Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 198 198: The 1st Wave III

Cole quickly raised his head as he saw Baneling Zombies bring thrown into the air one after the other. It wasn\'t too long after that he was able to see what was the cause of the ruckus. What he could only consider as the Hulk of the Baneling Zombies surged out of the frontlines, a good ten feet tall of pure packed muscle and almost if not as wide as three full grown men. His or rather her skin was grey, with exposed breasts that sagged all the way to the ground and had a set of three nipples each.

Each breast had an infant zombie attached to each nipple as they drew blood and whatever the fuck passed a milk within those massive rotten cadavers. She was grey, and had bone spurs sticking out from behind ever major joint in her body. Spines behind her elbows, knees, ankles, and her knuckles, and she moved like a tank and would probably be able to take a hit like one.

As if to prove his point, the fighters all concentrated fire on the new arrival, but the beast shrugged it off as if it was nothing. Cole narrowed his eyes, for him, this felt like a desperate move. They were probably close to beating the first wave, or at least had the potential to do so if they could just keep up with the pressure they were laying on the zombies. This was probably an attempt to break their lines by causing havoc in the form of the massive lumbering killing machine heading their way right now.

"Forget about the Baneling She-hulk! Kill the rest of the zombies. Make sure you keep them off me and that thing, I\'ll go kill it myself!" Cole ordered as he flew over the barrier in one step then took off with a running start towards the Baneling, his rifle held tightly in his hand as he pulled the bolt back and grabbed a pair of special bullets from the belt over his chest. Cole did not know how powerful this damn thing would be, and since this was an active battle, he had to hit with an as powerful strike as he could possibly give if he was fighting an equal opponent.

A probing strike of any sort, might not end up the way he wants it to. So he had to be smart about it and give it, just as much as he was sure it was going to be giving him. The fighters quickly heeded Cole\'s command as the bullets went back to spraying the zombies, his feet picked up speed as the world seemed to blur last him. When he was 50 feet away from it, Cole leapt into the air, a single bound of his taking him as high as 80 feet as he flew and fell in a parabolic arc.

[Eagle Sight] [Homing Shot] [Spiral Needle] [Double Tap]

This was every single skill in his rifle. The gun itself was an amazing piece of art as it was by far the strongest out of every weapon in his arsenal. It was good ranked, and even though it was not a growing weapon like the others he had acquired, as far as Cole was concerned it was still legendary enough to put down the smack down and the fear of God on anything or anyone that he so chose needed an intervention if the Gospel, because that was what this weapon was, the freaking gospel of badassery.

[Name Raen Ranger Bolt Action Rifle To \'Gospel\'?]

Even before seeing the result of the shot, Cole knew he had possibly over done it. He was a lot stronger, and it has been quite a while since he had fully utilized the skills in that gun. And that was because for quite some time his go to weapon had been his sword. But even at that, it was important to note one thing, that as good as he was with blades and melee weapons, Cole was even better with guns as he had a much more intimate knowledge about them.

Two shots rang out, a spell circle appearing in front of the barrel of his rifle….now Gospel. The shot released let loose a powerful shockwave that blasted Cole backwards into the air, his body twisting as twin trails of fiery light flew towards the Baneling. The bullets he had used were special too, those were what was left of the explosive bullets he had bought from the second floor.

The first one took the Baneling in the skull, and the second when right in-between her chest. The shots were powerful enough that both bullets went clean through her body. But even at that she kept on running for a few more steps before Cole who was already falling back from the sky, felt a rush of energy and vitality as the two spots that had been impacted by the bullets quickly grew red and orange.

The Baneling Hulk came to a crashing halt and fell down face first, just As Cole landed behind it. And just in time too as a spectacular explosion ensued, it\'s massive body blasted to pieces, as rotten flesh and the ruined bodies of the baby zombies hanging from its many nipples flew every which way. Cole sniffed, not at all expecting the stench that followed right behind it\'s demise, but ultimately that was one massive beast down, enough to give the Baneling Zombie now floating in the air pause as it watched Cole and his defending army.

Cole stared right back at it, as line after line of his fighters moved forwards and mowed down Banelings. And through that time, Cole and Zombie did not take their eyes off each other. To Cole it did not matter to him that the damn thing was floating high up in the air with a certain air of superiority, it didn\'t matter that his danger sense at the moment was giving off warning signals about this very Zombie. In the end it was just going to be much tougher fight, and by this point it was well known to all that Cole loved a good fight, he loved chaos, and nothing will shake him or his confidence, not even the Boss Fight he knew was about to take place.

Because that was exactly what that zombie was, the Boss of the first wave….. guess the first step is over. It was time to see, to really see what a super powered Zombie boss was made of….Cole did not want to keep him waiting, so he shot into the air, Gospel still held tightly in preparation for the carnage that was to come.

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