Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 1232 - The Secret of the Terrifying Kinetic Energy

‘Is that unknown powerful attribute carried by this silver secret item?’


‘Were all the 7 knights of Sacred Light Empire counterfeits?’


‘Was the 20-ton flagship of Sacred Light Empire made of paper?’


‘Was it a fortune and coincidence?’

‘Of course not!’


All the amazing, unimaginable events or problems went back to briefness.

In many occasions, briefness was everlasting, truth and the final orientation of the problem.

After listening to the cries of sea-mews for half an hour on the top of the mountain peak, Zhang Tie opened his eyes. His eyes didn’t contain any perplexed eye light anymore; instead, they were giving out bizarre light. Behind the bizarre light was the gate leading to another world.

After removing all the impossible reasons, Zhang Tie had already got the answer to that question.

The terrifying power of Thor’s Hammer was only determined by his fast speed and the weight of Thor’s Hammer.

It was not a sophisticated question; however, Zhang Tie had not imagined that the answer could be so simple. The teacher of mechanics class in No. 7 male middle school had already instructed him of the reason.

The answer to this question was simple. Even a junior middle school student knew the formula, half of an object’s mass multiplied by two times that of its moving speed led to the kinetic energy of this object!

‘Kinetic energy! Yes, it’s kinetic energy! The unit of kinetic energy is kg⋅m/s! This is a simple physics commonplace that was accepted by humans before the Catastrophe.’

‘Thank God, after this Catastrophe, many things have changed; however, this simple kinetic energy formula remained unchanged. It’s still a part of the general laws of this world.’

Because this formula was simple, it was ignored. Even Zhang Tie had not imagined the relationship between this simple knowledge and his terrifying blow.

‘Before I launched my strike, my flight speed was 3487 m/s, which was a bit greater than that of 10 times the speed of sound.’ This was the speed sensed by Zhang Tie’s knight’s consciousness.

‘The Thor’s Hammer weighs 6.8 tons, namely 6,800 kg; my Chaos weighs 600 kg; along with my own body, it totally weighs 7,486 kg. Half of 7,486 is 3,743; two times my moving speed is 12,159,169. Therefore, my kinetic energy at that moment was 45,511,769,567 Joules.

‘What’s the meaning of 45,511,769,567 Joules?’

‘According to my mechanics’ teacher, if a crossbow’s kinetic energy was greater than 100 Joules, it couldn’t be displayed or carried in some places as it would kill people. This is also the regulation that Andaman Federation used to judge whether a crossbow could be used as a weapon or not. Many countries across Waii Subcontinent have the same regulation. The lowest standard for the kinetic energy of crossbow weapon is 100 Joules. Some countries might even take 90 Joules or 110 Joules as the lowest standard for the kinetic energy of crossbow weapons. No matter what, no country would take crossbow weapons whose kinetic energy was 200 Joules as toys.

‘The kinetic energy of a light crossbow, such as that excellent “Irongate T21” that Fattie Barley carried to attend the survival training is about 800 Joules. The kinetic energy of a medium-sized crossbow could reach about 2,000 Joule. The so-called heavy crossbow’s kinetic energy could reach at least 4,000 Joule. Some single pawn heavy crossbows’ kinetic energy could reach 10,000 Joules. City-defense steam ballista’s kinetic energy could reach over 50,000 Joule. The kinetic energy of more powerful steam centrifugal ballista could reach at least 2 million Joule.’

‘What about the kinetic energy of my blow?’

‘Over 45 billion Joules. This explained why my strike could be so powerful.’

‘The shocking effect was caused by three reasons; first, also the most important reason lay in my terrifying kinetic energy; second, the shattering and lightning damage effects attached by the Thor’s Hammer; third, my strength and the power of battle qi. Only with the three strengths could I shatter the 7 knights of Sacred Light Empire and cause such a terrifying destructive effect.’

Zhang Tie thought it through at once as he stood up with a bit excited look. A wholly new world was then pushed open by Zhang Tie silently.

After standing up, Zhang Tie threw another glance at the current scenery.

The mountain and the sea were as same as that he saw half an hour ago. A flock of pure white sea mews was hovering under the cliff. The sun had just risen up for a short while.

