Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 124

This is the cradle of the future super weapon of the Auland Empire, Air Fleet. Just from the facilities, their technology, and the expertise of the craftsmen and engineers, they are the pinnacle of the entire continent.

Based on the initial plan, the Borealis should be capable of floating within two weeks. However, it would only be capable of flying then.

Even though there is a large difference between the completed product and the semi-completed product, due to the existence of the contract, we could only quickly find other spare parts to finish the work on time. Of course, due to the difference in the foundations of the industries between both countries, it would be best if the construction of the ship is completed here.

Due to the invasion of the Seafolk, a variable popped up in the building phase of the contract which unexpectedly gave us the sufficient time we need. If we don’t make full use of it, it would be too much of a pity. Thus, the moment we entered the secret base, I made an order to complete the construction of the Borealis in full scale and to the highest possible quality seeing as we have the time to do that.

“Poor working conditions will only cause the workers to feel resentment and hatred to their employers. They will think of ways to circumvent their responsibilities. On the other hand, a joyful working condition is not only beneficial to the worker’s morale and efficiency, it can also bring about inspiration that could possibly improve the end product in ways you never expected.

Thus, in order to allow everyone to work and live here in ease, I thought of ways to improve the working conditions here. For example, I raised the standards of the food and drinks here. I organised cultural performances, football, other conditions and such. In fact, for the food, I even secretly sneaked out to fish.

With Tracy’s Song of the Tides, the Seafolk are probably confused over where their fish schools are. Even if they were able to deduce that someone was hunting down their fish, they would only think of the culprit as one of the other tribes.

The effects of these entertainment activities are excellent. After all, to the residents of this world, entertainment is something that is sorely lacking. The only flaw of my plan is that I seem to have gone overboard. The engineers are drowning in those entertainment opportunities and are unable to focus their attention to the work at hand.

However, soon with a large group of Undead beings under the command of the recovered engineer, as well as the assistance of the Gentlemen and Knights, our progress went faster than we have planned.

I didn’t make many changes to the original ship design. After all, this isn’t my field of expertise. However, towards the weapons system on the ship, I stated my intentions.

“8 Mage Towers and 33 cannons? How is that enough? Give me 16 Mage Towers and 64 cannons! No, I want 32 Mage Towers and 100 cannons!”

“There isn’t sufficient resources? Rest easy, I have my own plans. There isn’t sufficient space? Don’t you know how to add a cannon on top of a cannon?! Build a small cannon tower in between two cannon towers? Don’t worry too much about the symmetry of the ship. What we need is more cannon towers and more cannons!”

“Remember this, you rookie engineers, don’t be overly obsessed with outer appearance and ornaments, focus your intelligence on how you could increase the number of cannons and the cannon caliber! Come, chant with me! More is beauty, massive is magnificent, caliber is justice and cannon towers are the way to go! The weak RPG, go and die 300 times!”

“What? You all don’t know what is RPG? That refers to fools who ride on their own gunpowder and blast themselves out as a cannon ball.”

Alright, currently, the spreading of my teachings of more cannon towers has been going pretty smoothly. At least in the recent days, as the number of cannon towers on the Borealis increases. The ship is getting more and more deformed but in exchange, a different kind of beauty could be seen from it. More and more engineers are starting to appreciate this different kind of beauty.

While working, there are already some engineers who are shouting, “The billions of stars and billions of cannon towers. If there isn’t cannon towers, then there is nothing!”, “All of the cannon towers are equal, but there are some cannon towers who are more equal than the others!”, “I praise you, the almighty many cannon towers.”

However, there are some of them who weren’t inspired by the teachings.

“... As long as we are able to solve the basically unsolvable problem of limited energy, it is not like I am unable to understand the modification of the cannons. However, there is really no need for some of the additional work. If we exclude the additional procedures required for the ornaments that you added in, we would have long finished the construction.”

The chief engineer of the Borealis, Piacenza, is a rather conventional old scholar. He is unable to comprehend the edit proposal that I added in at the last moment’s notice.

Ornamental procedures? Indeed, going by the mainstream route for shipbuilding, stitching the valuable dragon scales and dragon skin onto the boat and inserting the one-of-a-kind mystical magic gemstone into the core of the ship, other than flaunting one’s wealth, doesn’t have much uses. To him, it seems like a non-expert is trying to guide an expert in their own field. In the eyes of the experts, trouble would soon appear due to these additional procedures.

It is true that I am not building a boat though, I don’t even know the fundamentals to build one.

