The Sage of Einar

Chapter 421 - Entering The Kingdom Of Desmond

After a few days\' rest on the frontier, the army returned after having completely conquered all the towns in the kingdom of Ormond.

Some members of the logistics team stayed there with some soldiers from the Kingdom of Ireland.

Already with the complete army, Einar ordered to advance on the border unlike the attack on the kingdom of Ormond. He used a completely different strategy.

Which was to stay the border so that the kingdom of Desmond prepares its troops and you could defeat the king outside the city.

When he crossed the border, he realized that the guards were only a few who surrendered without even fighting because you will see more than farmers who had been placed against their will.

When asked about what had happened, they replied that they had been taken from their villages and taken all to the capital because the king was assembling a great army to fight against them.

Einar hearing that can only smile because it was the best answer they had given him because if he could defeat them in the open it would only be a matter of time before he could end the war.

The path to the beginning was completely simple as it was a great plain belonging to the barony of Cork.

Which had as its capital a small castle belonging to one of the sons of King Chongelt, so the army went first for that castle because it was a place that had to be destroyed.

After two days of traveling across the plains, they were able to reach the exterior of Cork Castle, which was just a wooden palisade with earth reinforcements in a circular shape.

Despite this, there were several hundred soldiers guarding the castle. With a show of goodwill, Einar sent an envoy to be in charge of negotiating the surrender of the castle in a peaceful manner.

Fortunately, unlike the Imleach monastery, the defenders who were in charge of the castle agreed to surrender as long as they were not turned into slaves.

Einar accepted their request, and it was then that the defenders opened the castle doors and came out with their hands up without any kind of weapon, as Einar had indicated.

All of them were quickly subdued to look for something dangerous in their bodies. The leader of the castle, a poor knight, reported that the baron had escaped days before to go with his father.

He had the mission to defend the castle, but he simply could not do it, as his food to begin with was very little not to mention that his weapons were old and rusty.

That is why Einar decided to surrender when he saw the honesty of the knight and proposed that he take charge of his troops, which would be left in the castle as prisoners with food.

Once the war is over, they and their families could enjoy Irish citizenship for their good behavior.

After that victory, Einar advanced towards the next barony that was crossing a small river, which was the Barony of Kinsale.

A wooded and somewhat dangerous place, however it was completely necessary because if they defeated the army of King Chongelt, rebels could be created in the unconquered baronies.

To avoid attacks in the forest, Einar used a strategy of placing small groups in the vanguard, for which he left 2,000 troops the task of guarding the forest path.

While he advanced with the entire thickness of the army, avoiding in this way what could cause him a defeat like the Romans had in the Teutoburg Forest.

When the main army entered the forest, they realized that it was a forest full of life, unlike the pine forests of Iceland.

The Kinsale Barony forest had more animals and insects, which made it quite mysterious, despite that the soldiers continued advancing until they found suitable areas to establish the camp.

In one of these areas, Einar was resting on a stone while looking at his family\'s drawing.

\'I hope all of you are growing well. I know I won\'t be home to see many of your accomplishments, but dad has work to do.

I wish I could have a phone or internet to talk to you… \'

Einar interrupted his thoughts when he could see a beautiful white deer approaching, which had beautiful antlers.

The deer approached Einar as if it had known him for a long time. This surprised him quite a bit because it was not normal for a majestic animal to approach him.

Einar then took his bag and took out a piece of bread, which he offered to the white deer, who fearlessly approached and ate.

With his hand, Einar caressed him and looked at him with some affection. "You are a beautiful creature, but you should keep you away from this place.

Although my soldiers have orders not to shoot animals like you, that does not mean that you are safe, although if you think about it, this place is the safest. "

The deer simply ate from Einar\'s hand as he closed his eyes. This lasted for a few minutes until the servant raised his head.

Einar could see that the little animal seemed to be sad, as if it did not want to leave his side, so Einar patted his head. "You are free to stay if you wish.

I will not force you to leave, but you must know that I will travel these lands until my enemies have been eliminated.

Later I will return to my home with my family, although if you stay with me I promise to take you to my home and take with me hundreds of other servants to free them in the forests of Iceland.

I think that in those places they would have a much more relaxed life. I cannot say that it will be perfect, but they will be able to live in peace because I will create a law to protect them.

Although they will only be hunted for a certain time to reduce their population, but in general it will allow you to live peacefully.

There are no carnivores in the forests of Iceland, so it will be an ideal place for you. "

The white deer just lowered its head and, using its legs lay down on the ground like some kind of dog.

Einar only sighed because he did not understand the behavior of the animal, however it seemed that he had a new pet.

So he decided to create everything necessary so that the deer could be with him because strangely he felt a familiar sensation in him.

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