Am I A God?

Chapter 490: The Six Departments

Chapter 490: The Six Departments

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

The reorganization of the island finally began after dispatching the annoying humans. The first task on Zhao Yao’s agenda was to gather every single cat from both the island and his extradimensional belly.

Currently, the cats assembled here could be divided into three large groups. Firstly, there were the aboriginals, led by Cat Sage.

Next, there were Matcha, Roly Poly, Elizabeth, Ares and the rest. They were the pioneering batch of supercats under Zhao Yao’s charge.

Finally, the last group comprised of cats Zhao Yao had rescued from the evil clutches of Mao Gang.

The number of cats was mind-blowing. There were at least 160 cats under Zhao Yao’s care. Currently, they had all congregated on this island for an important meeting. However, it was utter chaos. Some of them were rolling around while others were chasing one another across the island. Some even huddled together as they licked each other’s fur. It was like a giant market. You couldn’t even hear your own thoughts from all that noise.

Previously, Cat Sage had divided the island into 5 separate departments: plantation department, furball department, fishing department, hunting department and waste removal department. Zhao Yao was rather impressed by the management system. Hence, he decided to tweak it before calling it his own by introducing his own cats as the department heads.

“Matcha, please take a step forward.” Zhao Yao’s head cocked towards that meaty cat and pondered, “Even though he’s somewhat responsible for this entire saga, Cheese was the one responsible for all the damages back home. Those who stole my cats came from this island. Hence, Matcha’s not totally at fault.”

Matcha sauntered forward with an air of superiority surrounding him. Zhao Yao continued, “From now on, you are responsible for the royal cat guards. You have the power to handpick and form your elite force to monitor the masses. Report straight to me if you face any problems.”

“Hmph, don’t tell me Zhao Yao actually forgot about what I had done? I mean it’s only normal for him to overlook that when all I did was just malingering. How can such an insignificant matter compromise his love and affection for me?”

Matcha’s body began to quiver as he had trouble suppressing his laughter, “Meowhaha, I knew it! I’m truly Zhao Yao’s favorite cat! Once I have my royal cat guards behind me, I’ll torture Roly Poly to the brink of death!”

However, Zhao Yao tilted his head and relayed his next instruction in Roly Poly’s direction, “Roly Poly, you will be in charge of the royal cat police force. You too can pick any cats from the island. From now on, you shall monitor all inhabitants on the island, including Matcha and his royal cat guards. Report to me if you detect any anomalous behavior.”

Matcha could not believe his ears, “What? Roly Poly, that fellow ...”He turned his head around and noticed Roly Poly staring straight at him. Their line of sight collided with each other as invisible fireworks erupted in the air.

Zhao Yao gave an approving nod of his head and thought, “This is a cat for a cat. Even though both of them had committed serious felonies, they are still good cats at the end of the day. Also, their past mistakes had made them extra cautious since their previous punishments. Now, both of them will have their eyes peeled for each other’s action, ensuring no one oversteps their boundary. In this case, a cat coup can definitely be prevented.”

He then directed his attention towards Elizabeth, “Elizabeth, you are responsible for the cat café. Simply put, your job is to improve our sales figure.”

Cat café was the perfect source of experience points in the long run. Naturally, Zhao Yao had no intentions to give it up. He intended to erect the extradimensional gates in the café, apartment, and the island, saving transportation time.

Elizabeth slid the remaining cats a condescending glare before mumbling, “This bunch of good-for-nothings. No wonder Zhao Yao has to depend on me to ensure the survival of the café.”

The remaining female cats responded to that obnoxious claim by shooting a death glare straight at Elizbeth. It was as if they were trying to kill her with their stares.

However, the male cats responded totally differently to Elizabeth. Some had saliva dripping down their lips while others stood with their tails erected. Some were even grinding their bodies against the ground.

Cat Sage was one of the horny cats with his tail erected. His eyes were fixed on Elizabeth as he thought, “Interesting, you have successfully attracted my attention.”

Zhao Yao laughed along to Elizabeth’s words, “Be a good girl, Elizabeth. In a café, there’s bound to be the ugly and the beautiful. We need all sorts of cats for the café to prosper.” He noticed the flames of determination burning brightly in their eyes and continued to nod his head approvingly.

Next, he glanced at Dust Ball and announced, “Dust Ball, you are in charge of the plantation department. You can plant whatever you want on any part of the island and the demarcated area inside the belly.”

“Yes!” Dust Ball screamed as excitement raced through her.