“Undead Creation.”

From a certain viewpoint, I have been treating it as a theoretical and rational scientific field. Just like how the western doctors of the foreign world dissect corpses to understand the functions of the human organs, the Necromancers of this world also start to understand corpses from dissection. They view that humans are a series of spare parts (organs) placed together.

In that world, there are already organ transplants, human reformation, human cloning and multiple other technologies. However, in this world, due to the existence in magic, a rookie Necromancer is even more crazed than the craziest scientists and surgeons. There is absolutely no difficulty whatsoever in transplanting an organ. It isn’t that difficult to pile together a group of spare parts to stitch together a human.

After all, a surgeon has to consider whether that person is capable of surviving the operation whereas a Necromancer is able to make do with both the living and the dead. This is where the two differ from one another. As Necromancers realised the importance of the soul, they came up with the simple equation of ‘life = physical body + soul’. Then, without any fear or restrictions, they are able to challenge the authority of the creator with no one going crazy. On the other hand, if a surgeon were to dissect a human into multiple spare parts, ignoring the fact of whether the person is able to be resuscitated when he is put back together, if the news were to leak, he would probably be treated like a murder suspect the next day.

If an analogy has to be made, then it would be just like the hardware and the software of a computer. Necromancers are able to split life into two portions where the physical body is the hardware and the soul is the software. As long as the physical body is able to move under the will of the soul in the end, then the process and whether the physical body and soul is compatible with one another isn’t important at all.

Thus, similar to those who frenziedly pursue DIY computers and work to come up with all kinds of weird computers, to the Necromancers, as long as there are souls and physical bodies, it is possible for them to play with it as they like. After going through countless eons of trial and error, the number of Undead Creations is innumerable. Thus, a superior physical body and a powerful soul are the most beloved experimental objects for every Necromancer.

“Defiling life and Gods? The only difference between us and the Gods are that they are much more experienced and advanced than us. However, we will improve and one day, we will create something that will surpass them.”

The arrogant Necromancers declared so and worked hard towards the goal. As the most famous Undead Creation Specialist in recent times, my Undead Creation Study has a new element infused into it —— Undead Evolution Theory.

Once the stiff and dead physical body has taken shape, it would be hard for it to evolve by itself. The stagnancy of its form will cause its strength to become fixed. This is the reason why it is easy for Undead Creations to hit a bottleneck, although it isn’t impossible for them to overcome the bottleneck.

My solution to it is to merge a soul completely together with a physical body before modifying the creation through the soul. Afterwards, I will use overwhelming emotions and desires to drive the soul towards its evolution.

Ah Dang (Gluttony), Omar (Pride), Bastian (Wrath) and Harloys (Greed). The reason why they are able to evolve continuously is due to their powerful and fixated soul.

The core of the theory may be simple, but it isn’t a simple task to accomplish it. I can say proudly that my Seven Deadly Sins are the only Undeads who are capable of continuous evolution and I am the only one who holds the key to the technology.

Alright, after saying so much, most people should be able to guess what I am about to do.

Yes, I might not be able to modify a ship body design. Thus, I intend to turn the Borealis into a living super Undead.

The precious dragon skin and dragon scales on the deck and the side of the ships may look like extravagant and pointless ornaments. However, they are the tools required for me to summon a soul. As for whether the interception of the Hydra’s soul will cause the Queen of the Storm’s wrath... Since I have already offended her, it doesn’t make a difference whether I go a step further or not. Besides, it is probably impossible for her to identify the culprit as me.

Of course, there isn’t much point to it if I could only summon the soul. The intelligence of Sea Monsters isn’t high and a summoned dead soul would tend to just be the fragments of the once large soul. This will result in severe side effects to the Undead Creation. To put it simply, not only will the Undead possess low intelligence, they might even go berserk. Thus, the soul is unusable until further work is done to it.

Thus, I intend to attach an ‘operating system’ to it, an equally powerful soul.

“Marsolit, are you ready?”

“Yes, Lord Roland. Everything is set to go.”

Following my orders, the voice of a young male resounds to and fro the deck. From the moment the Blood Mage Emperor absorbed the poisonous blood of the Hydra, he was fated for death. Making use of the time when the ice is still sustaining his life, I communicated with him.

There is still a wish he has yet to accomplish and he is willing to roam the world with the identity of a semi-dead being to see it finished. As the price of saving him, if I am able to maintain the wholeness of the soul and grant him sufficient strength for his vengeance, then he is ‘willing’ to serve me for a century. Furthermore, if I were to assist him in fulfilling his wish, this service would go on indefinitely.

