Starting from Zero

Chapter Book 4 - 18 – Treasure Crisis


I performed all sorts of military drills for threes days in front of the general and colonel. In the end, they signed on a purchase contract worth 130 billion, and planned another 180 billion, which needs to be discussed over with the central committee, as they said.

I finally relaxed myself after I sent them on their plane. I kept standing straight along General Yan in these days and now my waist hurts. An armyman selecting weapons feels a lot like women browsing clothes. We tried through everything on the list in the three days. I\'d have already given up if not for such a big contract, and the fact that this is father\'s order.

I hurried back to the office to contact father. Despite my looks, I still love guns and swords, just like most boys. And since I have more background than "most boys"...

"Hey boy! You done the job?"

Is he in a...forest?

"I did! 130 billion settled. Another 180 billion will have to wait. Whatever their decision is, it won\'t fall below 100 billion." I patted on my chest. "By the way, where are you? Is that a rainforest behind you?"

"I\'m in the ecology simulation lab. These plants are the first ones we\'re going to send into space. How do they look?"

He picked up a giant, red...object. "A new type of fruit I planted. It\'s big AND juicy! You want some?"

"Uh, no thanks. Hey dad, I want my reward now."

Strike while the iron is hot. It\'s easier to ask for stuff when dad\'s satisfied with my work.

"Decided already?" His dropped his smile. "Don\'t tell me you want something from the base?"

I just looked at him with a hopeful look. An obvious answer.

"Alright. Remember, no funny choices."

"What kind of funny choices?" I need to see if that thing is on his blacklist.

"No bio weapons!"

"I\'m not a terrorist why would I need those?"

"No nuclear weapons!"

"Do nuclear powered ones count?"

"Nuclear powered? Is it big?"

"Nope. Smaller than my car!" That\'s true. The iron unit is only about 2.5 tons.

"Just tell me what it is. I\'ll see if I can allow it." He lost patience.

"An ICA unit!"

"Oh, that one..." He considered. "If you insist...But! I\'ll have to remove some of the parts first. Tell doctor Wong, I\'ll speak to him."

"Understood!" I dashed out of the office and dragged the aged head researcher back in.

"He\'s here."

Father spoke to him: "Mr. Wong, I need you to modify one of the iron armor and give it to Sairin."

"Huff...huff. No-no problem. How do I do it?"

"Take away all the weapons."

Doctor Wong looks surprised. "You mean everything? The unit is just an empty shell without the weapons."

I joined them. "If you remove those, can you get something else onto it instead?"

"What do you want?" Father seems worried that I\'d ask too much.

"The cockpit in there feels way better than my bed. Can you try to install the game helmet into the armor?"

"Shouldn\'t be a problem." Father nodded to the doctor. "Do anything he asks as long as it\'s not a weapon. I\'ll pay you later."

"Of course, sir." The doctor rolled up his sleeves. "Let\'s go drop some weight for the big guy."


I didn\'t understand his words until I saw the pile of various components on the ground that were just taken off the armor. The original armor weighs 2.73 tons, and now it\'s only 0.97. I knuckled at the armor\'s body which gives out a sound like I\'m knocking at an iron bell.

"There\'s...nothing in there anymore?"

Doctor Wong looked at me with an "of course" expression. "It\'s a military weapon. What do you expect if you remove all the killer tricks? The power unit and computer are pretty tiny compared to the others."

"Crap. This is lame."

I think I need to do something to make it up, or an empty iron shell is too boring.

"Since you\'re done with removing, now help me load something to it."

"You say it. We got everything here."

"First, this one." I pointed to a device on a nearby container.

"Molecular Camouflage Unit? What for?"

"Well, just do it. Oh and this." I carried a bigger air thruster over. "Since it\'s less than a ton it should fly if I have this right?"

"Should be." The doctor ordered the engineers to do their work while he watched me messing around the items.


"...TBD Field Generator. What are you gonna do with that?"

"Don\'t ask. Anything besides weapons right?"

Actually I\'m only looking at the prices. I take anything that looks expensive!

"This one, this thing here...and that!"

"Organic Detector... Electromagnetic Anomaly Probe. Super Computer??"

After ten hours, I\'m looking at my final product while all the technicians plus the doctor lays on the ground. Now this super toy of mine costs 10 million! You won\'t find any crazier toy in the whole world now.

Also, the doctor agreed to equip a Taser Gun into it (after listening to my carrot-and-stick speech for three hours). At least it\'s not a paper tiger now.

The weighbridge showed it as 1.3 tons. All those costly stuff can only fill it up so much. There\'s no point in putting all the parts all around the armor so the doctor stuffed them to one location. Now there\'s a big storage area on the armor\'s back.

The only tools I\'ll actually be using is the camouflage and wireless connector. The first tool can make the armor appear as anything, I can disguise it as an ordinary car and run on the roads when no one would notice what it truly is. The connector will allow my helmet to play the game anytime, anywhere. They didn\'t even do anything to my helmet, because the game helmet is exactly the same with the armor\'s original controller helmet. They only need to transfer some data to it.

