The Devil's Cage

Chapter 1444 - Transforming

Chapter 1444: Transforming

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Around three hours later, the west-bound convoy switched directions and continued on to Arya Outpost instead.

People carried urns holding the ashes of their family members. Soft sobbing could be heard from time to time.

After a one time ‘betrayal’, the damage done was far more severe than death, as the morale of the group was almost zero.

They survived in the end but they had lost reason to live.

Even though they were heading to Arya Outpost, they did it because they were just habitually listening to the convoy leader’s order, which was Archpriest Pelder of Harvest Temple.

Other than that? The people didn’t know.

Every single one of them looked lost and their expressions were all captured by Kieran’s eyes. In the end, Kieran landed his gaze on Pelder, the archpriest of Harvest Temple.

Similar to the people, the archpriest was at a loss for actions. He didn’t even know his broken limb was bleeding again.

A warm, tender light appeared from Kieran’s hand.

The legacy skill of Marulyn that used [Knights of Dawn Body Tempering Art] as basis granted Kieran the skill [Heal], and this particular skill was playing its role effectively. Pelder’s broken limb was swiftly healed under the light.

And this time around, the elder archpriest finally reacted to the situation.

“T-Thank you,” he said in a dry voice.

“No need to. I did it for them,” Kieran pointed through the window at the people walking outside the wagon.

The archpriest also looked outside to where Kieran was pointing. He saw the people’s expressions were similar to his, and somehow, it brought tears to the archpriest eyes, before they rolled down his cheeks uncontrollably.

“Why! Why! Why did His Majesty did this to us? We would guard His Majesty with our lives, even at the last moment, but why did he abandon us?”

His mumbles brought up the questions that troubled his mind.

“Why? It’s because they themselves are selfish beings. They will only trust themselves! We are nothing but a bunch of idiots!”

Livezel, who had awoken, was tied down by special shackles made by the temples. He was leaning on the shaking carriage, looking at the painful archpriest, dwelling in his own despair. Livezel couldn’t help but smile coldly.

The archpriest didn’t reply, shrinking further inside his body, as though he was badly hurt.

After he saw how the archpriest reacted, Livezel, the young man who had fallen into the wrong side, showed delight in his gaze. He then looked at Kieran.

He wanted to taunt Kieran also, just like how he mocked Pelder, wanting to let Kieran feel his pain as well.

But... a shoe suddenly appeared on his face.


The kick had perfectly controlled strength, not too strong and not to soft, every bit of strength focused at the young man’s head.

As pain and dizziness filled Livezel’s brain, he was barely able to sit properly, falling down in the carriage after the first kick.



The fallen young man tried to get up but another kick followed, making him shut up.

Kieran didn’t even look at Livezel after the two kicks.

Although he kept Livezel alive, it didn’t mean he had to show Livezel a pleasant attitude.

Or rather, being able to stay alive, even as a captive, was already Kieran’s biggest mercy.

“You want to know the answer?” Kieran asked the painful archpriest.

“Yes,” the archpriest looked at Kieran and replied firmly.

“They also want to know, maybe even more than you do. The people didn’t just place all their hopes in the God of Harvest, they placed their hope in you too—their God has let them down, but what about you? Are you letting them down as well?”

Kieran said calmly as he pointed at the people outside the carriage.


“You experienced betrayal, you know how painful it can be. They experienced the harsh betrayal too but you are cruel enough to push them through that horrible experience again? If you do, I really wasted my efforts to save you!”

Kieran interrupted Pelder rudely, grabbing him by the collar and throwing him out of the carriage, through the window.


The defenseless archpriest fell painfully on the ground.

The absent-minded people were shocked by the scene. They looked at the archpriest on the ground in surprise, their instincts driving them over to him quickly.

“Archpriest Pelder, are you alright?”

“Lord Archpriest, are you alright?”

“What happened, Lord Archpriest?”

Not just soldiers and knights, even civilians gathered around.

Everyone expressed their concern through greetings and worried expressions, making the archpriest shiver thoroughly as he was helped up by the people.

The pain of betrayal started to disperse under the warm greetings.

The archpriest suddenly understood what Kieran was talking about, realizing he wasn’t alone. He had to be responsible for more than himself, he had a lot of lives on his hand.

Huuuu, huuu!

His panting somehow turned heavy, his eyes red again, but he held back his tears.

He didn’t want to show his ugly side to these people who cared about him, it would only further complicate things.

The archpriest regulated his breath back to normal, the people helping him up and walking him to the front of the wagon, where the wagoner was. He saw the continuous group behind the wagon and couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

“I understand how hurt everyone is feeling, but this pain will not take us down! Because even while we were betrayed, we were rescued at the same time—Sir Ryan! He is taking a great risk by coming over from Arya Outpost. He isn’t a believer, but his wish is to save more people! And he did it! He saved us, we owe our lives to him! Perhaps Sir Ryan does not ask to be repaid, but I don’t think we should take his goodwill for granted. We shouldn’t waste this gift from Sir Ryan, a second chance at life! I am willing to pledge the rest of my life to serve Sir Ryan, not just to repay his goodwill but because he allowed me to understand the importance of the people. Now, let us head to Arya Outpost! We will start our new life there!”

The archpriest then looked into the carriage with an apologetic gaze. He felt ashamed for using the fact that Kieran saved all of them, but he had to, otherwise the people would have a hard time getting back on their feet.

After listening to the archpriest’s words, the people showed a change of expression, some of them even bowing at the carriage.

Kieran saw the scene. He felt the fire in his mind, surrounded by chaos, jump again. He couldn’t help but lift up his mouth corner.

It was exactly what he sought: getting the best result without him attending to the matter personally.

Of course, this wasn’t the end.

The were still time.

“Hmph, they are listening to you because of your archpriest position. They revered your identity so badly that they forgot the betrayal from God of Harvest. Once they realize this fact, you...”


Another kick later, the carriage went quiet again.

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