Young Master Damien's Pet

Chapter 573 Abandoned House- Part 5

She tried to figure out where the man would have placed. For the black witches to come looking here today meant the black witches had possibly never stepped in here and the sheet would still continue to exist here where councilman Creed used to come back as his home.

Where would he have placed it?

She searched and looked for it while tiptoeing around the scrawny looking black witch who appeared to be an idiot as he was simply going through things that were not what he was supposed to look at. Not knowing how much time had pa.s.sed, everyone continued looking for the sheet of paper for a long time but none could find it.

Everyone ended up in the different corners of the house and Penny walked down to see where else the sheet could be hidden from the intruder\'s eyes. Thanks to the rain that had started to pour from the sky, the sound of her footsteps hiding behind the sound of the thunder that echoed and shook the of the mansion

While she walked through the beginning of the corridors again, she came to face the drawing again or painting she had noticed earlier. Curious, she stepped forward towards it and her hand reached for the small drawing which looked minimalistic compared to the rest of the paintings and art that hung on the walls of this mansion.

Removing it from its hook, Penny brought the painting close to her to have a better look at it by having it close to her eyes. She stared at the painting in her hand when she noticed something sticking out at the front.

She frowned with her hand running at the front which picked up the dust that had settled itself on the surface of the cla.s.s behind which the painting was locked. While Penny was busy unlocking the painting, the scrawny looking man who had made his way down searching for his partner caught sight of a woman standing in the middle of the corridor.

Penny removed the painting to notice a sheet of paper at the top and when it was moved away, one could see the cutout design that was letting the ink of the sheet be seen. Turning it around in her hand she realized this was it!

"THIEF!!" the black witch started to yell, "WE HAVE A THIEF!"

She looked up startled and in time the other black witch made his way to see her. Both of them standing in two opposite corners that blocked her way. When the grey-haired man saw her holding the sheet of paper, he yelled,

"Get her!"

She looked back forth to see Damien who was taking his sweet time in whichever part of the mansion he was in. Running towards the scrawny man felt much more feasible and she ran towards him with both the black witches trying to catch hold of her.

Using the painting frame, she swung to hit the weaker looking black witch across his face that had his lower jaw move to the side and he started to tap on his face to get it back in position. The other black witch caught up with and at the same time Damien walked out from the other room to catch hold of the black witch that ended up in a fight.

They moved back and forth thras.h.i.+ng to the point where Damien pulled out the gun to place it on the witcher\'s head.

Damien pulled the cork of the gun, demanding from the other, "Who are you working for?" the black witch laughed, the b.l.o.o.d.y black blood spouting from his mouth.

"Wouldn\'t you want to know," said the black witch, "All the best finding out about it," and in less than three seconds he bit his tongue to bleed to death.

Before the scrawny many could do anything, Penny used the same frame to throw at him that was enough to distract him. Damien didn\'t lose another second but moved towards the other black witch, tearing a piece of clothing that came from Penny\'s dress he stuffed into the black witch\'s mouth before he could bite his tongue and commit suicide.

He turned the black witch around to hold him against the floor, "There\'s a rope in the corner of the second room. The first floor," Penny nodded her head, running up to fetch it and then running down to give it to him. Damien tied the man\'s hands and legs, tearing another piece of cloth to tie around the man\'s mouth so that he wouldn\'t spit it out.

The witcher struggled in panic, crawling like a caterpillar when Damien moved away to get an antiquey looking long statue, swinging it across the man\'s head that turned the witcher unconscious.

"Is that the one?" Damien asked looking at her hand and she nodded, handing it over to him to read what was written in there, "I cannot read this one either," he smiled before giving it back to her so that she could tell what it was.

Taking the paper back, Penny went to read what was written in it. She then said, "It speaks about unbinding black magic with the use of another witch. Not a black or a white witch but another witch," it was pointing towards Alexander which the black witches were still unaware of, "Also about the other rituals which I think half of it is already done."

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