Starting from Zero

Chapter 116: The Party

Butterfly entered our room and interrupted our silence. "Sir, the party is about to start."

"Alright." I stood up and beckoned the girls. "Come on. We’ll win it back."

"Ah is it time already?" Rin Ray also woke up. "It\'s so much fun! I never played such games before, and I love it! My character is Draconian, I was born in somewhere called the Dragon Valley. It\'s so beautiful!"

"Uh Wait." Something\'s wrong. "What is your character again?"

"Draconian. Why?"

"What is that?" Rose and Zirai noticed it too. "Did you use the wrong game?" Rose asked while checking her helmet.

" She’s playing [Zero] alright."

I also looked at the helmet. "Are you sure about your race?"

Rin Ray just gave us a strange look. "Yeah. What\'s the matter? There was a lady asking me to choose my race so I chose one. Is something wrong?"

"...In [Zero], there are 12 common races and 7 hidden races, I never heard of a race called Draconian. However did you pick it?"

"Did you see your final character? Are you a human or a monster?" Zirai suddenly asked.

"I was human. But I have a [Transform] option, I can turn into a dragon-like creature to kill monsters, it works faster than human form."

"Aha! Now we have a dragon girl among our ranks." Rose chuckled. "Try to get out of rookie village as soon as you can so we can help you. I bet you\'ll be one of the strongest of us all. This is the first time we heard about this race, I wonder what you can do."

I nodded. "Remember Red Moon’s werewolf mode? That was a disaster to me."

"Ah! We\'re late!" Rin Ray pointed at the clock.

"Let\'s move!"

We quickly tidied up and changed into our formal wears. And I must say the three ladies are absolutely astonishing!

They say the party is an entertainment event held by the island managing team, but it is actually a chance where various participants observe their opponents. The island is a HUGE investment, of course no one wants to get embarrassed for not able to afford the price in the public, so someone often hold a party or meeting like this before an auction to give everyone a chance to know about the coming competition.

There are quite a lot of shows and performances tonight. Of course our Obaly is placed in the end to present a bigger surprise.

"Mr Wu? Is everything in place?" I saw the chief designer standing at the entrance of the hotel.

"I came to give you a report. We’ve bought all the schedules for major television channels during golden hours. The Central Television also handed their entertainment channel to us. There are also several popular foreign channels. Our 173 communication satellites will broadcast the event across the globe, without leaving any blind spot. Anyone who watches TV tonight will see our program."

"Good! I\'ll leave it to you."

When he left I turned to Rin Ray. "You heard that my lady? Get up early tomorrow and see how Cindy cries!"

"Awesome!" She gave me a big smile.

While Zirai only looks puzzled. "Seriously, who are you? You have your own satellites? Is your family doing media business?"

"You can say so." I dodged the question. "We do anything that\'s profitable."

"Is that so? If I pay you to assassinate the prime minister of Japan, will you do it?"

I spoke to Butterfly. "Tell her the price. Oh and, give her a little discount."

"That will cost 2 billion. Another 500 million if you have special requirement, such as bring back his head or ear or something as a souvenir. We only accept cash. 50% down payment first. Is there anything else you want to ask? We can make it look like an accident, or leave a message that someone did this. If you pay 20% more we can deal with his entire family, including their pet dog and every single flea on its body. We can even take him back alive and let you do whatever you want if that’s what you wish for."

"Hahaha! You guys should show up in movies instead of being bodyguards." Rin Ray laughed. "It sounds so real!"

Rose laughed with her, but I saw sweat drops coming down her neck. She’s been to our bases, of course she knows Butterfly isn’t joking.

"Well well well, isn\'t this the very Miss Rin who failed to become a star because no one wants her?" A sharp voice came near us which caused my hair to stand.


"Isn\'t this the very Miss Cindy who has another name, what is it again, the ‘Public Toilet’? You seem pretty free today. I suppose those studs do not require your...service right now?"

Rin Ray\'s words are even sharper. Now I don’t doubt they fight a lot before, because it\'s going to happen right now!

"Hey watch your tongue!" A young man behind Cindy stepped up, trying to act hero.

He pushed at Rin Ray\'s shoulder. Bad idea. I already noticed her as an athlete type.

