My World Traveling System: The Harbinger of Death

Chapter 77: Desperate Battle! Can We... Win?!

Chapter 77: Desperate Battle! Can We... Win?!


"What are you babbling so much about, monks?" asked the Oni as he ran through the corridors, evading more of Matsuo\'s attacks while baring his long and sharp claws!

"We are finally close together!" said the Oni with a wicked smile, as he raised his claws towards the Barrier where Matsuo and Frank were caged inside, both of them glancing at him with a strong conviction on their eyes, making the Oni sick of them.

"Flying Mana Spears!" said Frank, using Mana Control alongside his Mana Aura to enhance his spell, which flew towards the Oni in midair!


However, instead of targeting his torso, they targeted his arms and legs!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Tch, that didn\'t even hurt, little shrimp!" laughed the Oni, as his claws seeped into the barrier with great power, one after another, the barrier began to crack like glass!

Crash! Crash! Crash!

"Knock, knock!" laughed the Oni, as his claws finally broke in through the barrier while resisting Matsuo\'s Spells through his Abyssal Aura, which served as a slightly permeable shield, although it only helped when the attack was very close of him, if they were sent from far away, it seemed that the attacks were able to penetrate the aura, damaging him. This is how he was receiving so much damage. The Abyssal Aura that the Oni possessed had strange uses and restrictions.

The claws seeped into the barrier, opening it.

Crack, crack, crack!

"Hello there, little rats!" laughed the Oni, as he put his head inside of the barrier, trying to spook Frank.

"Frank, now!" said Matsuo, who had purposely only fired weak attacks so Frank could get such an opportunity!

Suddenly, from behind Matsuo, a large ball of… sticky thread appeared right in Frank\'s left hand!

"Hm? Thread? What is that even going to do-" asked the Oni, as he was suddenly shutting up by Frank, who simply launched the ball of thread towards the Oni\'s face!


The Oni used his sharp claws, tearing apart the thread while growing enraged.

"Oi, you demand shrimp, you\'re trying to mess with me!?" roared the Oni, he had cleansed most of the thread into his face, but some was still stuck into his neck and chin.

"No, that\'s all I needed, Bind," said Frank.

"Bind? Bind what-"


Suddenly, the Oni was enveloped by Threads all around his body!

"What the… Threads… they\'re… growing out of the other threads stuck in my body…?! What the… hell?!" roared the Oni, falling out of the barrier as he hit the floor.

Frank then began to chant Bind constantly, just like he did with the Ogre!

"Bind! Bind! Bind! Bind! Bind! Bind!"

Matsuo quickly repaired the light barrier, as they were enclosed inside of it once again!

"To think that your threads could be used in that way…" said Matsuo.

"I even surprise myself sometimes!" said Frank as he gnashed his teeth.

Frank\'s Spider Thread Skill was a simple ability to produce threads.

However, as it was capable of producing threads, he was also able to edit them as he desired!

From stickiness, elasticity, size, strength, durability, and more.

And he was also able to reduce or increase their size as he desired… However, there was the need for him to be connected with them through his body for that \'edition\' to be possible.

Frank\'s Flying Mana Spears were not simply for show, each of those attacks came charged with a strong and resilient spider thread charged with all of Frank\'s Mana Aura and Body Aura.

He aimed at the Oni\'s limbs because of this!

However, would not the Oni realize that he had threads stuck into his body then?

Frank discovered something interesting, which he had already experienced with Ruby about his Stealth, Camouflage, and Silence Skills.

As long as he touched something with his body, the abilities of such Skills would be shared with it, making Ruby, for example, invisible to anyone in school… and in the same way, as long as Frank touched his own threads… They would be able to possess the effects of Stealth, Camouflage, and Silence!

Threads that camouflaged in the Oni\'s clothes, threads that were so stealthy that no one could discern them, and threads so silent that the Oni could not hear them!

Although the Oni was strong, Frank easily realized that he was not the brightest, nor that his cognitive abilities were well developed.

All of the threads that were connected with his body came into play as Frank threw the ball of threads into the Oni\'s face, managing to control them, shape them, and make them expand around the Oni\'s body!

Of course, this would have never been possible if Matsuo had not carefully fired his attacks to not hit the Oni\'s limbs!