“Dragon Hunter Deimos has killed my daughter and my wife, so I want to seek vengeance on him and those behind him! He is already dead? No, the one who died is Deimos the Third. The one who killed my daughter and my wife is his master —— Deimos the First! They have a special kind of inheritance. The second generation is also known as Deimos. I have no idea where the second generation and first generation are, but the Emperor of the Auland Empire is sure to know. That clan has been working for the Emperor generation after generation!”

Alright, before Crowe regains his ability to speak, let’s hide the fact that he is amongst us from Marsolit.

Of course, since he has accepted my Undead Modification, I don’t have to worry about his loyalty towards me.

Placing a SemiGod Blood Mage Emperor into the body of a Lich who is deprived of flesh and blood is a waste. It is a coincidence that I require a powerful soul to drive this warship while Marsolit requires strength. Very naturally, the two hands come together in a clap.

In the control room of the Borealis, Marsolit’s lower body has merged with the control room. Only his upper body remains on the outside. The heart of the Nine-headed Dragon beats faintly right before him. Along with the beating of the heart, a different energy starts to circulate throughout the giant ship. The power that belongs to a Necromancer alone.

At this moment, Marsolit can already be considered as an Undead, although his physical body is still plagued by frost and poison. There were attempts to cover up his appearance, but they were ineffective. In order to not frighten young children with his yin yang face, he took the initiative to put on a mask.

He seems to be resting with his eyes closed, but in reality, countless amounts data is flashing before him. He is currently preparing to take control of the entire ship by understanding the state of it and fine tuning his control over the ship before its activation.

Looking at the man who is working seriously before me, I am glad that I have entrusted this responsibility to a reliable person. Even so, a feeling of depression somehow glooms over me.

“Lord, what happened?”

“That, I somehow felt depressed. I will be fine after resting for a moment.”

I could only say so. After all, you cannot expect me to be venting my dissatisfaction to the heavens and request for a cuter operating system.

“Damn it! Why do other people get sweet-smiling cute ship operating ladies dressed in a sailor outfit while I get a masked yin yang face ship dude. The will of the universe is unjust! Isn’t this too much? Can I swap a bit?”

TL: Yin yang face -> Refers to a person whose one side of the face is different from his other side.

“Of course you can, how about Rosemary? She’s an outstanding beauty.”

Alright, the will of the universe wouldn’t answer such a question. However, Harloys wouldn’t give up on any opportunity to strike a blow into my heart.

From a yin yang face to a yin yang person? Contemplating for a moment, I rejected the offer firmly. If we were to be in Rosemary’s body in this instant (Why does this sentence sound so uncomfortable), she might be using her authority as the ship operating system lady to peek at the male crewmates showering or so...

TL: Yin yang person -> Transexual, a person with the qualities of both Yin and Yang.

“Don’t insult me! I am also selective in the aesthetic appeal of men. Which part of those ugly males are attractive! I have much better taste that that!”

So, you only deny that you won’t look at an ugly male? So, that means that you peek if they are handsome? The furious howl from Rosemary’s phylactery reveals the deepest wish in her heart. Once again, I rejoice over the fact that I didn’t make such a decision that could very possibly end in a tragedy and choose Marsolit instead. Finally, there is a normal person in the Gentlemen Alliance. Rejoice!

“Right, my lord, the area of the dragon skin on the left side of the ship is larger than the right side by 17.”

“That’s alright. It will be fixed automatically when the ship is activated.”

“My lord, my second cannon barrel and ninth cannon barrel is slightly bent. Can you help me put it back in shape?”

“I doubt so. It is obvious to see if the cannon barrel is bent.”

“I am very sure of it. The second cannon barrel is bent to the right by 2 degrees while the ninth to the left by 0.5. You would notice it if you pay closer attention to it. Right, can you move the bucket on the left side of the deck to the middle? The absence of symmetry makes one feel uncomfortable.”

“Also, can the potted plants placed on the left and right be placed symmetrical to one another? Right now, there are three more on the left than on the right. It is unpleasant to the eye.”

“Also, can you move the painting on the wall slightly? It is 30 degrees slanted. I feel awful looking at it.”

Hearing his words, I immediately understood. How could it be possible for a normal person to appear in the Gentlemen Alliance. I suddenly recall the appearance of the red-robed Mage back then, how not a single hair of his is out of place and was placed perfectly in a neat fashion. I come to a realisation.

“He is deeply afflicted with obsessive compulsive disorder!”

