Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Chapter 270 - Arrogance Of The Strong

"All the more reason to suppress you now!"

Wielding their weapons, the other Inheritors made their moves, rushing towards Zha Tian Yun. He may be the strongest of them all but they would not let him reach the peak without a battle. It was a single person against nearly twenty others but he did not seem very worried.

"Hmph, come then!"

His sword shined and shimmered before moving. Brandishing his sword, it seemed to disappear as it left flashes of light. It was so quick that it left nothing but flickering lights which seemed to dance about.

"Dance of the Radiant Yang."

Zha Tian Yan\'s body began to glow as he moved at an impossible speed. Like his sword, he became nothing but flickering light. With such speed, he did battle with the others, moving from one spot to another as he created chaos.

Everyone else focused on him, following his movements and waiting for him to slip up.

He may be the strongest Inheritor but against twenty other Inheritors, he would most certainly be defeated. Furthermore, every one of them were powerhouses, the strongest of the pack. Yet, there was a chance for him.

"Did you just try to attack me?"

"He is too quick! You think I want to attack you?"

"Don\'t hide it, you were targeting me! Do you think I am stupid?"

This fragile alliance was nothing to the pride that these Inheritors held but that was the price of strength. It was that same pride that would not allow them to endure an attack from their so called allies, whether or not it was intentional. But even as they fought each other, they kept Zha Tian Yun in mind. To some extent, everyone was a target but he was an existence they all aimed to topple.

Unfortunately, he was not going to let them stall him for long. All he needed to do was wait for the chance. So long as the chaotic battle grew, his opportunity would come closer. Slowly, he gathered his power, waiting for the moment to erupt and race to the peak of the mountain.

"With such weak teamwork, such tactics are useless", he thought.

He didn\'t quite care about the other Inheritors, they were stones that he had already stepped on. He was more interested in entered the "Heaven\'s Gate" where he could cultivate in the Empyrean Paradise. All he needed was that single day inside and he could finaly break through the bottleneck and reach the final stage of the Earth Realm, the Boundary Stage. He had been at the sixth stage of the Earth Realm for a nearly a year.

"I need to go there once more and I can reach the Boundary Stage. The power of the Empyrean Paradise let me reach the Soul Stage from the Emotion Stage in one leap. I need that energy to make one more leap."

Zha Tian Yun could not wait to reach that mountain peak and claim the reward.

Within the Earth Realm, the Perception Stage is said to be the wall that stopped many cultivators. It required knowledge and understanding of the worldly laws and the energy of them. However, that was not the say that the final three stages were any easier. There was the Emotion, Soul, and finally the Boundary Stage before one could advance to the Sky Realm.

The stages of Emotion and Soul focused on those exact things as one needed to use the Quintessence Energy within them to connect to their mind and soul. The threads created from the Perception Stage now needed to reach these two places. But such processes were difficult and required a massive amount of power and skill.

Zha Tian Yun had been a part of Heaven\'s gate for over five years, entering at the tender age of twelve. In the first year, he had reached the Earth Realm and continued to advance each stage. By his fourth year, he found himself stuck at the Emotion Stage and instead focused on solidifying his cultivation. Furthermore, he used the Dao of Light, practicing the Dragon of Light Swordplay, a unique style that was both difficult to master but very powerful. However, he could not seem to break past this bottleneck but a miraculous opportunity came, the Empyean Paradise.

From the first year he arrived to this year, he had participated in the tournament, slowly climbing the ranks before reaching first place last year. A single day in the Empyrean Paradise was all he needed to breakthrough and make substantial progress at the Soul Stage. The sheer energy within that place was almost intoxicating, it was a sensation he could never forget.

As he recalled his time within it, a feeling of hunger and desire arose. Zha Tian Yun knew that he needed the Empyrean Paradise again and the only way was the tournament. He needed to leave escape the battle and reach the peak of the mountain.

"I just need to wait. The time will come soon."

He flickered about attacking when he could and defending at every other moment. There was a fervent look on his face whether from his desire to win or his anticipation for escape.

"Damn, they\'re making such a commotion."

"Could I reach it before they could make a move?"

"I know that we have three chances but this is the only chance."

Down below, within the forest, there were eyes watching and waiting. Many of them were Elite Disciples and Inheritors biding their time. None of them had a chance in joining the battle of these prominent figures. However, perhaps they had a chance to slip through.

But this battle became nothing more than a wall to them, one that was nigh impenetrable. But then, It seemed that everyone forgot about something, a variable that could change everything.

"All of you are quite confident, fighting out in the open like this."

A calm voice spoke out and everyone suddenly froze. They looked for the source as the Grand Elder stood at the peripheral of the fight, watching them with a playful smile.

"You should know that reaching the peak of the mountain is never that easy. For that matter, your arrogance as an Inheritor certainly shows. None of you bother hiding and charged for the mountain. did you perhaps think that my entrance to this stage was a bluff? If so, it seems that I must destroy that arrogance of yours."

As he spoke, the grand elder suddenly vanished and found himself standing next to an unlucky individual. With just his hand, he gave a small tap on their shoulder and the mark on their body glowed, sending them off to another part of the arena.

He gave no warning and no sign, he merely moved and sent someone down.

"Shit, scatter!"

One of the inheritors yelled out but none of them needed to hear it to know. But a few took this as a chance and charged for the peak. Zha Tian Yun did the same but flashing past everyone as he reached just a few meters from the top.

"I suppose the arrogance is greater from some than for others."

The Grand Elder\'s calm voice seemed more cold and emotionless as he emerged from nothing and stood in front of Zha Tian Yun.

"Hmm, didn\'t you win last year?" he asked.

Zha Tian Yun was too focused to hear and he tried to weave past the Grand Elder.

"Light Step, Draconic Flight!"

On his next step, his body grew resplendent of light as a dragon emerged from his body and charged with him. This glowing white dragon bared his fangs against the Grand Elder who stood their and waited.

"Not bad but the intent is lacking."

He nodded his head and watched as the dragon passed by. But it was not without his hand thrusting into its body and pulling Zha Tian Yun out.

"Hmm, you should learn when to retreat and when to move forward."

Zha Tian Yun slowly turned to motes of light as he was sent to another part of the arena.. His face was unwilling but he was powerless against the Grand Elder.

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