Rin Ray stepped aside, dodging his hand. However the man knocked into Rose who\'s been standing behind Rin Ray.

Rose fell backwards since she\'s wearing those clumsy party dress. Butterfly caught her and prevented her falling with a quick move.

I sighed in relief and turned to that uncultured asshole. "Apologize. Now."

"Who the fuc are you? A kid should be quiet when the adults are talking. Do you know who I am? You heard me, Rin Ray, one word from my dad and your family\'s going to shut your business! Now get lost if you know what’s good for you!"

"Ah. So this mister here must have a rather good family. May I inquire what it is that you do?" I asked him.

The idiot continued: "Afraid now? Too late! My father is the president of White Stone Cooperation. You heard about it? We make airplanes! 10% of all planes flying above China belong to us!"

"Ohh, awesome!" I exclaimed.

"Humph! So what if I pushed that girl? Speaking of the girl...She looks pretty good! What about--yawch!"

The guy is losing himself. Cindy walked up and knocked his head.

I beckoned at Mr Wu who’s standing not far from us.

"Can I help you, sir?"

Cindy and her follower stopped to watch, not sure what I’m doing.

"Mr Wu, find someone to publish an article, saying that the president of White Stone had a car accident and is now having a broken arm and brain concussion. And make sure it stays on the headline on tomorrow\'s newspaper."

"Huh?" Mr Wu was scared a little. "But, their president is...?"

Butterfly interrupted him. "Just do it. It will happen." Then she turned to me. "Sir, I’ll go arrange it now."

"What-What do you mean?" The young man is trembling now. "This-this is crime!"

"Crime huh? Me? Which crime did I commit? Tell me Zirai, did I do something?"

She chuckled. "Nope. We’ve been having a nice little chat just now and we didn’t do nothing."

"This-this is just a bluff!" I can see he\'s scared but he’s still playing tough.

I changed my smile into anger. "I don’t need your apologize now. I give you 5 seconds to get out of our sight, or I’ll change the news from someone’s wounded to someone’s killed!"

He’s not moving, so I began to count. "Five, four, three..."

"You-you\'d better remember this!" He ran away screaming.

"Loser." Rin Ray spit at his direction.

"Oh, so you found yourself a decent toy boy at last?"

Cindy\'s words are meant to be offensive but I feel happy somehow. Finally, someone saw me as a man!

"...What are you smiling at?" Rin Ray gave me a nudge.

"Oh, nothing, nothing." I recovered from my "joy". "Ahem. Miss Cindy, as a public figure, you should really mind what you say and do."

"What do you mean?"

"I\'m just telling you we\'re all cultured people. People are watching, and there’s no good in offending others openly."

She’s going to taste shit tomorrow anyway so I don’t have to waste time with her now.

I think she sensed something in my words. She didn’t say anything further and left.

I hear music. The party is starting. Ladies and gentlemen began to gather and discuss anything they’re willing to reveal. Of course I don’t have a reason to join them, so I stretched a hand to Rose.

"May I have the pleasure, my lady?"

Rose accepted my hand with a smile. We walked into the dancing floor but...I regretted it soon. It seems Rose has no idea of any kind of dancing moves. She stepped on my foot for several times within a minute. She\'s born in a not-very-educated family after all. Crap, I should have taught her some moves first.

But I think my feet are going to be alright, since Rose is slim, plus I\'m wearing some thick defense (padded leather shoes).

Rose dragged me away from the dancing crowd after some missteps. She must have noticed my mild expression when I tried to endure the pain. Zirai and Rin Ray welcomed us with a lot of laughing. The twins have been taking count of "how many times Ziri was stomped".

Before I sit down though, Zirai pulled me up. "How about some moves with me?"

And Rose pushed me towards the crowd!

When we went up there the music changed into Bull Fighter Dance. Whoever came up with the idea?

A lot of portly-looking men left the area. There\'s no way they’re going to follow such rhythm. Some younger people joined the quick dance. I also see Cindy and that young follower among them.

For some reason Zirai gradually pulled me towards them and began to force me into all kinds of intense moves, as if we’re having a competition with the other pair. When I received another signal, I dragged Zirai into my arms with a spinning move, then threw her above my head. Now this is something not everyone can do. This requires both strength and precision. Better if the female has a nice body shape. One wrong move and the lady will fall onto the floor or crash into her partner.