"I\'m leaving!"

I drove away from the base with the armor fixed on top of my car. The camouflage system will completely hide it from naked eyes.

Now I\'m itchy to try out my new game room. The armor is still a bit too big for the department hallways. I can try to steer it carefully but one mistake and I\'ll bump into walls or even people. And I don\'t think the stairs can support this thing. I decided to enter the room through the balcony. The armor is only at half weight now so it\'s easy to jump into a building.

I tried my best but still accidentally stepped on the balcony bar, bending it. I moved it into the right position after some efforts. There are still twists and turns but shouldn\'t draw too much attention now.

I didn\'t find Wayne in the dorm. Where did he run off to again? Whatever. I turned off the camouflage and logged into [Zero].

"Hey Ziri!" A private message from Hawk. He sounds in a hurry.

"I\'m here. What\'s the matter?"

"We found a player trying to sell equipment." His seems more hurried now.

"Well go ahead. You want it? Do you have enough money? Don\'t ask me. That robe cost me everything I had, and that\'s only because Yuri lent me some. I only have 300 crystals on me. Take them if you want."

"That\'s not what I\'m talking about! Do you know what is he selling??"

"What? Artifact?"

"One of the Chinese Nation Treasure part!"

"Say what?? Nation treasure? Where?"

Ok, that\'s not something I should ignore now. I wasn\'t expecting we found the second piece so fast!

"The auction site at the middle of the Goddess City! Be quick! I saw Japanese players wondering around. I think they\'re trying to break up out nation sets too!"

"Have you talked to the seller?"

"Not in person. I heard he\'s a wizard called [Arch Necromancer]. The NPCs told us he registered the equipment on the morning yesterday. We couldn\'t find you or Wayne anywhere."

I calmed down myself and thought this over.

"I won\'t go there for now."

"But why??" He jumped.

"It\'s already in the auction, we can\'t get it unless it\'s bought-in, or do you have enough money for it? I won\'t help even if I go there!"

"What are you going to do then? Nothing?"

"I\'ll look for money!"

"Huh??" Hawk gave me a "you\'re kidding me" look.

"I\'m going to try buying it off!" I explained again.

"The attributes are already revealed. That thing\'s at least 500 thousand crystals!"

"Oh shit. Now this is trouble." I complained. "Tell me the attributes then! What is it anyway?"

"A Taoist equipment, [Robe of the Primordial Lord], Defense 700, doubles the power of all your Taoist skills, +50% element resistance, +25% MP regeneration, and a passive skill that reduces all damage you take by 20%. A Taoist can just take a Warrior head-on if he wears this thing! Do you remember that rabbit boots we saw on Golden Coin?"


"They\'re from the same set! The boots is part of the Primordial Lord outfit!"

"Damn it. Now we can\'t lose it. Ok I\'ll go think of something!"

"Alright but make it fast! The auction is tomorrow evening!"

"Got it. I\'ll try!"

I cut the chat and sat on the ground. What to do what to do what should I do??

Exchange real money?

No. Father said there\'s no end once you started throwing money into a game. And I shouldn\'t start it in the first place.

So the only option is to earn money in the game. But how?? I still got some serious debt on my ass for crying out loud!

Maybe try to do some business? But what kind of business brings so much money within two days?

Rare stuff is always precious. So what is rare? Good equipment and companions. According to Hawk, an average level companion egg can usually sell for tens of thousands of crystals on the market. Should I go farm some eggs and sell them?

I contacted Hawk again. "Hawk! Do you know what kind of companions sell best in the game now?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Eggs are expensive right? I\'ll go get some to sell!"

"...That\'s right! I forgot you have good capture skills!"

"Tell me!"

"I\'m not sure but higher leveled ones are always more expensive. We don\'t have time to lift the prices so try not to get anything TOO high, or no one would buy it! Consider your level, find some average companions around level 500. They should attract enough buyers."

"What do you mean average companions?"

"Balanced ones. Your companions all have certain specialties like very fast or something. They\'re good but not many people will choose them. We need to find companions favored by all people!"

"Ok, ok! I\'ll see to it!" More explanations will just make the matter worse at such a moment. "You help me find some buyers first!"

"Roger that!"

So, level 500. That means mini bosses around cities.

I teleported to the grassland outside Goddess City and rushed towards the high level area. The Goddess City is one of the three main system cities. There are tons of players here.

Thanks to my wizard robe (10 thousand crystals!!) and the bracelet, people would just see me as a common mage. The only problem is the robe looks too luxurious. And I can\'t hide my face either. The robe hides my cape as well.

The players watched in amazement as a fake wizard dashed straight into the depth of the grassland. Sometimes I pulled several monsters, and I just dodged them. I still caused the players to drop their jaws . They never saw a wizard who can move so fast. Monsters that managed to get close almost did no damage. What kind of wizard runs inside monster crowds without even using his mana shield??

I suddenly realized a problem. What if all the monsters run wild all over the field? This is the first time I\'m trying to capture monsters on open ground. I don\'t want to run a marathon after them!

I looked around the place and all the player groups who are grinding together.