The Oni fell into the floor, as he began to exert his monstrous strength, easily tearing down the threads that restrained him!

However, all the seconds he spent falling into the ground and then freeing himself from the threads were precious times that Matsuo and Frank would never waste!

Frank continued to chant Bind, making the Oni believe that he only was trying to restrain him, the Oni was completely unaware that within one of Frank\'s hands, Ginseng rested inside, slowly draining his mana through his connection with Frank\'s body and the threads that were also connected with Frank\'s fingers.

The moment he freed himself, the Oni roared as he pointed his finger towards Frank and Matsuo.

"Your stupid game is over… my Mana is ready! Hell Gate!" laughed the Oni, as he infused his Abyssal Aura into his finger and began to exude a powerful and enveloping abyssal darkness…

But that darkness quickly came to an end as it started.

"Wha…?! My Mana… why is it not enough? I was sure to… Huh? These threads…!"

"Bind, Bind, Bind, Bind, Bind, Bind, Bind…" said Frank, as the Oni was enveloped once again in threads, restraining the Oni for a split of a second for the second time, enough time for Matsuo to finish chanting his powerful spell!

"I guess it is our win, Oni," said Matsuo, his eyes flashing with bright yellow light as a magic circle appeared right in front of the Onis\' face, who was still breaking apart from the threads around his body.


"Combine, Demon\'s Purge, Heaven\'s Judgement… Demon Purging Heavenly Judgement!"


Matsuo combined two spells together, to form a new Spell that contained both powers in one.

The magic circle rotated at an incredibly fast speed, as enormous arrows made out of light began to rain down into the Oni\'s entire body!

"Even if you shower me with your stupid light, my Abyssal Aura can- Unghh?! I-It burns…?! It… It burns…! It burns…! Nnngyyaaaaaahhhh…!"

Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash!

Each arrow bathed the Oni\'s entire body, as the holy light began to burn his flesh even deeper than before!

"What is thiiisssssss…?! Gyyaaaaaahh…!"

"Know the power of my family! The one you laughed at so much! This is the spell that we used to purge your malicious kin! Demon Purge!" said Matsuo.

"You damned… monk!!!"

Frank glanced as the body of the Oni was enveloped in a light so bright that it began to burn his flesh alive, his entire skin tissue began to turn completely charcoal black, and his hair burned alongside his pretty face.

"It\'s over," said Matsuo.

A last shriek of agony was released as silent took ahold of the Shrine.

Only a burnt body remained, releasing the sickening smell of burned flesh and vapor.

"Is it… dead?" asked Frank.

Matsuo glanced at the body.

"…Incredible. These Onis… It is still alive, somehow," said Matsuo.

Frank noticed that the Oni\'s body was completely black, its clothes, hair, and face were all burnt to a crisp… yet, its torso was still slowly moving, and its disfigured mouth was still breathing.

"Hah… Yoouuu… Yooouuu…"

"Let\'s finish him off before it\'s too late!" said Matsuo.

"On it!" said Frank, as both he and Matsuo began to charge their Mana.



Out of nowhere, a figure emerged from within the nothingness.

Its presence and power were remarkably similar to the Oni but even stronger, its entire aura created a gravitational pull towards the ground, stopping Frank and Matsuo\'s actions in an instant by merely being here.

The man that appeared was tall, almost reaching two meters. He was wearing classical Japanese clothes and glasses. His eyes flashed with crimson light, and his long and silky black hair reached his waist.

There was a discerning feature on him, his pointed ears and… the large, black-colored horn growing in the middle of his forehead.

He glanced at Frank and Matsuo for a moment, making the two hearts race incredibly fast.

And then, he glanced at the Oni in the ground.

He walked towards it and grabbed it with his arms.

"Ani… ki…" muttered the burnt Oni.

The man glanced at Frank and Matsuo again.

"Don\'t get in our way, Monk Clan," he said, suddenly disappearing just as he appeared, out of the blue.

Frank and Matsuo finally caught their breath again as both of them now kneeled on the ground…

"What… Who was that guy now…? What kind of… magic was that?" asked Frank in between gasps.

"Spatial Magic…" muttered Matsuo, as his eyes seemed to not believe what he had just seen.


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