Nothing in front of his eyes changed; however, they were already different in Zhang Tie’s mind. From the perspective of kinetic energy, the mountain’s kinetic energy was zero, the sea mew’s kinetic energy was greater than that of the mountain; the kinetic energy of the sea wave was greater. The sun above his head had the greatest kinetic energy. The trace of the sun was like a brilliant avenue that hung over the sky...From a certain perspective, this was a world composed of kinetic energies.

Zhang Tie immediately entered Castle of Black Iron and appeared in the palace tree of Castle of Black Iron.


“Castle Lord...” Edward hurriedly bowed towards Zhang Tie when he saw Zhang Tie in the lobby of the palace tree.

“Leave me alone. I’m thinking about something!”

Zhang Tie soon came to the palace under the small tree. Without even throwing a glance at the fruits on the small tree, he had sat down with crossed legs. At the same time, he closed his eyes and triggered the trouble-reappearance situation of Xuanyuan Hill. Closely after that, he entered his own Xuanyuan Hill once again.

Edward scratched his head as he didn’t know why Zhang Tie was so anxious. The moment he walked out of the lobby of the palace tree, he had seen Heller going downstairs.

“Is Castle Lord back?”

“Yes, Castle Lord said that he wanted to stay alone!” Edward said respectfully.

Heller waved his hand as he replied, “Fine, I see, mind your own business!”

Edward then left. Heller came to the lobby of the palace tree casually. Standing far away, he watched Zhang Tie who was completely in the trouble-reappearance situation under the small tree.

Heller seemingly let out a long sigh before muttering, “Woah, Castle Lord, you finally reached this step. If you still didn’t understand which step you reached until today, I even want to remind you directly. It seems that those jerk pastors of Sacred Light Empire are still useful. After grasping the secret of the power of kinetic energy, Castle Lord should have been clear about your strengths and cultivation orientation. Only such a future is promising!”

After muttering for a short while, Heller revealed a smile. After throwing another glance at those fruits over the small tree, he left the lobby of the palace tree. Heller knew that Zhang Tie might not exit the trouble-reappearance situation in a short period; otherwise, Zhang Tie would not enter trouble-reappearance situation right after returning to Castle of Black Iron.

Of course, Heller could guess what Zhang Tie wanted to do.


Zhang Tie still appeared in the manor of Lord Guangnan in Xuanyuan Hill. Like usual, the LV 9 demon fighter’s limbs were broken and thrown away by Zhang Tie once again. Closely after that, Zhang Tie grabbed the metal candlestick and flew towards a conspicuous building in the distance.

In less than 10 seconds, Zhang Tie had come to the gate of that conspicuous building along with the loud sonic booms. After dropping off the metal candlestick, he entered the 50-m higher gate.

That building was the Library of Xuanyuan Hill. This library was the largest database of humans as of now, which contained hundreds of millions of materials and books. This library collected many materials before the Catastrophe. Last year, Bai Suxian showed him around here. In the underground of this library, there was the largest difference engine array in this age.

When he came here last year, this library was bustling. The materials in this library were classified. Only people with the corresponding class could have the access to some materials. Some materials could only be inquired by the officials of Taixia Country. Even Bai Suxian couldn’t read whatever she wanted here.

By contrast, Zhang Tie was the only person in the entire library. All the guards and staff in the library had disappeared. It completely became Zhang Tie’s private place.

Last year, Zhang Tie and Bai Suxian were not qualified to enter the inquiry zones on Class 7 and above; this time, Zhang Tie directly came to the top of the library and entered the Class 9 inquiry zone.

Class 9 inquiry zone was independent. Each inquiry room was almost as large as a theater. There was no serviceman in the room. He could only see a set of terminal inquiry machine which was linked to the underground difference engine array and a huge black metal curtain which was higher than 10 m and wider than 20 m. On the black metal curtain, there were numerous dense and tidy round metal pushpin-shaped bulges.

Zhang Tie had heard about this advanced object. However, it was his first time to see it. The metal curtain was one of the most delicate and expensive machines in the world. It was a terminal metal pixel display being connected to the large difference engine. The signals output by difference engine could be reflected on this metal curtain through complex transcoding and translation. This product combined typography and the most advanced steam technologies...

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