Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Chapter 437 - Hunting Outside

In time, the camp was beginning to take shape. With things like the kitchen and the smithy fully built, only the fortress itself needed to be done. Fortunately, the foundations had been set and the designs were finalized. Over a hundred craftsmen and laborers ran about, bringing supplies and building the structure one stone at a time. 

Ming Yue had watched from above, noting the differences between this and the other castles she had seen. 

"It\'s not like the Iron Citadel, there\'s only one wall. But unlike the North Fort, there isn\'t as much farmland. Still, it seems to be even more heavily armed than both of them combined", she thought. 

Although Yin Bing\'s barrier was still active, there was a second and a third, created by the Jadewood Sect. That surrounded the entirety of the camp itself. 

The fortress had a mess of things from formations to armaments, all of which were personally overseen by Zi Jing. There were cannons, ballistae, small catapults, all of which were of a design Ming Yue had never seen before. 

They were all made from jet-black iron, sleek and simple but sure to carry power. 

There were dozens of flags, etchings on the ground, even strange-looking stones that he planted himself. 

"If there is even one thing that is not in place, I will have you join the soldiers in their next training session! Just one thing, and you can forget about your rest day!" he shouted out sternly.

Everyone had sweat coming down their foreheads. With the commander breathing down their necks, none of them had a chance to relax. 

Ming Yue continued to watch some more before a shadow rose up behind her. 

"Hey, it\'s time to go hunt, the others are waiting."

Walking up next to her, Xuan Yin had come to get her friend for their task. She had her bow in hand and a quiver filled to the brim with arrows. Her falcon rested on her shoulder, looking at Ming Yue curiously. 

The young woman looked at her before standing up. She had already donned her armor and grabbed her sword. Along with Xiao Yin and Hei Yue, the group all headed towards the gate of the camp where a group of other cultivators was. 

Among them were disciples of various sects as well as a few lone cultivators. This included those who have sparred against her and those like Jian Yi and her juniors. 

However, all of them straightened up and looked at Ming Yue with their undivided attention. She stood in front of them and gave them all a look. 

"We\'re going hunting outside. Please be careful and do not go alone." 

Having never led anything before, she gave these few words before moving on. Many of them looked quite taken aback, half-expecting something more than that. However, that was all she gave them.

With that, this group of twenty or so people walked outside. For many of them, it would be their first time and these marshes were not an easy place to navigate. 

From the swamps, the constant bugs, the treacherous ground, in the first hour or so there were several close calls. 

Ming Yue led them deeper into these lands, finding them livelier compared to before. Every now and then, something would roar or hiss.

"They must have all fled from the Vore Demons", she thought, "Now that they\'re gone, those beasts are back."

She looked back and glanced at Xuan Yin, who had her bow ready.

"Where\'s Liao Mao?" she asked. 

The archer pointed up at the sky where both Xiao Yin and Liao Mao, her falcon, flew about, scouting the land from above. 

"I see. I never did ask about how you got that falcon", said Ming Yue. 

Xuan Yin chuckled before showing a proud expression. 

"When I was traveling around the continent, I found him with an injured wing. He was about to get killed by some Blood Vultures. I saved him, fixed his wing, and nursed him until he could fly again. I had let him go free after he was fully healed but he landed back on my shoulder. After that, he became my hunting partner."


"Yep, you should\'ve seen him before. He was a lot more scrawny and ferocious, he was the one that gave me this scar."

Pulling back her right sleeve, she showed three scars on the top of her forearm. They were somewhat light but certainly noticeable. 

"He didn\'t seem to want my help but I couldn\'t leave him alone. Not to mention, he\'s still a child."

"A child? Seems like an adult falcon to me", said Ming Yue. 

Xuan Yin shook her head and chuckled. 

"You don\'t know but Liao Mao is a Nightwing Falcon, a rank 5! He might still be a child but in a few more years, he\'ll grow large enough to carry me on his back! When that comes, I\'d probably be undefeatable with him."

The pair looked at each other as Xuan Yin hinted at another duel. 

Just as Ming Yue was about to reply, they heard a screech coming from both of them. They flew down returning from the area ahead of them. 

"Prepare your weapons." 

Ming Yue told the others before taking out her sword. The Boltwind Claws appeared on her left hand as well, silently spinning and crackling. Everyone followed, wielding their weapons and carefully watching their surroundings. 

They crept closer and closer, moving towards what the two birds had signaled for. 

As they peeked through the tall grass and the dead trees, they finally saw what was in front of them. It was a group of beasts, monkeys, in fact, drinking the waters quietly. 

There were over a dozen of them, each one was the size of a child. 

Their fur was black and short while their skin was pure white. Half of them drank water while the other half stood guard, their golden eyes scanned the area carefully, covering their comrades. 

"Monkeys?" Ming Yue looked at them, unsure of how to approach this. 

Fortunately, someone had recognized this race of beasts. 

"They\'re Golden-Eyed Apes! On their own, they aren\'t dangerous but as a group, you have to be wary. I saw them in the Bestiary! They\'re extremely nimble but they have to rely on tools to attack. Their fur is very useful though, good for armor!"

Ming Yue glanced at them before looking at Xuan Yin who readied four arrows at once. She pulled them back and aimed carefully. 

"I take these four and you take those two?" she asked. 

The young cultivator nodded and aimed her hand at the other two guarding apes. If they killed all of them at once, those still drinking water would be left defenseless. Just as they were about to go, the waters bubbled up before a pair of claws shot out, grabbing the off-guard apes. 

Following those claws, a crab emerged, scuttling up to the ground. 

There was shrieking in the air as apes tried their best to free themselves but the crab\'s vice was ironclad. They had no hope and no time for the claws tightened, snapping and splitting the poor beasts in half. Blood sprayed everywhere before the crab moved to feed on their broken bodies. 

The apes lucky enough to not get caught all turned tail and ran, abandoning their own kin. Compared to them, this predator was a dozen times larger and much more powerful. 

"What is that?" 

Ming Yue and the others stared in shock, watching this crab eat up the dead apes. Its claws moved quickly, pushing the food into its tiny mouth as red bubbles formed from the mix of blood and drool. It was a gruesome sight to see. 

With its attention away, she moved forward, quietly forming a Blasting Gale above her. 

"Whatever this is, we\'ll be bringing it back."

As she spoke, the Blasting Gale flew off, slamming into the crab\'s shell. 

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