Finally, Zhao Yao raised the cat, Cat Sage, cradled in his arms and declared, “Sage, I need you to continue your leadership in maintaining the security. You can pick any cats you have in mind. Basically, just ensure that this island is safe. By the way, who is the one who created that fog?”

Kimchi jumped to his feet and answered, “Me! I’m the one who did it! I can control the weather!”

“Good, I want you to maintain it. However, you can reduce the scale of it. I just don’t want the outside world to see what is going on in our island.”

Zhao Yao stroked his chin and continued, “Ares, Sphynx Cat, both of you are in charge of the cat warriors department. One of you must be inside cat nation at any time, in order to support my battles beyond our land.”

“Oh yes, I almost forgot about them.” Zhao Yao stretched open his mouth as Matsuo and Faceless slid out of it. He then transported Baiquan from the café over to the island.

Baiquan was shocked to see the sheer number of cats scattered across, “Boss, where did you get all these cats from? Are you really thinking of creating a stray cat relief center?”

Zhao Yao waved his arm and responded, “These are no ordinary cats. All of them are supercats. From today onwards, you are the leader of the logistics department. Matsuo and Faceless over here shall assist you. The three of you are responsible for what they eat, drink, shit and piss.”

Nodding his head, Zhao Yao remarked, “Royal cat guards, royal cat police force, cat café, plantation department, security force, cat warriors. I guess these six departments shall suffice temporarily. You can begin by selecting your members. Of course, all cats are given the option to remain unaffiliated. However, you won’t receive a monthly wage if you choose to do so.”

Immediately, the leaders scrambled to assemble their A team. Zhao Yao brought the logistics department out to source for logistics required. They still had to construct cottages, electric grids and provide stable internet coverage for their inhabitants.

Old Cat dashed towards Matcha’s side as both of them slid each other a sly smile.

Seeing the cats gravitating towards their side, Old Cat whipped out his phone and initialized the voice function. His two words restriction was still in play. Hence, he only dared to exceed it when chatting with Matcha.

“All of you, get in lines. If you wanna be a part of the elite royal cat guards, join us.”

The first cat in line was an orange cat, Airplane, who had followed them since the days of Jiangmen University

Airplane greeted Matcha with a wide smile and exclaimed, “Good morning, sir!”

Matcha nodded his head smugly and asked, “Why do you want to join us?”

“For honor and glory!” Airplane responded with no hesitation, “The strongest, coolest cat amongst all six departments is none other than you, Sir George! I will only follow the strongest and coolest!”

These stupid words were music to Matcha’s ears as he replied, “Great eyes, you have! You’re selected! Next!”

“What do you specialize in?”

“Sir George, I have attained the Master rank in Mobile Legends!”

“You are selected.”

The recruitment process for the royal cat guards went without a hitch. However, Zhao Yao selected purely based on personal preference. Hence, most of them were simply shameless and useless individuals. They were either sycophants or experts in Mobile Legends.

Meanwhile, Roly Poly’s selection was far more stringent.

With their details reflected on his phone’s screen, Roly Poly read, “Let me see, Caesar, ragdoll, three years old, graduated from XXX ragdoll cattery, a pedigree. Hmph, tell me about your family background.”

Caesar answered, “I have a wife and two daughters.”

Nodding his head, Roly Poly enquired, “What are your interests and hobbies?”

“I love to watch movies. I have basically watched every single Oscar-winning movie.”

A line etched between Roly Poly’s brows as he typed on his phone, “Too lazy for his own good.” He continued, “Why did you suddenly decide to leave your previous job and join us the royal cat police force?”

“My previous working conditions were horrible! My boss was a crazy woman! I almost lost my life because of her. Thankfully for Master Zhao Yao, I managed to live on and recently transferred over to this island.”

Roly Poly sighed, “That’s all, we have a good understanding of your situation. You will be notified if you’re recruited.”

Caesar craned his neck and asked, “Roly Poly, I’m recruited, right? Do you remember that we took an oath to become ... sworn brothers?”

Roly Poly pinned him down with a vicious glare, “Do not resort to such unscrupulous means. I, Roly Poly, absolutely abhor those who use such methods. I do not compromise on fairness and equality. You have found the wrong guy.”

Roly Poly called for the next cat after dispatching the despondent Caesar.

Meanwhile, the captain of the plantation department, Dust Ball, had disappeared into the woods. She had purposely avoided everyone as she leaped onto a branch, with her eyes set on the vast plains.

“Hmph, no one will take away the catmint from me! Everything belongs to me! No one else!”

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