Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Chapter 545 - Trapped Within

Chapter 545 – Trapped Within

As they all looked at each other, affirming one another focus, Yu Tu moved. Her hands were quick, grabbing the dagger before launching herself to the other pedestal. Everyone else followed, grabbing their assigned piece and sprinting off. 

In a matter of seconds, they all exited the hall, running out as fast as they could!

The moment, they were in the clear, everyone looked at the hall as if waiting for something to happen.

But nothing did. 

After a few moments, there were no changes. 

"Oh, alright! I guess there were no traps at all!" Ao Qin chuckled, putting the monk\'s staff down. 

Everyone else did the same, putting what they grabbed down on the ground. A collective sigh of relief came from most of them, aside from the pair of Reclamation members. 

"Ah, to think we would leave with such treasures! How fortunate of us", Lao Yang muttered. 

"I know, I can\'t wait to study these back on the ship!" 

Zhu Xie\'s eyes could not leave the six items, staring at them with an almost obsessive look. In fact, he went to grab the axe in particular when it began to tremble. 


The boar-kin took a step back in shock as the other weapons all began to tremble, bumping against each other until they all rose up into the air, And then, that was when the hall crumbled to pieces 

"Back away now!" Niu Hong shouted.

"Ah, no! Why! We should\'ve just ran off with them and never returned!" 

Zhu Xie cried out as he retreated with the others, stopping before the river to see what was to transpire. He watched as the pieces of the hall flew towards the size weapons, forming a massive golem resembling that of the statues. 

With its six arms and piercing red stare, this being of stone looked at the Zodiacs and slowly stepped towards them. An aura of white emerged from its body, revealing a pressure like no other. It was gigantic, towering above them all. Its face showed a look of rage as if to punish those that dared trespass it\'s home. 

"It\'s like golem from before!" said Qiang Rong. 

"Yeah, except this one is smaller and much more dangerous! We should retreat!" Niu Hong shouted, looking at the others. 

But both Ao Qin and Ruishi Lei took their weapons out. Even Lao Yang didn\'t seem to be as worried as he could\'ve been. 

"Just keep it towards us", said Lao Yang, "Keep it going! Keep it going!"

Following his words, everyone just continued to retreat, stepping into the river as the six-armed golem continued to walk forward. Each arm wielded a different weapon to which they glowed and trembled with power. 

"Just let it continue walking!" said Lao Yang. 

"You old goat, what are you planning exactly?!" Ao Qin shouted out as he glanced between the golem and the goat-kin. 

He pointed his saber at the golem cautiously, still wondering why they haven\'t just run off yet. They continued to retreat slowly, crossing the river while the golem was on the other side. The moment, they crossed, its demeanor changed. 

"What\'s it doing?" 

Zhu Xie furrowed his brows and looked at it. 

The golem stopped and lowered itself, bending its knees before launching itself over the river! It would reach their location in a matter of an instant! Smashing right into their bodies if they didn\'t move now!

But then Lao Yang shouted out as he slapped a paper talisman onto the ground. 


As the golem was just over the river, tendrils of water rose up, taking the golem by its feet and dragging it into the shallow water bed. It struggled to get out as every tendril it ripped out of, another two would take its place. 

"I\'ve got it under control for now! But we should run! Now!" 

Lao Yang spun around and headed straight for the exit as the others looked in surprise and followed him. 

"When did you even set that up, you old goat?!" Ao Qin called him out, grinning at this escape of theirs. 

"Hah, traps or no traps, there always has to be a plan set in place. You have to be prepared for any situation. And don\'t even think I\'ll tell you how I did it, I\'ll never reveal my secrets!" 

The goat-kin laughed out as he ran as fast as he could. 

"We should go while we can, I don\'t think that those bindings will stop it for much longer!"

Just as he said that, the golem broke out of its water chains, sprinting right for them. All six arms swung about, launching waves of energy at them. Each strike caused the ground to rupture and the path to be broken. 

But it was far too late to catch up as Lao Yang was the first to reach the gate. 

And then the unexpected happened. 

As he ran towards the gate to escape, he slammed into something and was pushed back. The others saw what happened, looking at the gates. They stopped right before it, pushing forward but stopped by some invisible wall. 

"We\'re trapped! What do we do now?!" Zhu Xie cried out. 

Ruishi Lei looked at the gate before spinning around to look at the six-armed golem. The White Lion snarled as he raised his fists, wearing his gauntlets and facing the enemy. 

"We have no choice! We must fight it!" 

He charged at the golem with Ao Qin following closely. 

"Let\'s go support them!"

Niu Hong shouted to the others, taking his axe out as the others did the same. Together, the Four Claws sprinted forward, leaving just Zhu Xie, Jin Nao, and Shu Yi with the three scholars. 

"Quick, we must find someplace to hide!" 

Jin Nao spoke with an urgent tone, bringing them away. Zhu Xie did not take part in the fight either, this was something he could not participate in. More than likely, he may even die by the sidelines. 

Thus it was those six individuals that fought the golem, chipping away at its stone body. But a golem was a golem, it was no beast. No matter what injury it sustained, the golem wouldn\'t stop until it was truly broken. And who knows how long it would take. In more ways than one, it was more dangerous than a beast. 

"Damn, how long is it going to take this damned thing down?! Grow!" 

Qiang Rong shouted as he leaped into the air. His heavy staff suddenly grew in size and thickness, tripling its original dimensions. Gripping it with both hands, he began to swing down, smashing away with as much ferocity as he could muster. 

Aside from him, Ruishi Lei was the other person that dealt any real damage with his armored fists. He wailed away, punching at the golem\'s joints. They both were doing that. After all, their weapons were most suitable against something like this. 

As for the other four, they kept the golem busy. 

"Strike at its eyes! Make sure it focuses on us! Don\'t even let it strike back!" Niu Hong shouted out one command after the other. 

Avoiding the attacks and dealing their own, Yu Tu was play the most dangerous role. With her nimbleness, she ran and hopped all over its body, throwing numerous weapons at the golem. Whether it was knives or other hidden weapons, they were thrown with deadly accuracy. 

"It might have six arms but it\'s only got one head! We can kill it!"

Ao Qin shouted out as he jumped up and used the flat of his saber to smack the golem right on its cheek! With his fist, he punched the other cheek, knocking away a chunk of stone. 

There was a grin on his face as he did so.

"Hah! Finally, something different!"

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