Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Chapter 137

They would leave a messed up, mind-boggling first impression on the readersand that would be about it. On the other hand, an actual icon would actually blur the line between fantasy and reality. It would have the power to cripple that rational judgment of humans. To them, that iconic character was truly alive in another world. They firmly believed that this girl existed in one form or another.

For someone with golden thighs such as “Tan Xiaoya”, she would be unreal from the beginning. Most treated her as a humorous character; they would never believe that she existed in reality. Such sentiments prevented her from becoming a character card, regardless of her now widespread notoriety. The fact that she possessed abilities that far exceeded the parameters of normal humans also played a significant role.

Therefore, creating an invincible, iconic character is gives little room for restraint. This was due to the simple fact that they were, by all means, invincible. The notion of a human being invincible would already suspend rational belief. On the contrary, “Yu Shengfan,” who was invincible in the virtual world of gaming, had far higher chances of existing in real life. Furthermore, her backstory, personality, imperfections and quirks, had all been conveyed to a certain extant. That was why her sudden death had triggered her immediate rise as an icon.

Moreover, “Tan Xiaoya” only made her appearance for two episodes. She barely had over an hour of screentime. Her power, personality, and other traits had been left unexplained. Besides, the attention of the audiences was not on Tan Xiaoya herself, but on the special effects of her powers. The audience had left their jaws on the ground when her various, ridiculous powers started setting off, one after another

Jaw drops aside, how could one become iconic in such a short period of time?

From “War Heroes,” Zhao Youyue had only sought for a vent where she could release her steam, and she didn’t even spend much time in it. She could enter the next world earlier and see if the next world has the possibility of granting her desired powers. For instance, the iron will and supreme art of leadership of an empress, or culinary skills which could create “meals that glowed with power”, “or meals with aphrodisiac effects”. Perhaps she might even be hit the jackpot and randomly enter a work of some well-known author and obtain a victory there without raising a finger...

She actually welcomed the idea of such an easy victory. This would save her all the trouble of building up and customizing a character by hand, without destroying the fabric of the novel’s universe, while remaining unnoticed by the author, all at the same time. It was tiring work.

By entering “War Heroes”, not only did Zhao Youyue get to relax, she also imparted Lin Jianzhong, the director cum screenwriter with new insight. This might even bring great success to his next realistic war film, “a godly anti-Russian drama”. No wonder Lin Jianzhong appreciated his inexplicable “ideas” that much.

Besides, she brought joy to the netizens of this world, along with ideas for Bilibili Kichiku. Liu Xing, who had suffered discrimination for a long time in the hands of Liang Feifan had finally erupted with rage and delivered the one-liner – “Go and eat sh*t, Liang Feifan!”. Bilibili Kichiku uploaders soon came up with the idea of creating a Cantonese parody of it...

With little surprise, the last two episodes of “War Heroes” went viral on the internet. Obviously, it soon spread to the Bilibili website.

As the most advanced 2D webpage for online livestreaming that provided a livechat service, Bilibili had countless users who were skilled at throwing out puns and sarcastic comments spontaneously. A while after the video clip was aired in Bilibili, the screen soon became blotted out by numerous witty commentaries. Watching the video while reading the puns that flew across the screen would surely humor one to death!

The Kichiku video uploaders will definitely create a Kichiku video for such a video, opening even more avenues for puns and viral spin-offs. Suddenly, Tan Xiaoya, Liu Xing and Liang Feifan found fame in the Bilibili website. They nearly joined the team of Bilibili All-Stars...

With the power of humor, “War Heroes” had gained fame. Plenty of curious viewers went ahead and watched the first six episodes due to its popularity, only to find how boring they actually were. Two episodes served as the perfect lullaby for most.

One after another, the netizens who became fans due to the finale encouraged Lin Jianzhong the director-cum-screenwriter to keep up the good work. They wanted him to venture into satire, where there is no need to be restricted to logic or historical accuracy. The more he deforms and mutilates reality, the better!

Lin Jianzhong finally understood what it takes to sell a story! From the first episode of “War Heroes,” there was nothing special, and now it had exploded, due to the ridiculous ending, even appearing regularly in the list of hot keywords search bar of Weibo.

It seems like this is truly an era of entertainment. He had actually intended to make a somber war film, to exhibit the ugly cruelty of war and get audience thinking. As it turned out, nobody could be bothered about such themes!

What the audiences wanted was boy-scout heroics. The kind that crushes the opposing force between their golden thighs, without tragedy, without heartache...

At this moment, Lin Jianzhong was watching the quarrel and argument between Lu Xing and Liang Feifan on Bilibili while holding back his laughter. Especially when he saw the live comment “You guys would never think that Director Lin would one day be viral in Bilibili” – he was very pleased. Now, he who has never gotten any attention nor fame before, was enjoying the spotlight!

His old interview footage was also dug out and turned into a Kichiku. This was because he had pledged to direct a war film which was extremely realistic, extremely logical and extremely accurate to history. The video immediately cut to the scene Tan Xiaoya summoned an Italian cannon, flattening Moscow to the ground with a single nuke...

Never before has a bald-faced lie ever been told in such earnesty, without a single flutter of his eyelids. Netizens had concluded that he’s one of those artists who always spoke contrary to their claims. Now, he was pondering his next move.

However, before he could make up his mind, he received a call. Surprisingly, it was an invitation for him to direct a full feature sci-fi film. Such a film needed perfect application of CGI effects, and he had proven himself more than capable via the finale of “War Heroes”...

Lin Jianzhong accepted it without much hesitation. This was a special effects based blockbuster film! He could not believe that he had truly reached the summit with his “War Heroes,” and he quietly thanked the outlandish ideas that had suddenly popped into his head once again!

Not only was Lin Jianzhong tasting the fruits of his success; “Li Yunyun” who had played “Tan Xiaoya” was also being scouted by some firm. This was because she had displayed such impressive acting skills at such a young age. If she is properly nurtured, she might even become some Oscar-winning level material!

Therefore, “Tan Xiaoya” who was initially the daughter of an extra, and was made to play as an improvised a side character to cut costs, became a child star with a tremendous amount of fans!

Li Yunyun created a Weibo account and explained herself. You might not believe it, but I actually don’t know how to act. It was only when I was acting as “Tan Xiaoya,” it felt as if some mysterious power from the east just, took control of my body. After that, I simply let her take the wheel!

The fans commented one after another; Little Yunyun is really cute and humble. Kiss kiss kiss, I’ve decided to be your fan!

Zhao Youyue certainly did not expect her whimsical troublemaking to actually deliver success to a failing director and an inexperienced little actress. Sadly, if they do not continue to improve themselves, they would soon fall from grace. “Intoxicated” states do not simply appear as they wish.

It was a blessing to the authors, regardless of Zhao Youyue shifting into their work to create trouble with a goal in mind, or to simply run wild. It would send forth an unending gush of inspiration and ridiculous ideas, of which the ludicrousness would bear no limits.

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