in Chuan Xiao.” Zhao Yao’s original plan was to secretly infiltrate the place and rescue the hostages. From there, he would collect intel on the sly before capturing Old Cat in one fell swoop.

He never expected to come face to face with Old Cat in a direct confrontation, which resulted in a deviation from his original plan.

“I have no idea if the intel extracted from this interrogation would even net me any experience points.”

However, things were not as bad as it seemed. With Old Cat captured in his hands, Zhao Yao had successfully completed the mission to capture the leader of Chuan Xiao District, earning him 500*2 experience points and a bag of royal catmint.

Immediately, Zhao Yao knew that the bag of royal catmint was not as simple as it seemed. It definitely possessed some sort of special powers like the ‘X2 Exp Card’, ‘Explosive Card’, or even that adorable dress.

In the blink of an eye, the bag of catmint had miraculously appeared in his hands.

“So this is the reward which I have busted my ass for?” Zhao Yao’s prying eyes scrutinized the reward in his hand. Evidently, the producers of the catmint had carefully ground it to powder for easy consumption. From a certain angle, it would even reflect the light in a certain manner which produced a faint golden glow.

Furthermore, even though it was still sealed within a plastic bag, a whiff of aromatic smell still managed to spread into its surroundings. Just a whiff of that scent relieved Zhao Yao of all the bodily aches suffered from the fight.

What intrigued Zhao Yao more was the description written at the bottom of the packaging.

“The royal catmint is a delicacy reserved for the cat kings. One bite of it would increase the cat’s level by one.”

“Upgrade by one level?” Beams of excitement shot out of Zhao Yao’s eyes as he calculated, “That means it will be more worthwhile to use this item when the cat is at a higher level.”

Even though the catmint was perfect in every manner, Zhao Yao had no idea what to do with it for the moment. Hence, he immediately stashed it within his extradimensional belly, ordering Dust Ball to look over it with her life.

“Dust Ball, do not allow any cats to come near this catmint. If anyone dares to come close to it, beat them till they can’t even walk.”

Dust Ball nodded her head diligently with a smug plastered on her face. When Zhao Yao turned his head around, he was greeted by the sight of Uncle Egg, Airplane, Catherina, and Diana all gathered behind him with saliva trickling down their lips and their eyes glued to the catmint. It looked exactly like the scene taken from the Walking Dead.

Upon receiving the goods from Zhao Yao, Dust Ball immediately clutched it tightly against her chest before exclaiming, “I will devour this bag of catmint if anyone tries to come close to it!”

Uncle Egg retorted, “How is that considered taking care of the catmint? You are just using it for yourself!”

Dust Ball slammed her paw against the ground and roared, “I’m repeating myself! Do not come near me! If not, I’ll eat everything inside it!”

Airplane quivered with indignation as he roared, “Zhao Yao would never forgive you if you do it!”

A sly grin crept up Dust Ball’s face as she explained, “I’ll just tell him that all you ferocious beasts laid a trap on me. In order to protect the catmint, I had no choice but to eat them and protect it with my stomach and skin.”

Uncle Egg gritted his teeth and roared, “You corrupt piece of shit!”


Meanwhile, Zhao Yao still had no clue on how to deal with the experience points and catmint. His current plan was to consolidate all the money and points before coming up with his next move.

However, the moment he left his extradimensional belly, he witnessed the trio of Elizabeth, Ares and Roly Poly shouting incessantly at Old Cat.

With one paw pressed against his head, Elizabeth shouted, “Speak! Where did you hide all that money?”

Ares pounded against his chest and roared, “Where are all the supercats which you have scammed? Where have you hidden them?”

“Old guy, how dare you scam me?” Roly Poly thrust his paw into Old Cat’s wobbly stomach and rammed against it with all his strength, “I, Roly Poly, abhor cats that lie to me!”

“Alright, that’s enough!” Zhao Yao rushed over and instantly separated the three crazy cats from Old Cat. Old Cat was quivering in pain and exhaustion from the ordeal which he had just gone through. A black paw print left behind by Elizabeth’s paw remained freshly imprinted on his face.

A frown appeared on Zhao Yao’s face as he muttered, “Why is Elizabeth’s paw so dirty? I think it’s time to give her nails and fur a trim and give her a good bath.”

The fur on a ragdoll’s body was particularly long compared to other cats. This also included the fur on its paw. With their paws trampling across all types of terrain, it was natural that it would turn extremely dirty and smelly.

Zhao Yao grabbed Old Cat by the neck before dangling him non-stop, “Old guy, are you awake? Tell me, where are all the money? Speak now or you’ll regret.”

Old Cat gritted his teeth and mumbled, “I ... I do not have any cash with me. All of them have been deposited into my bank account ...”

Before he could even complete his statement, Zhao Yao had slammed his hands into Old Cat’s mouth, turning his words into indistinct meows.

Zhao Yao shook his head dejectedly and explained, “Do you take me for an idiot? I know about your power that allows you to control others with your obnoxious words. From now on, you are only allowed to reply with a single word. If you break this rule, I’ll set these cats on you, without restraint.”

Roly Poly threw his paw in the air, revealing those razor-sharp claws. He began to lick those menacing claws as he spoke, “These claws have been through shit, pee and other atrocious objects for the past week. If I accidentally cut your skin with it, I have no idea how many diseases you will be afflicted with ... meowhahaha.”

Just one lick caused Roly Poly’s body to shudder as his forehead creased together, “This smells so bad.”

Meanwhile, Old Cat nodded his head in response to reflect his willingness to co-operate. Only then did Zhao Yao release his grips and asked, “Is that a yes or no?”

Old Cat thought about it for a long time before muttering that word, yes.

A sly grin crept up Zhao Yao’s face as he uttered, “Don’t look all dejected because of what I’ve said. I’ve gotten all my information from Black Panther who told me about the heaps of money which you have stashed behind. If you choose to cooperate, I can ensure that you leave this place unscathed. If not, I cannot control what my three friends here will actually do.”

Old Cat swept his head behind and noticed the pairs of razor-sharp claws waving in the air.

Old Cat whispered to himself, “Black Panther that snitch.” He could literally feel Zhao Yao’s eyes stared right into his soul, causing his chest to tighten with fear. Left with no better options, he could only acquiesce to Zhao Yao’s unreasonable request.

Hence, Zhao Yao and gang followed Old Cat to the biggest mansion in the entire Chuan Xiao District. Inside it, Old Cat tore open the leather covering of the sofa to reveal the stacks of cash hidden within it.

Zhao Yao had difficulty grasping just how much cash there were. There was at least RMB 100,000 there.

Zhao Yao was no stranger to such extraordinary sights. Hence, his breathing only hastened slightly when he saw it. However, the same could not be said for Elizabeth and Roly Poly.

With a loud thud, the two cats had plunged themselves into the depths of notes, reveling in their new-found fortune.

After spending so much time in the human world, they knew exactly just how powerful money was. However, Ares was still oblivious to its significance since the majority of his time was spent in the belly playing computer game.

Old Cat rolled his eyes as he observed the two obnoxious cats swimming within the piles of cash while screaming at the top of their voice. He muttered, “Those two country bumpkins.”

Meanwhile, Zhao Yao continued by saying, “What about the rest of the cash?”

Old Cat’s eyebrows locked together as he replied, “That’s all.”


Roly Poly pounced into the air before plunging his claws into Old Cat’s back. Instantly, five bloodied claw wounds appeared starkly against Old Cat’s beautiful fur.

Noticing Old Cat’s startled look, Roly Poly responded with a shrug of his shoulders as he explained, “Who told you to reply with more than one word?”

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