The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 7 - Identity.

Yang Dao was shocked to see a fire flower blooming over Feng Yun\'s plan. He looked around and found that no one seemed to have noticed it. Despite being intelligent, he could not help but raise his hand and rub his eyes to check if he is having hallucinations. He raised his head to focus on the pretty smiling face in front of him.

Feng Yun seemed to have sensed his doubt. She spoke patiently with an affectionate tone, "Young Master, what you see is real. I have merely cast a barrier so that to the outside people we appear to be just sitting and talking casually."

Yang Dao believed her and asked, "How can you produce fire out of thin air? Are you one of those in existence people talk about in fantasy novels?"

Feng Yun covered her mouth and chuckled a little and she said, "In a manner, yes, we are the existence they talk about in the novels. But, we are not."

Yang Dao asked, "Can you explain it to me?"

Feng Yun nodded and said, "Young Master, you know that this universe is very vast. There are countless universes in existence. The same is with planes. The planes I talk about are also known as dimensions. Every world, every universe, and every dimension has its own rules and laws. This dimension is what we call the elemental Dao dimension. There are four primary elements and eight rules. The primary elements are Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth. These together form other hybrid elements such as water and earth form wood, fire and wind form lightening, earth and fire form metal, and so on. While the eight rules are, life, death, time, space, creation, destruction, chaos, and order. To understand all these, one needs to cultivate and master the elements first. I am a master of the fire element. I can also control lightning to some extent now. Everyone in this world is blessed with an affinity towards elements when they are born. But as time passes, the people get affected by mortal aspects of life. They do not have any knowledge of cultivation as well, which leads them to forget the affinity of elements. There are also many people who give up the mortal world and try to shatter the mortal shackles and live in the embrace of nature. They are called hermits."

Feng Yun stopped explaining further after she saw that Yang Dao fell into a state of deep thought. Only after a few minutes did Yand Dao woke up from his thoughts. He smiled apologetically to Feng Yun and said, "I apologize. All this is very fascinating to me. I believe what you said to some extent, but I cannot believe it until I experience it myself."

Feng Yun nodded with a smile and said, "It is good that you have a sense of vigilance, young master." she was very satisfied by the behavior of her young master. If you put your trust into someone you just met a few minutes ago, then you are the most naïve person in the existence. This will just lead to your demise eventually. Yang Dao spoke once again.

"Madam, why do you call me young master? Are my parents your boss that has finally found their lost child?" Yang Dao\'s tone was filled with self-mockery.

Feng Yun spoke while she shook her head, "Young Master, your identity is not something like that. You are a soul that accumulated good karma throughout your reincarnations. When you were about to enter this life, the heavens gave you a blessing. You are the blessed Dao Child. Your good deeds earned you the blessings. The parents you speak of were a couple who also accumulated a lot of good deeds. They were normal people. Their good deeds became obstacles to some evil people." Feng Yun stopped and her tone became harsh. Her eyes were glowing with a red light.

Yang Dao was also affected by her mood and asked, "Can you tell me who were these people?"

Feng Yun closed her eyes and instantly calmed down, "Young Master, only when you have enough strength will I tell you this. I hope you understand what I mean. Thinking about too many things will burden your mind and hold back your growth."

Yang Dao asked, "Okay, so how are you related to all this? You did not tell me about your identity."

Feng Yun spoke with a smile on her face, "Young Master, as a Dao Child, you are blessed to have four familiar spirits. I am one of those four elemental spirits. I am a human in this world but my origin traces back to the Red Pheonix, which is a beast that reigns over the fire element in heaven\'s code of law."

Yang Dao was surprised, as he said, "Are you serious?"

Feng Yun liked this surprised look on his face. She smiled even more brightly and said, "Yes. the spirits are not human born. We all incarnated as abandoned children, then build our way up from scratch."

Yang Dao frowned. He said, "I am sorry. You built all this on your own, with your own two hands. You do not need to serve me at all. I do not deserve this." he was a man with a self-conscience. He did not want to feed off of somebody else\'s hard work.

Feng Yun felt warm with his concern. She answered, "Young Master, we spirit, all exist to serve you. If you decide that you do not want us, then we will vanish. You are the source of our existence." she paused and stood up. She circled the table and came to his side. She kneeled down on both her knees with no hesitation and shame. It was only Yang Dao who can see her kneeling. He hurriedly stood up and held her shoulders.

He said, "Madam, please get up. You do not need to do this."

Feng Yun did not budge at all. She kept looking down on the floor and said, "Young Master, I would rather kneel my whole life than to get up and lose you. I will not stand up even if you kill me. Not until you accept me as your familiar spirit."

Yang Dao felt helpless in this situation. He could sense the resolve in her voice. He sighed and while holding the beautiful lady, he said, "I accept you as my familiar spirit.

Feng Yun raised her head and a small flame tattoo appeared between her eyebrows. The tattoo glowed with a blazing red light. The glow was so strong that Yang Dao involuntarily closed his eyes. The glowing light covered Yang Dao. He felt a warm current flowing throughout his body. It was as if he was burning inside out. The scoring heat was baptizing his body. The source of this heat was the origin fire of the phoenix inside Feng Yun.

The heat subsided after a few minutes. He was covered in sweat. Feng Yun stood up and waved her hand. A gust of hot air immediately wrapped his body, and the sweat evaporated. Yang Dao opened his eyes and saw Feng Yun standing in front of him with a smile. Without waiting for Yang Dao she said, "Young Master, a part of my origin fire now resides inside you. It will baptize your body and cleanse the impurities slowly."

Yang Dao gave her a wry smile and nodded. He wanted to ask something when one guard standing in front of them turned and said, "Miss, the owner of Paradise Hotel is here."

Feng Yun spoke in a cold voice, "Let him wait. We will see him at our convenience."

The guard nodded and turned around. Yang Dao spoke, "Feng Yun, can we get this thing dealt with? Now that I have accepted this identity. I might as well fix up this bloody snob circle."

Feng Yun smiled, "Very well, Young Master." she was about to turn and leave when Yang Dao tapped on her shoulder. The girl looked at him in askance. Yang Dao put his hand in his pocket, took out a handkerchief, and knelt down. Feng Yun opened her eyes wide and was about to stop him when she saw Yang Dao using the handkerchief to wipe the dust on her knees.

Yang Dao stood up and said, "Oh, yes, Feng Yun, I forgot to say this earlier because I was cautious of you. You look very pretty."

Feng Yun smiled like springs appearing on barren land. She spoke in a mellow voice, "Thank you, Young Master."

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