Alright, the obsessive compulsive disorder patient continues nagging on and on about the floral patterns on the deck, the picture on the sail, the way the butterfly knot is tied on the cables to the uniform of the sailors. All kinds of unimportant information came blasting towards me.

A normal obsessive compulsive disorder patient would only bother with what is happening with him and around him. However, when Marsolit himself turns into the ship, this is equivalent to his body expanding by countless times. As such, the number of things he is bothered about increases exponentially.

His obsessive compulsive disorder isn’t really a big problem. Rather, I, who have to listen to his opinions, am the one who is suffering.

The left and right aren’t in equilibrium? Unacceptable.

The top and bottom portion don’t correspond to one another? Even more unacceptable.

The left side of the deck is cleaner than the right side of the deck? How can this be tolerated! Either clean the right side or dirty the left!

Your beard isn’t cleanly shaven and your clothes aren’t worn neatly? I won’t say anything else, get off my ship!

Hearing the relentless nagging, I start to doubt my own decision. Should I change to a Gentlemen ship operating system lady who could possibly spy on the males, or should I continue using this naggy obsessive compulsive disorder male? Finally, the words which I had been waiting for travel to my ear.

“Lord, all preparations are ready. Should the ship be activated now?”

“That’s great! Cough, I mean, since all preparations are ready, let’s cut the crap and begin.”

Under my command, a light green light shrouds the entire ship. Despite the fact that it is clear that no one is operating the ship, a pair of searchlight flick on up in front of the ship, as though a giant beast has opened its eyes. The Borealis finally awakens and comes to life.

On the ship, a large number of low-tier Undead beings are merging together with the ship in a peculiar manner. They are becoming one with the backbone and boards of the ship, andbecoming the skeletal rack of this massive Undead beast. Beside the normal energy circulation wires on the ship, green fluid could be seen flowing through a transparent pipe. That is the poisonous blood that originates from the Hydra, as well as new blood circulatory system of this massive beast.

The dragon skin stitched onto the ship slowly creeps over the uncovered portions and the countless magic inscriptions on the deck start to extend. The resonance between the skin of the massive beast and the nerve system is also progressing well.

All unrelated personnel have evacuated from the ship, leaving only Harloys and I on it. At the same time, Rosemary’s phylactery nags non-stop, “This isn’t magic!”, “How is this possible?”, “This goes against the classical theory of Undead Creation!” and such useless words.

However, what leaves me frustrated is that the chief engineer Piacenza is also nagging, “This isn’t scientific!”, “This is too illogical!”, “This goes against all the theories of shipbuilding!”.

It is impossible for two systems to appear within a living being. As the howling apparition of the Nine-headed Dragon start to merge along with the ship, the dragon blood circulation system and the energy pipes start to merge together as one while the dragon skin and scales expand furiously. Very soon, they would form the true outer layer of the ship and the different magic inscriptions inscribed on the ship would serve a true nerves and organs.

Along with the tributes of the Undeads, the dragon bones and the deck slowly grow thicker. Innumerable searchlights and probes float in midair. They would all serve as Marsolit’s eyes.

An additional defensive layer of dragon skin appears on the Mage Towers on top of the ship. Also, the appearance of the heavy magic cannons have changed entirely. Carvings of dragons appear on the canon body and judging from the ink-green color it is radiating, the change isn’t simply limited to its outer appearance.

Before its awakening, it was still a patched-up ship made from several different spare parts. However, after it is awakened, the green dragon skin became the most magnificent paint for it. The Borealis whose outer metal shell is hidden has became an ultimate warship, as well as a breathing giant Dragon.

25 Mage Towers, 27 Green Dragon Venom-type Heavy Magic Cannons and 127 Heavy Engineer Cannon (It is not like I don’t want to install more of them, but they have been stacked three storeys high and there is really insufficient space). A Dragon Breath Cannon is installed at the bow and the stern of the ship. After this living ship dragon used its own heart and body circulatory system to provide sufficient energy for this weapon systems, this warship is destined to be unrivaled in the world.

“Great, Marsolit. Oh, no, I should call you ‘Envy’ now.”

“Yes, your highness. Envy will work for you. That, can you help me twist the cannon barrel straight? They seem to have gotten more bent. Right, I’m sorry but you seem to have buttoned your fifth button wrongly. Can you correct it, it is making me uncomfortable.

Yin yang face

It is a direct translation and it means one side of the face has different qualities from the other. For example, half of the face is frozen while the other half is burning and such.

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