Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 357 357 - New Base?

Yue left controls of their base members to his uncle and his numerous soldiers and walked into the isolation cells.

There were a few people trying to break into this place but as soon as tian and Yue walked close, the base members rushed away in fear.

Yue frowned deeply. "I don\'t like this…."

"Just wait a few more days they will come around., if not let them capture the ones revolting and tie them out of the prison campus. The fear will at least give them at least two-brain cells, not to revolt like this," Tian said with a scoff.

Hearing her evil plan, Yue chuckled. "Maybe we should try it," he gestured for the soldier close by to execute the plan the man gave him a blushing look as soon as he said it.

"Go on, tell my uncle to start pushing people. If we just let them go so easily, everyone will harbor some kind of plan to take over this place won\'t they," casting an innocent smile Yue gazed up at the soldier.

The man froze for a second with a bright blush on his face. "y-yes…sir," he bowed to him and ran off.

"Wow, Fan must be having a really hard time right now,"

Yue\'s head snapped her way. "Why did you say that?"

"all these days he had been holding you dear in his house, hiding you from all those eyes. But now so many bees and butterflies are fluttering around you… tsk tsk, the guy is going to go ballistic." She playfully winked at him. "Just make sure to keep your distance from others just in case,"

Yue confusedly tilted his head. "Fan won\'t hurt others for a simple reason like that,","

"Oh boy, you are so mistaken." Tian grabbed his hand and pulled him into the cell their parents were.

As they got close the stench of blood filled their noses.

Yue frowned and ran in a hurry. Inside his parents were sitting in a cone hugging Murong jia his grandmother and on the middle of the room was Murong Shao on the small metal bed. His pale cheeks had regained some rosy tint.

"is it done? Is he healed?" he gazed at his small rat that was sitting and grooming her untamed grey fur.

Little Trexa peered up with her small, beady eyes and squeaked cheerfully.

"You did a good job baby," he gently picked her up and kissed her cheeks.

All of a sudden, a small weight hit his legs.

Gazing down he saw his child Zi Chen hugging his legs tightly. "Dad… don\'t go to that place again. its very dangerous!"

Squatting down, Yue picked him up with one hand and hugged him tightly. "You did such a good job Chen. Without you, I don\'t know what I would have done."

"no, you are powerful daddy," Chen pulled away a bit with a pout. "But that creature was too powerful."

"Umm, what are you guys talking about?" Fan Xui who was let out of the conversation, walked up to them and gee him a hug. "Are you hurt anywhere?" his beautiful onyx eyes peered at him up and down.

For a second Yue froze looking at the concern in the beautiful pair of pupils. "I\'m good."

"What creature are you guys talking about?" Fan gently cupped Yue\'s face and kissed his cheeks.

Yue pushed him away with his legs gesturing to Chen in his arm.

"He has seen us kissing… it\'s okay," fen grabbed his chin and planted a firm kiss on his lips.

Blushing, Yue backed away. "But my parents haven\'t…" he said through gritted teeth.

His face was hotter than the flames. He knew for sure that he was blushing like a fucking tomato.

It\'s all because if this guy. His husband.

He glared at fan accusingly.

Fan just shrugged and took Chen from his arms. "it\'s too noisy out there. How is it?"

"it\'s bad," Tian added from behind. "Those people are lost cause."

"huh?" Fan confidently gazed at his husband.

"Some are trying to take over the base. But uncle wen has everything in control. With a bit of punishment, they will be back to normal/ if they don\'t calm down even after that might have to leave this base behind. I don\'t want to deal with a rowdy bunch who can stab our back,"

Yue had never planned on leading a base even in his wildest dreams. He liked the concept of saving people but when the humans they saved were so ungrateful he did not wish to even get involved with them.

in the G city base Everything had been peaceful and people had been cooperating well with their rules so Yue had let that thought go.

But that overwhelming urge to leave everyone and to travel along with just his family and friends came back again now that things were in such chaos.

Feeling his overwhelming emotions Fan gently hugged him and took him over to a corner. He pulled his husband onto his lap and gently rocked side to side.

"Why are you treating me like a baby?" Yue whispered burrowing his head into his shirt.

"Well, you are my baby."

Yue pulled away a bit and gazed up at him with his eyes narrowed.

Fan gently kissed his upper eyes lid and his trembling lashes. "if you don\'t like it here w can leave."

"You are ready to leave everything behind?" his lover\'s beautiful brown eyes shone with confusion as he gazed up at him. "If we leave at least fifty percent of these base members will die… is that okay with you?"

"it\'s not okay with me, but if they don\'t calm down soon, we might have to do exactly that. I\'m not mother Teresa nor is your uncle. We can\'t keep spending so much of our energy and resources to control our own people. It will leave us vulnerable to attack." He kissed his love\'s nose gently. "so, the optimal plan would be to leave and start a new base. Maybe take the kids with us. How are the other prison members?"

"They are all just kids. They won\'t survive out there." Yue whispered clutching his shirt tightly. "But we found something that can be of help to us,"

"what?" Prisitsky who was close by poked his head to the pair.

Yue and Fan glared at him.

"Eavesdropping is bad," Yue whispered.

"Just cut to the chase. What did you guys find there? It must have been some kind of treasure that wards off zombies, right?"

"How did you know," Yue sat up.

"I\'m not an idiot. I observed this place as we got in. there are no zombies out there. And the bunch that was following us from our base would have caught up to us by now. But its eerily silent. Something is warding them off." Prisitsky\'s eyes shone brightly. "What did you guys find?"

Gulping, Yue gazed at his sister. He was unsure if he should even reveal this information to anyone else, especially Prisitsky who was a crazy scientist himself.

But tian beat him to it. "We found a girl. A human that was fed with zombie\'s brains."

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