"Hiring bodyguards! Good payment!"

I can find some people to help me herd the monsters. They may not kill them easily but I only need them to keep monsters in check.

I\'m surrounded by the nearby players in the next second.

"How much??" A high-pitched male voice.

"How many people you hirin\'?" A deep male voice.

"For how long?" Even females are interested!

"What monsters are you killing?" That sounds like a student.

"Immediate cash?" A trader!

The scene is getting too chaotic. I raised my hands to silence them.

"Deep into the grassland, against level 500 monsters. Teams only, no solo players!"

That\'s because teamwork would be of help. Players who don\'t know each other will cause troubles.

Some people left after I said that. Either solo players or those who don\'t feel safe against level 500 targets.

I looked at the remaining people and proposed my conditions. "This is urgent, we\'ll be working overnight, starting right away. We take some rest late today but start working early the next morning. Until 4 pm tomorrow."

Someone spoke: "Piece of cake. What kind of gamer doesn\'t stay up late?"

Of course there is. More people left.

Only a small number stayed. They stood in three groups, apparently they originally belong to three different teams.

I continued: "I\'ll hire all of you if you agree. I need lot of people here. 300 crystals. You decide how to share the money and any drops you may find. I won\'t ask. But I won\'t provide any potions and consumables either. 50 down payment, another 50 when you log off tonight, 50 when you log in again, and the rest when we finish."

They began to count people to see how much money each one can earn out of this.

The left group has five players, two male Warriors (again, this is only a general title, I don\'t know what sub-classes they are), one female Elven Archer, a female White Mage and a Priest. Now that\'s rare, usually only girls play priestesses.

The middle group, one female Warrior, two male Black Mages, a male Swordsman.

The rightmost team, three male Elven Archers, a Priestess, a female Taoist, and a ....woman wearing wizard robe with a two-handed sword on her back. No idea what she is.

15 people. If shared evenly, everyone will get 20 crystals. That\'s pretty good income. (*)

"I\'m going to catch monsters as eggs. You still get the payment if I fail, but if I succeed I\'ll pay another two crystals to each one of you. I\'ll be pointing out monsters and your job is to prevent the target from escaping."

"No problem. We\'re in!" The Priest from the first team stepped out. It seems he\'s the leader. Huh, but I thought one of their Warriors is.

The female Warrior from the second team agreed on their behalf.

The spokesman, I mean spokeswoman, for the third team is the female player whose class I didn\'t recognize.

"Now that you all agreed to participate, I\'ll give you 20 minutes to get prepared. Be sure to bring enough potions or anything you may need. Come back here when ready, late comers will be left out!"

They fell into discussion. Each team sent a member back to the city for supplies. Or not, the third team sent two people, probably because they have the most members?

The remaining people waited with me. It\'s boring enough so their leaders decided to chat with me.

"Are you grinding a support class?" The unknown woman asked.

"No, I\'m a combat class."

"Then...isn\'t it too hard for you?" The female Warrior said, "Even those professional Breeders won\'t have much luck, and you\'re not a professional."

"Doesn\'t hurt to try." Not going to tell too much to someone I haven\'t known for long. "Like I said, you still get the payment if I fail, so don\'t worry. By the way, the task seems hard enough, but you all accepted. I thought I wouldn\'t find so many helpers. You will lose levels if you die right?"

The Priest spoke. "Why not? The pay is good. I\'d accept even if I lose a level for it."

"Good? You mean, 20 Crystals for each one?" I didn\'t think much about the payment because 300 crystals were all I had. "That\'s like, the lowest pay rate for Dragon Fate employees."

"Dragon Fate??" The female Warrior exclaimed. "Well I ain\'t compete with people from that place. You know how people would throng for a position there. Your lowest pay is higher than some of the managers in other companies! Do you know 20 crystals means three days worth of my salary?"

"I don\'t even have income. Student, heh." The unknown class spoke up. "I used to spend money on the game and get items or pay for game time cards before. If I can find such jobs often then I don\'t have to eat cheap buns all day."

Everyone chuckled. The female Taoist put an arm around her. "Hey sis, come to me and I\'ll treat you to instant ramen bowls. That\'s at least better than buns."

"Ha-hahaha!" People laughed this time. Though I don\'t really feel like joking, with the hot matter at hand. There\'s a good chance that our Nation Treasure will get taken away by Japanese players if I don\'t do something. This is no joke, you don\'t want to lose your flag item to someone else during nation wars!

I\'m confident in my capture skills but there are always accidents. What if I don\'t find enough eggs in time? I need a plan B!

Maybe just take it by force?

Possible, but too risky. If I\'m a player with a Nation Treasure and knows someone\'s gonna take it away when there\'s no chance of protecting it, I\'d just log off and never get on again. At least they\'ll never get hands on it.

No. This is not safe. Besides they can just do that the moment they buy the item. So this means I need to prevent them from winning the auction in the first place!

Everyone else is chatting while I\'m struggling with my mind. They look more and more acquainted now. Good, since better teamwork will help a lot.


(*) This means $30 for playing a game overnight. Not bad.

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