Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Chapter 71 - Victory

The both of them moved towards Ming Yue, who laid on her back just a few feet away from Tong Ku\'s corpse.

"Are you okay?" Xuan Yin asked. Hei Yue and Xiao Yin also looked at her with worry. The both of them could not participate in the fight as they were too weak to help her.

Ming Yue looked at them, "There should be a light green plant and a blue flower in my ring. Take those out and feed them to me."

It was fortunate that the poison was not lethal. Although she was somewhat relieved that she wasn\'t hit with the same poison as Xuan Yin or she would not have been able fight back at all.

Xuan Yin hastily looked through her spatial ring and took out the said herbs before pushing them into Ming Yue\'s mouth. This might not have been the best way to cure her but they were both severely weakened. As the both of them recovered, Xuan Yin could not help but look at Tong Ku\'s body.

"I can\'t believe we killed one of the sanctuary lords", she thought.

Indeed such a thing would have not been possible for two average cultivators but these two weren\'t normal after all. Both Xuan Yin and Ming Yue had excellent cultivation foundations as well as high ranked weapons, the Parting Sun Blade and Xuan Yin\'s black bow. After sparring with each other a number of times, the both of them already knew a bit about each other\'s combat habits an were comfortable enough to fight as a team. Furthermore, Tong Ku isn\'t the strongest or even the second strongest sanctuary lord, less powerful than the Lifeless Lord and the Bandit Lord. He was comparable only to Daiyu, the Lustful Lord, but she only ever attacked men, women did not interest her.

Another factor was luck, as mysterious as it is, many inexplicable results can be chalked up to luck. In their case, Ming Yue was quite fortunate for Xuan Yin to have recovered enough strength to land a finishing blow or for even arriving at the last moment to stop him.

Xuan Yin looked at Ming Yue before asking her a question, "How did you know which herbs to give me earlier? There was barely enough time to run."

She looked at her before saying two words, "I didn\'t."

Xuan Yin looked at her face before breaking out with laughter, "You guessed?! You just gave me some random plants to eat and you didn\'t even know if they would work.... I don\'t know whether to hate you or thank you. Then what about those plants you told me to give you just now, do you know actually know what they do?"

Unfortunately, Ming Yue was too busy ingesting the plants and recovering to really answer her. It is wasn\'t for those herbs she would not have been able to save Xuan Yin but at the same time, they were just randomly grabbed from her spatial ring. If it were any different herbs, the outcome of their fight would have ended differently.

They rested for day, slowly expelling the poison from their bodies. Tong Ku\'s corpse was still next to them, lifeless and already showing signs of decay. After recovering for a bit, they looked through his body and took his spatial ring and the bag he had from before.

Laying everything on the ground, both of them examined all of the items. There were strange vials, possibly filled with poison or some potions, numerous throwing weapons, some rare herbs and a number of trinkets that came with. Furthermore, the Lord of Torment was quite rich with a fairly large pile of gold coins.

"Let\'s split it, I might have killed him but you did a lot of the work", Xuan Yin gave Ming Yue first choice. There wasn\'t much that she wanted and Ming Yue really did contribute a lot to the fight.

She did not restrain herself and started looking through everything. At first, she was going to take his head and the gold coins but the head was a bit too revolting for her to grab. Xuan Yin\'s arrow had more or less melted his neck, leaving it slimy and gross. She took his main weapons as proof of his death instead, the gold coins and some of his other throwing weapons. As for the rare herbs, she was not compatible with any of them and didn\'t take them. Similarly, Xuan Yin also took some of his throwing weapons, some daggers and needles as well as those vials and his gas bombs, the same ones that he used on her. Anything that wasn\'t taken would be split between them and sold later.

After dividing the goods, they left the area, leaving Tong Ku\'s corpse to rot.

"What are you going to do now?" asked Xuan Yin.

"I\'m going back to the capital city" she replied to her question bluntly.

Ming Yue had already killed one of the sanctuary lords. If she were to stay here any longer, the other three will probably chase after her. If that happens, she would not be so lucky fighting against them. She had around three months left before the auction, so until then, she would probably take on some missions when she returns.

"Hmm, I\'ll come with you, I\'ve never seen a city before. Since my grandfather isn\'t watching me this time and I\'ve already completed the assignment. I don\'t think he\'ll be angry with me if I come back a bit late ", she spoke happily.

She looked at Xuan Yin before walking away, "I doubt it."

Considering her time in Mist Valley, she had made a lot of progress with pretty much everything. She still had room for improvement in her swordsmanship and more opportunities to grow stronger. In addition, she would definitely become known to the country for killing Tong Ku but she did not think it would be so quick. All she thought of now was leaving Mist Valley.

Days after their fight, multiple teams had been sent out into the valley after no news of Tong Ku came. Finding only his dead boy in the beginning stages of rotting, the three lords felt a bit apprehensive after hearing news of their dead comrade.

"We should kill her at once. She cannot live after killing so many of us!"

"What are you going to do? She probably left the valley already, none of the men found her."

"Does that mean we are going to sit around, twiddling our fucking thumbs?"

"Everyone calm down! Finding her in the valley is already difficult. She could be anywhere in Red Lotus Country. However, there are many of us scattered throughout the country.", Daiyu silenced everyone, "I propose a bounty. Anyone that captures or kills her will be rewarded generously, keeping her alive will double the reward."

Murmurs erupted in the crowds after she spoke.

"A bounty, Would that work?"

"What kind of reward would the lords give? I hope that it will be quite good,"

"I should start spreading the news to the others."

Daiyu smiled as everyone grew excited over the bounty. With this, the unrest in Redmist Sanctuary would be under control and the fear of Ming Yue would be dispelled. This was the best solution that she could think of. The Bandit Lord never really bothered with Ming Yue and the Lifeless Lord was too busy cultivating to care about the issues of the sanctuary. With Tong Ku also dead, Daiyu was more or less the sole overlord of Redmist Sanctuary.

Knowing this, she saw it as her opportunity to grow even stronger and eventually force the other two to step down. Once they do, she truly would be the overlord of Redmist Sanctuary and potentially Mist Valley. None of this would\'ve happened if Ming Yue didn\'t come.

"I really should thank her," she thought, "But oh well, this can be considered my gift of appreciation."

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