Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 206 206: The 7th Wave I

Cole wasn\'t so sure about what to expect, but he had to make it a habit of always checking up on his notifications and stat page, there could be a surprise waiting for him there. He took a seat with his back against the barrier and brought up the page.

• Aspirant: [Cole <World Breaker> Night] Class: [Reaver Prince]

• Level: [60/4,000(0/610,000)] Race: [Raen Duke]

• Titles: [Savage Connoisseur] [Antihero] [Warrior] [Progenitor] [Genocider] [Rambo The Commando] [Mass Murderer] [Void Breaker] [Undead Bane] [Creator] [God Slayer]

• Money: [Tibons: 248] [Tisons: 1528.00] [Tigons: 1.250.000]

• Energy: [10k/10k] Negative Energy: [838/838] Alignment: [Chaotic Neutral] Lives: [08]

• Buffs: [+15% Damage] [+200% Eating Skills] [+50% Damage To All Alignments] [+70% Damage/Skill With Firearms] [100% Damage to Endangered Species and Solo Enemies] [+10% to all stats when Facing off against more than 5 Enemies, Doubles every +10 Enemies] [Permanent +25 points every 50 Enemies killed in a single Conflict] [+200% To Movement, +300% To Spatial Skills] [+65% Damage To Undead] [+100% Transformation Chance] [+300% damage against higher ranked beings]

• Primary Weapon: [Black Malakai Cursed Sword] Secondary Weapon: [Spear Of Life And Green \'Methu\'] [Blue Obsidian And Black Sapphire] [Raen Ranger Rifle \'Gospel\']

• Primary Armor:[Night Demon Bounty Hunter Set] Secondary Armor: [N/A]

• Party:[n/a] Team:[n/a] Guild:[n/a] Alliance:[n/a] Faction: [Aspirant Of Glade Solitude (Third Floor)]

• Charisma(Seduction): Silver III(390/700) [Lesser Mind Control(Active)] [Assassinate(Active)] [Vertigo(Active)]

• Perception(Domain)+(Clarity): Silver IV(728/800) [Aeronaut(Passive)] [Sin Seeking Eyes(Passive)] [Shadow Dance(Active)]

• Intelligence(Technopathy)+(Psychometry): Silver IV(716/800) [Shielded Mind(Passive)] [Sin Eater(Active)] [Technoman(Passive)]

• Dexterity(Wind)+(Telekinesis)+(Ambidexterity): Silver V(167/900) [Spectral Rover(Active)] [Sin Reaper(Active)] [Chaos Mirror (Passive)]

• Attunement(Space): Silver III(682/700) [Gravity(Mastery)] [Adaptive(Passive)] [Demon Constitution(Passive)] [Chaos Blast(Active)]

• Soul(Aura)+(Divination)+(Astral Projection) :Silver II(80/600] [Soul Eater] [Soul Bank: 6322] [Energy Manipulation(Mastery)]

• Knowledge: [Martial Arts Master] [Expert Marksman] [Arcane Farming] [Arcane Winemaking] [Arcane Brewing] [Dark Summoning] [Arcane Nature Engineering] [Monster Husbandry]

• Stat Points: 1424

• Assets: [Cruiser Class Iron Ranked Luxury Ship/Mechanoid Direwolf King Mount] [Bronze VIII Ranked Territory Rowan Valley] [The One Eye Of Mormon] [King Solomon\'s Undying Heart] [Dark Dryad Seed] [Gold Ranked Pseudo Dungeon Core] [8 Iron Rank prism] [27 Silver Prisms] [2 Gold Prism] [1 Gold Prism Of The Avenger] [1 Diamond Prism] [Hero Class Atmospheric Base (Upgradable/System Access)] [10% Shares Of Sierra Corp] [Cold Silver Spawning Crystal] [1 Diamond Rank Prism Of Horror]

Honestly it wasn\'t as if much had changed. Here skill didn\'t level and their strengths were directly proportional to the strength of the stats they were slotted into. So he couldn\'t exactly give a quantified measurements of how strong his skills were. There were rumors though that the system interface and HUD would change to a more traditional setting while keeping most of the original core attributes. Then you can level skills separately and not have to rely on your stats to make them powerful. But then again it was just a rumor, before the even Titan Rising Online was very elitist, information never flowed from the top and it was not a game that could be played or beaten solo, no matter how powerful you became. Either way there was no need to worry about anything of the sort now, Cole will find out for himself when he gets to level 100.

[Master Cole, sorry to send you such and impromptu message as I can see you are busy, but we are coming up to Miss Cassandra and her Son\'s location. We will be there in under 3 hours sir, which should coincide to roughly six hours for you. I do believe it would be wise for you both to tidy up loose ends and Log out, deep space hailing and radio communication with the mining colony has made me calculate that the odds of us experiencing a conflict should be about 87% Sir

Would you like me to relay a message to lady Tehilla? She has been a bit worried as you have been logged on for quite some time and she wants to discuss some updates with you. There are steps that need to be taken in order to handle how your assets would be utilized.]

Cole cursed softly, but then again they should have a little bit of time to deal with the entire 10 waves required to get to the next floor. Of course he knew it was not going to be an easy fight, heck he was sure that the system had required him to survive 10 waves was going to up the difficulty to insane levels these last three waves. So he guessed training time was over, it would probably be for the best to move the defense line back a bit, but until he had confirmed that the waves were a little too much for him to deal with, he had to hold his ground here.

"Morgan just Tehilla I will be done here soon. Tell her to make sure the frigate is radio silent and that no one knows where we are, where we are approaching from. We should be as stealthy as possible in order not to alert our enemies to our presence."

[By Your Command Master Cole, I wish you a good battle, and try not to enjoy yourself a little too much sir]

Cole chuckled as he got up to his feet, he did not think he was that battle crazed…. Well not as much. But Morgan was right, he should try not to enjoy himself too much….. shit could hit the fan in ways that they shouldn\'t and they could be friendly fire. Which was something he desperately needed to avoid for this fight.

It wasn\'t too long after that he saw Neral rapidly approaching from the distance. The guy had gone ahead to scout as usual, but Cole noticed something. Neral wasn\'t moving with as much Ease as Cole expected from him, in fact he could see sparks from his body and one of his hind legs completely missing. Cole narrowed his eyes and moved forwards as the Cyber Dog came to a stop in front of him, sprawled and in very obvious pain.

"I didn\'t see them coming…. Boss….. we need to run, they\'re too strong….. they\'re monsters. They\'re coming….." Cole placed a hand on his head and asked.

"Calm down Neral, you will be fine, now tell me who\'s coming?" the Cyber dog looked up, his mechanical eyes whirring in shock and fear as he said.

"The Greatest Heroes Of Our World….. Under Star Mountain….. they\'re coming for us all!"

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