Mixed Blessing System

Chapter 612 Troubling The Church's Situation

While Lothur began his bloody journey in the Imperial Prison, Fabienne had already arrived in the Holland Province.

As an Emperor demon, this woman had great spiritual senses and could track enemies much more efficiently than humans at the same level as her own.

In this way, even though there was a Saint behind the young men she was going after, this woman was ahead of the men of the Seraphim Church.

She already knew exactly where to look for them, so she had made her way to the vicinity of one of the big cities in this province, where those two noblemen were supposed to pass.

The two belonged to different powers, but both families were from the same city. So as young people who had traveled together, they would return to this place together since traveling the roads of the empire always had its dangers.

Knowing this, after arriving near that city, Fabienne quickly positioned herself in a forest that was on the way to reach this place for those coming from Linn Province.

There she was at this instant hiding in one of the trees, cautiously scanning the surroundings for her targets.

\'They will probably pass through here in the next few hours.\' She thought, considering the distance of this place from Peters City and the mounts of the group in question.


At the same time that Fabinne was waiting for her prey, the High Priest of the Church was already near the city from which those two young men he was searching for were supposed to return.

For the last few minutes, he had just been traveling through the skies of the empire, not having noticed anything about the recent activation of Lothur\'s bloodline within the Imperial Prison.

The young man\'s theories had proven to be valid, and all the spiritual fluctuations within that prison were kept for only the inmates to feel.

With that, people outside such a place, such as the men of the Church around this state, were in the dark about Lothur\'s situation.

Amid his ignorance, this Saint thought, \'My targets will arrive in this city in the next few hours. I will wait for them near their properties...

Hmmm, everything is developing well. We will settle everything by next morning at the rate things are going.\'

He smiled, considering that one of his Church groups was already near the imperial prison to investigate Lothur Ritter\'s situation.

Unfortunately for this man, he was still in the dark about young Ritter\'s circumstances, how he had escaped and was already \'out\' of Leopoldine at this instant...

But it would not take his group long to find out about this!


An hour after the High Priest of the Seraphim Church arrived in that city in Holland Province, the men going to visit the Imperial Prison found out about Lothur\'s escape.

Upon arriving there, the men of the Church didn\'t even have to investigate much and found themselves with the Leopoldine family investigating Lothur\'s escape site.

From there, several men from the local imperial family left comments indicating what should have happened.

It appeared that a rescue party had saved Lothur from the terrible fate of entering the Imperial Prison just moments before his arrival. After the death of all the men of the imperial family, young Ritter and his cronies seemed to have fled northward.

Upon finding out about this, the group leader formed an ugly expression, sensing that Lothur would be the most suspected of being such a half-breed, and immediately gave the orders to his men to begin the pursuit of this young man.

"Let\'s split up from now on. I want you guys following any leads related to this Lothur." That Saint said as he and his people floated hundreds of feet above where the Leopoldine family investigators were. "If any of you locate him, do nothing. Wait for reinforcements!"

That half-dozen people smoothly accepted their superior\'s orders and would soon split up, flying off in the directions where there were tracks of Lothur, something created by the demons of this young man\'s mother.

Meanwhile, none of the men of the imperial family had noticed the movements of these specialists from afar and just continued their investigative work in that area.

Unfortunately, they were only at the beginning of their investigations and had no idea how Lothur had escaped.

Some men had even checked the situation in the Imperial Prison. Still, no one with Lothur\'s characteristics had entered that place, and all the members of the group that was escorting him had already been reported dead.

The woman who had helped Lothur enter the place had died a few hours after her colleagues. But these people would never find out that she had not died chasing him but following his orders not to leave a body behind.

So there was no suspicion about his entering that prison!

With that, one of the few men in that area investigating Lothur\'s escape couldn\'t help but worry.

\'His Majesty will be furious when he finds out about all this...\' This man, who was neither in Lars\' faction nor in Klaus\', thought, sensing that a storm would form very soon in the empire!


As gray clouds began to cover the skies over Leopoldine, Fabienne had succeeded in her plans and was traveling north at this very moment!

After ambushing the group of two nobles returning home, she had not killed anyone because she could not make it look like these young men had been killed or that anyone had acted against them.

Her action was to make it look like they were on the run, so she skillfully knocked out all of them, including the guards escorting them, and then began her journey northward.

Also, after using her skills, she made one of the two nobles write two letters to send to their families, indicating their interest in traveling through Concordia after the Secret Realm.

\'With these actions, I hope the Church will waste some of its time investigating these two.\' She thought about how relevant it would be to buy time for her son.

\'Anyway, I will travel to the Ancestral Region and abandon these humans there.\' Her eyes narrowed. \'They will never be able to return to Leopoldine, and that will give me some time to cultivate.\'

"Hang in there, Lothur. I will rescue you as soon as possible!" She muttered in mid-flight as she had that group on top of a giant bird flying beside her.

As an Emperor demon, it was very easy for her to hide her origin and dominate beasts as if she were an ordinary human!

This way, she could travel discreetly alongside a mount and create tracks to entertain her opponents now and then!

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