Our action already attracted a lot of applause. Anyone who joined the party tonight should have certain background behind them, of course they know how to admire exquisite dancing.

Beside us, Cindy and her partner decided to follow our lead. However...I don’t know about Cindy’s skills, but I’m sure the man got way weaker muscles.

They finished the first steps just fine, but the young man failed to toss Cindy upwards. Instead, his arms gave up halfway and stumbled on the floor, while Cindy, with no one catching her, bumped on the solid ground like a dead fish. I could have saved her from receiving a painful bottom...I didn’t though. It’s pretty fun watching them both crash like that.

Me and Zirai waited until they\'re well lying on the ground, before we came to help them stand up.

I spoke to the man: "You know that kind of move needs a lot of practice right?"

While Zirai told Cindy: "I told you that you really need to cut some weight. Look, you almost broke your poor partner\'s arms."

Cindy’s face looks almost purple. Not sure if it\'s because her anger or she hit her face on the floor. Nevertheless, it felt good.

When we walked down the dancing floor, Rin Ray gave us a thumb-up. "Nice one!"


"I think it’s time to present our main dish now." Rin Ray suggested.

"Got it." I checked the time and spoke to Butterfly. "Call Mr Wu to start the show."

"Roger that."

Butterfly ran to the back of the stage. The party hall soon became quiet. Someone stopped the music and focused the spotlights onto the center of the dancing floor, where an emcee is now standing.

"Good evening, my honored guests. Today I’m glad to announce that we\'re fortunate enough to have a new image celebrity for Dragon Fate Cooperation, Lady Snowflake!"

The stage curtain opened up. Obaly walked into the light, and I can already hear some gasps among the crowd.

Mr Wu somehow appeared behind my back. "That’s a nice first impression I\'d day."

"Lady Snowflake huh?" Rose spoke.

"Her stage name. It goes well with her pure and white designs so I think people would accept that name better."

"The male creatures around the hall are showing signs of primal desire now. It\'s a pity that Cindy went to the medical care just now and cannot see this first-hand.

Obaly is singing our company song. As one of the largest international company, of course we have our own song. Dragon Fate is still a Chinese company in its title, but it is essentially an individual entity that isn’t controlled by our country anymore. Every move of us would draw the attention of the entire world. Our financial and political influence is as big as some of the governments.

The company song, "Dragon Soul", should be a chorus performed by a group of people. Now Obaly is soloing it just fine with the help of computer and vocal assisting systems. After this song, she presented seven hot pop songs in succession. These brilliant choices are often heard on the street, played by the mobile phones of younger generation. Now they raised one after another round of applause.

Mr Wu put down his phone and spoke to me: "Sir, the report says that we now have over 1.3 billion viewers, 0.9 from within China."

"Good, good! Just what I’d expect." I looked at Rin Ray. "Now that’s how you create a superstar overnight."

She nodded. "Yup. All I need is to kidnap you."

After the song streak finished, some of the elder bosses required several additional ones. Now these old men also became her fan? This is a little unexpected.

Obaly finally left the stage after 13 songs, and it still raised a lot of protests. If I ever do this again I need to remind myself to hold it back it little. It\'s not really a good idea to give all the old folks a spring fever.

The party lasted until 11 in the evening. The twins already told their parents to stay at their friend\'s. Our suite have nine bedrooms so we have enough sleeping space.

When we sat down and looked at our game helmets, bad memories came back again.

"When is the island auction?" Zirai asked.

"The day after tomorrow?" I gave an uncertain answer and spoke to Butterfly in another room.

"Butterfly. You know the time?"

"You were right! 8 o’clock after dinner!"

"Okay, do we play the game for the whole tomorrow? I so need to get back to those bastards." Zirai is still angry with the pirates.

"I agree. We need to launch our own attack as soon as we can, instead of keep taking hits." Rose nodded.

I gave it some thought.

"Alright. We get our ship ready for war tomorrow and set sail. The enemies should have their guard down after their victory, so let\'s take the chance and hit’em hard!"

"Sleeping time then. Remember to wake me up if any of you got here earlier!" Zirai said that and dragged her sister out of the room.

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