Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Chapter 282

Obviously, it was just Xiao Chun playing the fool, but it was perfectly normal for elementary school students to behave in this childish manner. If anyone is to complain and say that they were acting like immature middle school students, it would actually become a compliment instead, as they were still in elementary school. It is no surprise for kids this age to have wild imaginations.

When the male protagonist Zhang Haolie, who was also an elementary school student, learned of Xiao Chun’s new move, he took a step back in caution. He hardened his expression and raised his guard up, as if he had just been introduced to his greatest opponent ever. However, Zhang Haolie did not plan to back off. As the saying went, “one tends to become stronger when one’s opponent is strong,” he decided to see for himself how powerful this “Angry Crow Takes Flight” move really was.

Therefore, the both of them started racing each other. Xiao Chun was racing with her new mini 4WD, which she had named “The World’s Soaring Crow.” The exterior of the mini 4WD was similar to Batman’s car, Batmobile. Everyone should know how magnificent the Batmobile looked. Even Zhang Haolie thought that his good friend’s mini 4WD looked cool!

Just turning up looking good, Xiao Chun had already gained the upper hand over this race!

However, in the midst of the race, Zhang Haolie was suddenly dumbfounded!

Zhang Haolie did not expect it to be so slow. A mini 4WD with such an amazing exterior, and a fierce name like “The World’s Soaring Crow,” was moving at an unbelievably slow speed. What happened to the legendary “Angry Crow Takes Flight” move? Why isn’t Xiao Chun using it?

Zhang Haolie was used to being slow and trailing behind the other racers, especially at the beginning of the race. He would usually wait for the most crucial moment before he unleashes his powers and shouts something like “Go, The Last Saber[1]!” which unseals a certain curse in his mini 4WD, or acts as a stimulant for his mini 4WD to push itself beyond its limits. Once he unleashes the “Last Saber”[2], he usually pulls a tremendous form of victory off!

This time, however, Zhang Haolie did not expect to be in the lead, right from the start of the race. He had grown rather far ahead, and the distance between his mini 4WD and Xiao Chun’s mini 4WD was gradually growing. At this rate, even if he does not shout anything, he would easily win the race...

At that point in time, Xiao Chun, or rather, Zhao Youyue, was running alongside her mini 4WD, as if she had magical powers. She never felt tired, even after running for quite some time. No matter how far she ran, she did not sweat, pant, and her heart rate never went up. What is up with this superhuman ability?

If this magical buff[2] is used in the real world, wouldn’t full-length marathons be a piece of cake for her?

In actuality, Xiao Chun could not care less about winning or losing at all. She was satisfied with the sight of her “The World’s Soaring Crow,” her own mini 4WD Batmobile, move with such determination and grace. Her mini 4WD looked so cool, that it was able to capture the full attention of the viewers, which made her even more ecstatic!

Mini 4WD racing competitions are all about whichever is the fastest mini 4WD, but for Xiao Chun, it all came down on whichever mini 4WD looked the best!

All Xiao Chun wanted to do was to show off her glorious mini 4WD, not only to the viewers, but also to the scriptwriter, Tian Jun.

Tian Jun was a shareholder in a company which produces mini 4WD cars, and he had a knack for designing mini 4WD cars himself. When he gets too carried away, he would surely get out on a limb to ensure that the exterior of Xiao Chun’s mini 4WD cars are really the top of the line!

The race got boring, and Zhang Haolie grew tired of waiting. Impatiently, he said, “Xiao Chun, if you still do not use your special “Angry Crow Takes Flight” move, I am going to win for sure!”

Xiao Chun’s turned murderous. It seemed as if she was doing everyone a favor and sparing them from the deadly power of her special move. After a deep sigh, she said, “Are you really going to force me to use my death-dealing move?”

The audience could now see that Xiao Chun had a winning temperament, one which would be associated with a professional racer. At that moment, they knew that this female racer, who had such an impressive-looking mini 4WD, had to have a terrifying, deadly move!

They were absolutely right. Why would a mini 4WD, possessing an amazing exterior that looked similar to an exquisite work of art have no special function of its own?

Only those mass-produced mini 4WD cars, used by those trashy competitors would not have special functions. It was impossible for a mini 4WD car with an extraordinarily beautiful exterior like “The World’s Soaring Crow” to not have special functions. Xiao Chun was probably just waiting for the right moment to unleash the “Angry Crow Takes Flight” and win the race!

