Am I A God?

Chapter 664: Stray Cat and Dog Eye

Chapter 664: Stray Cat and Dog Eye

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Just as Matcha was thinking about it, a hand stroked Matcha on his head and picked him up.

Looking at Zhao Yao who finally picked him up, Matcha rubbed against Zhao Yao and said, “Zhao Yao, Zhao Yao. You finally hugged me.”

Zhao Yao stroke Matcha’s head and smiled. “Good job.”

Matcha look at Zhao Yao with his eyes glistening. “Zhao Yao, can I go home?”

“Yes, of course, you can.” Zhao Yao carried Matcha back to the cat café.

Behind the Dimension Portal, Lightning yawned, “So it ended? I feel a bit depressed. I won’t get to watch Matcha live stream anymore.”

Elizabeth said faintly. “This lad was smart for once. He finally learned from his mistakes.”

Dust Ball controlled the Dimension Portal to return and said, “It has finally ended. I was so bored with Matcha.”

A few minutes later, Zhao Yao looked at the mission panel and suddenly realized that Matcha had to be a stray for seven days, there was still half a day left.

The door of the cat café opened, Matcha carried a new yellow bag and was placed on the floor again while the door slammed shut.

Matcha was speechless and he threw the bag onto the floor in anger. “Are you kidding me? I still have half a day?”

Then, his phone vibrated and Matcha saw the money that Zhao Yao had transferred. He laughed and ran off happily.

“Let’s go to Cat Street and play.”

Meanwhile, Xiaoyu was in the corridor. After she hung up the phone, she returned to the classroom, she was called to the teacher’s office.

“Xiaoyu, why did you do it?”

Xiaoyu was confused.

The teacher threw the homework in front of her and shouted, “Look at it yourself!”

Xiaoyu opened her homework and saw many red crosses. Except for the first three questions, the fourth question’s answers were copied onto question five. Question five’s answers were copied on question six. Subsequently, all the answers were wrong.

The teacher said coldly. “You copied the homework, right? Not only did you copy, but you copied wrong. Stay back after school today to do your work.”

Xiaoyu clenched her fist and raged in her mind. “Matcha! I am going to kill you!”

Zhao Yao took Matcha back after half a day and finally obtained the 500*2 experience points.

Then, he discussed with Bai Quan about the operations of the cat café. He handed the expansion of the cat café over to Bai Quan. His only request was to make as much profit as possible.

After the discussion, Bai Quan said, “Boss, if we want to expand, it will require a lot of money. The two shops beside us, their contracts are not up yet. Furthermore, their business is quite good. If we want them to leave, we may have to spend a lot...”

“Money is not the issue.” Zhao Yao shook his head and said with confidence. “I have decided to rob, no, look for investments.”

Bai Quan hesitated, “Boss, you said you were going to rob...”

“I said look for investments.” Zhao Yao shouted, “How can I steal? Our supercat industry is an industry with great potential. Furthermore, with investment guarantees like me, how can there be no investments?”

Bai Quan hesitated, “If it is a cat café, I don’t think there will be many people who are willing to invest.”

“Who told you we will be a normal cat café?” Zhao Yao said, “Our goal is to turn the entire mall into our cat café. By then, we would not only serve normal people but also apostles and supercats. Once the customers come in, there will be hundreds of cats for them to choose from.

Young Lolita cats, Mature Garfield cats, Black British Shorthair, from the cheapest orange cats to the most expensive Ragdoll cats. We will have every cat they want.

Furthermore, all the cats won’t scratch or bite. It doesn’t matter if they stroke them, hug them, kiss them or make them wear bells, collars and socks, the cats will fulfill all their wishes.

It is a one-stop service. If they are unsatisfied with the cats, they can change the one they have at any time. Once we become the biggest cat entertainment center, not only ordinary humans would want to come. Apostles and supercats will come every day too. This business covers three consumer groups. That means a huge profit.”

“O... Okay then.” Bai Quan wiped the non-existence sweat on his forehead and said, “Then Boss, when are you going to transfer me the money?”

“I will transfer you 10 million tomorrow. I will transfer you the rest when I get investments.” Zhao Yao had several hundred million in his bank. However, dominating the catmint market was very important too. He couldn’t transfer Bai Quan all the money.

Zhao Yao planned to pay 10 million out of his own pocket first, then try and pull in some investments to expand the cat café and catmint market. It was so that he would get more experience points from every month’s settlement and increase his chances at the lucky draw to improve his capabilities.

After addressing all of that, Zhao Yao returned to the Extradimensional Belly and surfed the net. He needed to find suitable investors.

“Old Wang, Old Ma, Old Ma?” Zhao Yao thought to himself. “But they are all not convenient. Who should I get the money from?”

Roly Poly jumped onto Zhao Yao’s leg and asked, “Zhao Yao, who are we going to rob?”

“Not rob. We are trying to get investments.” Zhao Yao patted Roly Poly on the head and said, “Don’t keep your robber habits from the past. To expand, to go big, we have to operate according to business rules. If we think about robbing every day, how are we going to improve our business?”

Roly Poly nodded but he deep inside he did not agree.

Zhao Yao looked at Roly Poly and remembered the Titanium Dog Eye he had drawn the day before.

“Speaking of that, can I use the Titanium Dog Eye on Roly Poly?”

He recalled the introduction of the Titanium Dog Eye.

Titanium Dog Eye– supercat equipment, with the titanium dog eye a supercat will increase its stuck-up abilities to 3000%

“What is the stuck-up ability?” The Titanium Dog Eye’s introduction was unclear like the Paralysis Ring. Zhao Yao was thinking that he had to try it to figure out. “Anyways Roly Poly’s abilities are not improving and I can’t sign the contract with him yet. Why not give him the equipment to improve his abilities?”

He took out the eye that looked like a diamond from the panel and placed it in front of Roly Poly. “Roly Poly do you like it?”

Roly Poly saw the diamond-like eye, he was shocked at first then he was overjoyed. “Really? Zhao Yao is giving me a diamond? Didn’t he just get Matcha back? I knew it. He dotes on me more than Matcha.”

Roly Poly nodded his head violently. “I like it. Zhao Yao as long as it is from you, I like it.”

Zhao Yao asked again, “Are you sure you want this?”

“Yes, yes.” Roly Poly nodded.

“Is it?”

“Then I will give it to you.”

“Remember that you asked for it, I didn’t force you.”

After multiple confirmations, Zhao Yao stuffed the Titanium Dog Eye in Roly Poly’s eyes.

That moment, the Titanium Dog Eye merged with Roly Poly’s eyeball. Roly Poly felt a chill and something went into his eye.

“Zhao Yao, what happened? Why did the diamond go into my eye?” Roly Poly looked at Zhao Yao panicked.

Only to see Zhao Yao frown and looked at Roly Poly. “Roly Poly, what was that? You look down on me?”

“What? No?” Roly Poly looked at Zhao Yao.

Zhao Yao was angered and slapped Roly Poly on the head. “No? Are you not looking down on me because I am lazy and I want to succeed without working hard?”

“What?” Roly Poly was shocked. “How did Zhao Yao know?”

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