I Returned as a High School Girl

Chapter 110: Army Variety Show (2)

Chapter 110: Army Variety Show (2)

Even when Kang Ra-Eun had worked under Kim Han-Gyo and had returned to the past, she did not know absolutely everything. There definitely were things that even she didn’t know, and one of the main things was Program Director Joo Seong-Won’s relationship with Kim Han-Gyo.

Ra-Eun was so shocked that she was lost for words for a few moments.

Chief Jung said as if he knew she would react that way, “You didn’t know Director Joo was Congressman Kim’s nephew, did you?”

“No, not at all.” If Ra-Eun didn’t know, then it also meant that, “It doesn’t seem like many people know about their blood ties in this industry.”

The thing about secrets was that the more people knew, the more likely it was for it to be leaked, especially in the entertainment industry. Not only that, there was no way that not a single article was posted about it when a highly recognized program director like Joo Seong-Won and a top-tier politician like Kim Han-Gyo were involved. If absolutely no articles regarding it were released, it either meant that there were extremely few people who knew, or...

‘The press is being controlled.’

Either was possible.

‘Now that I’ve found out their relationship, I can’t really unhear it.’

It seemed like Joo Seong-Won would become a big help to her plans if she used him right. An enemy on the inside was far scarier than one on the outside. Enemies on the outside were easy to deal with since they were clearly visible. However, enemies on the inside were not so easily identifiable. There was nothing more terrifying than when an ally who you trusted turned on you.

‘That’s what happened to me, too.’

It seemed like she needed to plant some spies.

‘And to do that, I’ll need to get closer to Director Joo.’

She just needed to appear on one special.

‘Yeah. I survived two years of that hell. I can handle a few days.’

She came to a very difficult decision.

“Chief Jung. I’ll appear on Director Joo’s variety program.”

She absolutely hated the idea, but it couldn’t be helped. She had to make a sacrifice for the greater good; enduring a little displeasure was nothing for the bigger picture.


The two-month break of the shoots of One of a Kind of Girl commenced. On the second day of the break, Ra-Eun, Chief Jung and her manager Shin Yu-Bin headed to the broadcasting station where Director Joo was waiting for them. His face was far brighter than when she had met him last time, likely because she decided to accept his offer.

“I couldn’t sleep properly for three days straight from joy after receiving the call about your decision to appear on my program, Ra-Eun.”

Ra-Eun also couldn’t sleep, although for a completely different reason, but there was no way for Director Joo to know that. He explained how the shooting would go.

“We’re gonna be shooting at a military base on the front lines for three days and two nights. It still hasn’t been decided which base we’ll be going to, but it’ll be one with good facilities.”

“That’s a relief,” Ra-Eun expressed.

The new barracks were far better than the old ones. She had spent six months in the old barracks, and the rest of her military service in the new barracks. Hence, she knew the difference between them better than anyone.

“Which position will we be assigned to?” Ra-Eun asked.

They would either be artillery, engineers or infantry. It would depend on which base they were sent to, but there likely was a position that the production team had in mind. Becoming artillery or engineers was highly unlikely, so infantry seemed the most plausible.

“Most likely infantry,” Director Joo replied.

It was exactly as Ra-Eun had thought.

“I say front lines, but you won’t be anywhere near the GOP and GP. Oh, do you know what those mean, Ra-Eun?”

Director Joo thought Ra-Eun wouldn’t know about things like this, even if she was extremely knowledgeable about the army. However, he had made a great miscalculation.

“GOP is short for general outpost, if I’m not mistaken. And GP is short for guard post, which is located at the DMZ. It’s where soldiers stand guard over the border like what civilians commonly think soldiers do, right?”

The director never expected Ra-Eun to even know what the abbreviations were short for. People who had been to the army couldn’t help but be surprised by how extensively knowledgeable Ra-Eun was. On the other hand, Yu-Bin had no idea what Ra-Eun was talking about.

Director Joo laughed awkwardly. “You know far more about the army than I’d expected, Ra-Eun.”

She had no other choice but to be so knowledgeable, since she had served in the front lines. She had been forced to take interviews for the GOP and GP units back when she was just a new recruit. Hence, she knew fairly well about the front lines.

“And here is the list of people who will appear together with you on the female soldiers special. Take a look,” the director said.

There were a total of seven members including herself, and she knew one of them very well: Han Ga-Ae. Ra-Eun’s same-age friend had decided to appear together with her in Director Joo’s army variety show. Ra-Eun already knew that Ga-Ae would be one of the members, since Ga-Ae had received an offer right after her. Because of this, Ga-Ae had called Ra-Eun to consult her if she’d be fine in an army variety show.