Xiao Chun’s unfaltering confidence had taken Zhang Haolie by surprise. Normally, in any race, Zhang Haolie would encounter a lot of obstacles in the beginning and end up far behind the opponent. However, in situations like that, he would never be worried, as he had his own unique style of racing. Nearing the end of the race, whenever the viewers are convinced of his impending defeat, he would make a sudden comeback that alters the flow of the whole competition!

Since Zhang Haolie’s performance in races are always “exaltation after disparage” in essence, they were usually very entertaining and a joy to watch. Now that Zhang Haolie is in the lead, such a reversal threw him off his turf, and it made him uneasy. This time, he could easily end up as the insignificant racer who would get overtaken right before the end of the race and lose all his pride!

However, as Zhang Haolie was the iconic main character of a shonen manga, he had not been equipped with any cowardly qualities. No matter how slim the chances of winning were, he would bravely take on any obstacle, and not give up until the very end!

Without hesitation, Zhang Haolie said, “Xiao Chun, my “Last Saber” is ready to take on any challenge, there is no way that I will lose this race, just bring it on!”

Right after that, Xiao Chun finally used her special “Angry Crow Takes Flight” move. However, the audience, as well as the male protagonist Zhang Haolie, found themselves in utter shock...

Xiao Chun shouted, “Look, human and car combined, Angry Crow Takes Flight!”

Then, she picked “The World’s Soaring Crow” off the floor, lifted it up above her head with both of her hands. At that moment, she herself became the “wings”, while taking a big shortcut, she proceeded to place her mini 4WD right in front of Zhang Haolie’s mini 4WD. Within seconds, she had successfully overtaken “The Last Saber”!

This was her death-dealing move —- —- Angry Crow Takes Flight!

While everyone was still dumbstruck by Xiao Chun’s special move which helped her gain the lead, the flow of the race had changed once again. “The World’s Soaring Crow” was once again easily overtaken by “The Last Saber,” causing the race to end in huge favor of “The Last Saber”!

Zhang Haolie was so shocked by Xiao Chun’s special move that he forgot to unleash his deadly “Dancing Sabers” move, but he still won the race anyway. It was obvious that both mini 4WD cars were not on the same level, to begin with, especially in terms of speed. However, regarding looks, nobody could deny that Xiao Chun’s mini 4WD was way too bedazzling...

After the race, Zhang Haolie talked to Xiao Chun about her “Angry Crow Takes Flight” move. He warned her not to use it in an official racing competition, or she would definitely get disqualified, as it was against the rules. If something like “Angry Crow Takes Flight” was allowed, everyone could just grab their mini 4WD cars and run towards the finishing line, and then turn on their mini 4WD right before they cross the finishing line and win the race. Wouldn’t everyone be able to win easily?

Everyone from the audience was laughing uncontrollably, as they realized that it was actually possible for a common mini 4WD car to have a special function, an example being —- —- human and car as one, Angry Crow Takes Flight!

However, Xiao Chun expressed that “Angry Crow Takes Flight” was not her ultimate move, there was something deadlier called “[4],” which she had not yet used, or she would have blown away the results of that race.

Zhang Haolie was startled, yet again. As he was unable to comprehend what Xiao Chun had just said, he made a mental note of it as something to look forward to, in the future.

After looking it up word for word, he found that this special move was called —- —-

Tornardo Decimates Trailer Park! () [4]

How impressive would this special move be?

Translation note :

[1] “The Last Saber” is the name of the mini 4WD car of the main character/male protagonist, Zhang Haolie.

[2] “Last Saber” is also used to describe a deadly special move that usually allows the racer to win the race once it is used.

[3] “Buff” is a term used in some video games, especially MMORPGs and MUDs, to describe increases in the power of a game element. There are two main usages. The first describes a permanent (or at least indefinite) increase in power levels as a result of adjustments to game mechanics, usually in pursuit of game balance. The second usage of buff describes an effect (usually cast as a spell) that temporarily enhances a player. In the context of the story at this point, “buff” relates to the latter usage.

[4] The story is originally in Chinese, so when Xiao Chun says “Tornado Decimates Trailer Park” in English, the male protagonist Zhang Haolie is unable to comprehend what it meant. Thus, he had to go home and check the term word for word. Later on, he learns that the English term “Tornado Decimates Trailer Park” translates to “” in Chinese.

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