What The Luck!?

Chapter 369 - 369. Part Time

There was no hesitation as the two started to use their hidden trump cards. Sammy dashed forward with the wind at her back. She had been training her control of the wind and still struggled with creating a constant force that could make her fly. However, small bursts under her feet or at her back were easier, much easier. 

When Sammy was about to charge right in to Louis, she jumped. Her food looked to be trying to step in the air which made Louis smirk. He knew all too well that Sammy wouldn\'t be able to pull off some sort of flip kick. But he was wrong. Sammy was not trying to flip kick the way they had seen in martial artist videos. 

The move Sammy was using was much more simple. She focused on the wind and made a burst right below her foot on the air. That sped her downward at an odd angle that Louis couldn\'t hope to dodge under a normal circumstance. The burst of wind also added a huge amount of force to the heel that Sammy had aimed at Louis\'s head. 

This was inspired by Art\'s attacks using the metal in the wrist weights. Sammy had noticed the increased force and the speed change. This was attractive to her single she was a light and dainty person, she lacked the muscle to do major damage. Therefore, Sammy came up with her own application and had trained it over and over. 

The lightning sparked around Louis\'s legs as he saw the kick coming from Sammy. He had not expected it in the least causing a light panic before he bit his lip and focused. The lightning arced from his legs to the ground as he flexed his muscles and jumped at double the speed he normally could. 

Unlike Sammy, Louis had been watching how Laura had used her speed to overwhelm an opponent. Louis had been building muscle and learning the techniques, but he felt that he lacked the mobility that gave him the perfect sneak attack that could be paired with his lighting. He had also focused on the foot work techniques that everyone had used. He wanted to be able to avoid attacks and counter in the blink of an eye. 

This mentality caused Louis to wonder if he could flex his muscles and run the lightning through his legs and directly in to the ground. The crack of lighting and the slight char in the grass were only distractions when it came to his speed. 

Sa,,y may be using her wind burst consecutively to get different angles son her kicks and punches, But Louis was dodging and showing up behind her. The two were caught in a dodge and miss loop of attacks having their speed equal. Neither could keep this up long but neither was giving up. 

"Just stay still and get zapped!" Louis shouted as he dashed forward yet again and lashed out with a speedy kick. 

"Zap yourself!" Sammy kicked off the ground and used the wind to push her forward again. However, she missed and hit the ground causing a small chunk of grass to be dislodged. This series of events continued to repeat for over ten minutes before Sammy jumped in to the air only to fall back to the ground without any wind behind her and Louis ti try to dash forward and have his legs go out from under him. 

"Uuughhhh, that pounding sound you hear is a sledge hammer hitting my head." Sammy had overused her super power and taken a massive mental toll on her mind. She sword that someone was constantly slamming a hammer in to her temples as if they were driving a steel spike in to cement. 

"Says the one that can walk. I think I fried my legs. They are all tingly and limp. Gah! No, they are cramping!" Louis had used too much lightning and forced the muscles in his legs in to overdrive. The constant use had pushed them too far and now they were revolting due to the need for potassium and water. 

"I have to say that was a very impressive show of super powers. Both of you are still equal but have improved a lot. Look at the grass you burned with lightning, it\'s a lot more than you have ever donw before. Sammy, your kicks dug some decent holes in the yard. You can definitely hit harder than you used to. But I don\'t think your parents will see it the same way when they get home and see all of this." Their grandfather casually walked back inside still sipping his hot tea. He was very amused with the outcome but also very impressed with how far his grandchildren had come in such a short time. He could only look back at the many years of practice it took for him to master his super power. 

As the two recovered, Laura was out and about in the world. More specifically, she had a package in hand while she ran. "Knock knock. Speedy delivery. Here in an hour or less!" A man opened the door Laura stopped at and took the package before promptly closing it again. 

The slightly disheveled Laura just shook her head at the lack of polite words before she started to jog away at a slower pace to work on her muscle movement and super power control. "I promised I would help pay for all the snacks I like to eat. The vitamin packs are great but I will earn my snacks." Laura had this as he mantra every time she would pick up work delivering packages. 

The city was full of hard to maneuver roads and dead ends. Therefore, it was very common for anyone with a speed type super power to be hired as a delivery person. Laura had found an app that did just this. She signed up as a delivery person and would get requests to pick up packages and deliver them. The public preferred this method over using drones due to the expensive fees that came with receiving something from the drones. 

"Why does this next address seem so familiar?" Laura was back at the package distribution center in a minute. She had a small sealed pouch that seemed to shake like a instunment. She would never intentionally look inside a package because she enjoyed being able to pick up the job whenever she was free. But she would inevitably hear what something sounded like while she ran. This was good training to lower the sound of her footsteps while running. It was a tough goal but one that would come in handy for ambushing a villain or two. 

"Wait...I\'ve seen this place before." The home that Laura had come to was too familiar. So familiar that she already knew where to go to hand over the package. "Jackson, you ordered some seeds? What are they?"

The surprised face that Jackson made spoke volumes. He had not expected Laura to show u in his side yard in  the least. Seeing her in a delivery uniform and holding a package was also a whole other level of confusion that swept through him. "Why are you bringing me my package? Also, why are you dressed that way?" 

"Do you like it? This is my part time job outfit so that I can make snack money. I actually make a decent amount as long as I stick to my personal schedule. Plus, I\'m faster than most people that work for this company." The bragging tone was a little much but Jackson understood, He had seen just how much Laura was capable of eating in a sitting let alone a day.  "That\'s beside the point though. I am done for the day. It\'s perfect, you can tell me what you planted."

Laura was not at all going away any time soon. Jackson was going to argue with her but ended up giving in. "I ordered dragon fruit seeds. I know they take a lot of time and effort to grow, but I want my own dragon fruit cactus here. It\'s supposed to be a huge challenge to grow so I am giving it a huge shot." The desire to grow something challenging was a constant for Jackson. But this was just the tip of the iceberg. He waved for Laura to follow him to his back yard. Most of it was taken up by a build it yourself type of greenhouse. 

"You grew all of this? How do you have so much time?" Laura was stunned. The different tropical fruits and basic vegetables were too amazing of a sight to see. 

"Well, yes. I plant and feed them. The best part is once I put them all in here, I spray with nutrients in whatever plant is growing  inside enough to produce can be cross bred with other plants if I desire. If not then I don\'t know enough.." The only downside was that Jackson always had too many fruits and vegetables around to eat. 

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