Ra-Eun had strongly recommended her to appear since she believed someone like Ga-Ae with strong grit would be able to survive the army. Although, Ra-Eun had no idea that she would be joining Ga-Ae at the time.

‘Why the hell did it end up this way?’

Because of this, she had not been surprised even after seeing a familiar name on the list.

‘Well, we’re gonna be spending three days and two nights together, so it’s good to have at least one person with me that I’m close to.’

The program was planned to be shot like a reality show, so all seven participants were going to spend the three days together. Hence, she felt more comfortable knowing that she knew at least one person among them. She confirmed the shooting schedule, the other participating members, and now for the most important part...

“We’re gonna have to get a military uniform tailor-made for you in advance.”

Ra-Eun sighed as soon as the director mentioned a military uniform. It had been a while since she had felt such despair; the last time was when she found out she had become a high school girl.

“Do I... have to wear a military uniform?” she asked just in case.

“Yes, of course,” the director answered.

She had expected as much.

“You can let our writer know of your sizes, and we’ll have a military uniform ready for you to wear on the day of the shoot.”

Ra-Eun felt dizzy just from having this meeting.


An article regarding the female soldier special of the army variety show On Duty, All Clear! had been officially released. Several female top stars were on the cast list, but Ra-Eun received the most attention out of them. The public was highly anticipating what she would show them on the special.

The day before the shoot, Ra-Eun received a mission from the production team; they wanted her to film herself the day before the enlistment with the minicam that they provided her.

‘Well, I’d expected as much.’

Her roommate Seo Yi-Seo filmed for her. She asked worriedly as she watched Ra-Eun pack her suitcase, “That’s it? You’re not taking anything else?”

Ra-Eun had packed severely lightly despite going out for three days and two nights.

“I’ll only be wearing a military uniform. And there aren’t many things they let you use once you’re in there, so there’s no need to bring tons of stuff.”

She was talking from experience.


Ra-Eun closed her suitcase. She now had only one thing left to do.

“I’m gonna sleep early.”

“Already?” Yi-Seo asked.

“I’m gonna be going through hell starting tomorrow, so I’ve gotta get as much sleep as I can get.”

In the army, one’s entire life was controlled twenty-four seven. She wouldn’t even be able to sleep when she wanted to, so it was best to get as much as she could beforehand. Ra-Eun turned off the lights and went into her room. Despite laying down in her bed early...

“I can’t sleep.”

Her eyes weren’t closing very easily.


The shoot location was so far that Ra-Eun needed to get up early. She got into her manager’s car with the suitcase. She felt heavier than usual. Seeing this, Yu-Bin couldn’t help but be worried for Ra-Eun.

“From what I hear, a few celebrities were hurt on the program. Call a staff member as soon as you feel something’s wrong. It’s better than getting hurt,” she stated.

“I will.”

Ra-Eun didn’t need to be told that. There was nothing worse than getting hurt in the army. It really hit home that she was heading to a military base as she was getting further and further away from the downtown area.

She received a text from Ga-Ae.

[Ra-Eun, did you sleep well last night? I couldn\'t get a wink of sleep T_T]

It was understandable. Ra-Eun knew exactly what they would be doing since she had already experienced it all before, but Ga-Ae knew absolutely nothing. Not only did she not have experience, she also did not have any male acquaintances who had gone to the army, so she couldn’t gather much information.

[I’ll trust only in you, Ra-Eun!]

Because of this, Ga-Ae’s hopes were solely on her. Ra-Eun also had no intention of leaving Ga-Ae be, since they were friends.

‘I guess I’ll have to carry this special somehow.’

The main reason why Ra-Eun decided to appear on this show was Director Joo. She needed to get closer to him first, and to do that, she needed to put him in her debt. From what she remembered, the female soldier special of On Duty, All Clear! recorded low ratings and bad reviews from audiences, resulting in being called the worst episode of the program. However, that was before Ra-Eun had returned to the past.

‘Now that I’m in it, I can’t let that happen.’

Her plan was to get Director Joo to treat her like a VIP once she single-handedly saved this boring special.

‘But that means I have to put in just as much effort.’

There was a wise saying in the army: one must never stand out. Once they broke this rule, they could kiss their peaceful army life goodbye because there was no way the first sergeant would leave them be, even if they wanted to rest. However, that would not be the case if it was just a show.

‘I’ll do my best to stand out!’

There were times in life, like this moment, when one had no choice but to do something that they absolutely hated.

1. DMZ (demilitarized zone) is an area in which treaties or agreements between nations, military powers or contending groups forbid military installations, activities, or personnel. As for the Korean DMZ, it is a strip of land running across the Korean peninsula near the 38th parallel north, and where a border barrier separates North and South Korea.

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