The WealthTap System: Rising from Rags to Riches

Chapter 45 [Bonus ]Max's 'Stall'

Premium ring, as the name suggested, was another world of its own. Miles apart from the ambience of the Outer and Middle rings, the Premium ring had an upper aura of the rich.

Every person roaming with higher class and fancy clothes where Ria and Ron were a little uncomfortable fitting into.

Even though they can be considered, upper middle class in E-Grade city terms.

However then looking at Chris, walking on the tiles with confidence, they can\'t help but remember how he used to be in the school.

A poor kid who was good at socializing and talking but was always pushed away by many because of his status.

The confidence he had was slowly slipping into Cathy\'s footsteps as well as she ran and tried her best to catch up with her twin brother. After all, ever heard of siblings that don\'t have competitiveness between them?

"This area is way too different than the middle ring!" Ria exclaimed in awe while Ron nodded as well, "They even checked our IDs before the entry."

"Haha, that\'s just a security procedure, don\'t mind it," Chris chuckled and waved his hands while explaining, "Unlike the rest of the areas, the higher-ups of cities only visit the premium ring. The extra security is a must."

"Ah... also I heard setting a stall in the premium ring is really hard, which friend of yours got a stall here haha," Ron chuckled, a hint of mockery in his voice.

"Mayor\'s son, he wanted me to put the stall in here as well, however, the crowd in the middle is the highest." Chris shrugged carelessly as if he didn\'t pick the hint of mockery.

"I see..." Ron shut his mouth in disbelief, there was still a chance that Chris might be lying, but considering his casual and careless tone, it was hard to be sure.

Soon they stopped in front of a big stall, or rather a restaurant since calling it a stall would be degrading it on many levels.

Standing tall and made of polished white stones, the building looked sturdy and classy with many decorations of grasses and neon lights that gave it a funky feel.

The name was Echidna Bar.

It was a unique take on a famous festival fest such as the Grand Seasonal Fest Max had casually opened up a bar in the premium ring instead of a restaurant or a shop like others.

And the fun fact was the bar wasn\'t actually a pub that Max owned, he just made it up and opened it on the fly!

Chris remembered how Max used to daily drink with him and chat about all stuff. Though Chris never called him home after one day he brought him by mistake and then Max and Cathy bickered all the while till they knocked themselves out from overdrinking.

With a sigh, Chris pushed the door open and walked inside the bar which was furnished with high-quality dark wood and gave a cozy feel.

All the booths were taken, and the business was booming, after all, none of them expected a drinking bar in the fest. It was an unexpected yet pleasant surprise for them.

"Heh, I wonder if you opened this bar for business or flirting with ladies," Chris chuckled while walking towards a young man who was seemingly chatting with some young beautiful girls.

Hearing a familiar and mocking voice behind him, Max excused himself with the ladies and walked towards the source of the sound, the person he believed as his best friend!

"Chris!" Max greeted in an excited voice, then noticed the others with Chris, "Who are they?" he pointed at Ria and Ron.

He knew about Cassie when he visited Chris\'s house and they clicked off well... though mainly because Max was the only person Cassie could beat in video games...

"They are my friends from the previous school I told you about, it seems the business is booming huh?" Chris chuckled and changed the topic again, he didn\'t want his dark past to come between his friendship with Max.

"Heh, yep! Not just the business but there are many beautiful g-" Max began to brag about the number of pretty chicks that enter his bar however unluckily for him, Cathy was right there and she hated when he talks about that dirty stuff.

"And you say why I hate you, horny bastard." Cathy crushed Max\'s feet under her feet and scoffed, turning her head to the side and feeling zero remorse for her crushing blow.

"Ow ow, you bitch!" Max yelped in pain, raising his feet in pain and cursing at the cause of his agony.

"Just shut up, you horny ugly bastard." Cathy rolled her eyes and ignored him.

"Ugly?! Me? Bitch hundreds of girls like you have fallen head over heels for me!" Max retorted.

"Hope you had fun with those dirty sluts, dear Max." Cathy smiled sarcastically, calling him a \'dear\' as a tease.

"You!!" Max roared in anger but of course, Chris came in to stop the bickering as usual.

"Ugh just stop it for fucks sake, if you fight again today, I swear you both won\'t like it." Chris groaned in frustration and split the two apart but then, Ria\'s phone rang and she quickly picked it up.

"Lily! You guys are in the fest???" Ria asked excitedly, and Chris suggested, "Call them here for the drinks."

"Yeah... Chris, you know uhh, Christopher and his twin Catherine??" Ria reminded, "Uhh yeah...the handsome one," she murmured with a little blush while Max elbowed Chris with a suggestive smirk.

Chris rolled his eyes, why did all this have to happen after he already got into a relationship!? Or maybe he just never paid attention earlier?

"Hehe, brother is famous," Cassie giggled while Chris eyed her.

"Why are you here again? 18 plus only, shoo." Chris waved his hands, pulled some notes and then pushed Cassie away, she was much more mature for 13 years old and Chris had bought her a new phone, so he wasn\'t too worried about her safety.

"Brother! Don\'t push me away! Just call some soft drinks for me!" Cassie retorted while flailing her hands around however she was still kicked out of the bar by Chris.

"Have fun Cass," Chris swung the door close and went to the booth that Max reserved for them and their upcoming friends. Though Chris had a feeling it won\'t be as peaceful after all they knew of his dark past and some of them even knew in depth what had happened.

With a sigh, Chris sat in between Cathy and Max, of course for obvious reasons.

"So you are really a mayor\'s son?!" Ria asked in surprise, "How did you two meet??"

Chris and Max looked at each other, of course, their meeting couldn\'t be considered \'pleasant\' or \'decent\' no matter which way they looked at it.

"Umm... Chris wanted some love advice."

"Max was being an arrogant second generation."

They both spoke at the same time, saying the part which would make them look better.

"No need to lie Maxxie, we all know how you are." Chris chuckled and waved his hand casually.

"Indeed, no need to lie either... Chris. We all know you suck at romance, heh." Max stumbled in between, trying to find a weird nickname however he wasn\'t able to come up with a decent one.

"Do I? I wonder who got more ladies fawning over him." Chris decided to play dirty, of course, he had more since he was in the middle ring and had a cosmetics stall....

"Ria, Ron!" soon another group entered the bar, dressed in similarly decent and branded clothes like Ria and Ron.

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