The Sage of Einar

Chapter 55 - Clues In The Snow

After putting away Galt\'s remains, Sven shook the snow off his hands and looked at Eskol

"We must go to the last area where the warriors commanded by Ansgar were if Galt\'s remains are here.

It is very likely that they too have been attacked; we have to hurry because the bears could have killed them, and I don\'t want their corpses to rot in this snowy wasteland. "

Eskol nodded and led everyone to where Ansgar\'s group was. As they walked in that snow moor, strange noises that seemed to come from far away interrupted the silence of the place.

Everyone stopped when they heard those noises since it was something completely strange and most likely it was something dangerous.

So they all readied their crossbows and walked in unison, towards where that noise was coming from.

Sven with his crossbow on his shoulder walked towards a small slope, for the noises seemed to come from the other side of the slope that was in front of them.

Eskol and the rest of the warriors followed Sven as they climbed that slope, on the way they had to be careful because the snow hid some stones which hurt their feet.

When they could finally reach the top of that slope, it surprised them to see that on the small plain below them, there were two shark bears.

Swallowing what appeared to be a hide that Ansgar\'s group had hidden in the snow, they could also see some remains of some bears which were already unrecognizable.

This because there were only bones, Sven frowned "Eskol do you think we can shoot the crossbow from this distance, or do we need to go down the slope to kill those bastards?"

Eskol sighed and put his crossbow on his shoulder while putting his knee in the snow "I think the crossbow will kill them from this distance"

As he finished saying those words, Eskol pulled the cold trigger of his crossbow and it was then that the bolt went off.

One of the bears that were nibbling what little meat was left on that skin, could see how the bear in front of him dropped dead surprisingly.

The white bear was puzzled by what had happened to that bear, so he slowly approached the corpse.

For the aroma of the blood that gave off was much more attractive than the meat that was biting.

Walking slowly he came to where the corpse was, of that bear of the recently deceased bear, so without wasting time he opened his enormous jaws and tore a large piece of meat from his companion\'s neck.

The bear felt how blood and fresh meat passed down his throat. This was a great relief for him because he could not eat something so delicious since he traveled in that piece on a piece of ice in the immense sea.

As he lost himself in his thoughts, he could feel everything turn black, Eskol smiled when he saw how the two bears had died.

"I suppose we should go down, and be able to see if, among the remains in the snow, there is the corpse of one of our companions."

Sven stroked his beard "I\'m almost certain that none of them died in this area, because unlike Galt\'s corpse that seemed to have been alone before he died.

In this place, the snow shows the bones and remains of the white bears, so this place was a battlefield.

Although the real question we should ask ourselves is in which direction they walked since there is no way to follow their trail in these circumstances. "

When he finished saying those words one warrior raised his hand and spoke "Jarl Sven I think we should head towards the forest again, as I am sure they must have followed the path towards the forest.

So if something happened to them or they got lost, they should be in the same direction as the forest. "

"It\'s not a bad idea Jensen, but for now we should clean the skins of those two bears and when we finish, we should look in some area for a cave or place where they could have taken refuge."

Sven said as he put his hand on Ekol\'s shoulder.

While this was happening, in the forest Einar was using his silver dagger to shape a small piece of wood that he held in his hands.

One of the warriors who were nearby looked at him curiously and approached him to ask "Herald Einar, can I ask if you need help."

Einar who was lost in thought raised his face and looked at the warrior with a melancholic look "I was trying to make the figure of a little bear.

But I feel that if I finish it, it could bring me more sadness than happiness because it reminds me of something very important to me, but that is no longer with me. "

The warrior sat next to Einar and from his chest, he took out a small necklace of shells "For me, this necklace is very important although it produces different feelings in me because my wife gave it to me before we had to be exiled to this place.

Every time I see it reminds me of those words you said to me when she left on that ship that unfortunately for me it was one of the ships that sank in that storm fucking with which I have nightmares still.

But it also reminds me of all the good times I spent with her sometimes when I\'m drunk I want to throw this necklace.

However, if I do, the only memory I have of his love will go away.

I really don\'t know if these words help you at all, Herald Einar, but I think you should continue making the wooden figurine.

Well, perhaps it may make you sad to see it and even cause you some discomfort to have it in your hands, but I\'m sure the wonderful memories should be stronger.

If not, why would you do something that makes you sad? "

Einar lowered his head and looked at the piece of wood in his hand as he tried to hold back his tears.

"Thank you for your words Goi you have helped me a lot."

Goi just smiled and put his necklace back between his clothes. After that, he patted Einar on the shoulder and got up to continue with his camp work.

On the other hand, Einar took his dagger and continued to shape the piece of wood he had in his hands.

\'I will take care that your brothers or sisters meet Mr. Bear, your father may not be the best wood sculptor, but I will do the best I can.

My dear Erika. \'

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