My World Traveling System: The Harbinger of Death

Chapter 207: And The Gods Schemes...

Chapter 207: And The Gods\' Schemes...


Zudithe, the God of Space, and Judith, the Goddess of Time have come to visit Thineas, the Goddess of Life, Harvest, and Love, and Abraddon, the God of Beasts and Nature.

"Something important? What do you mean?" asked Thineas.

"What issue is it?" asked Abraddon.

"We already know about the Demon King and everything else… If that\'s what you came to inform us about…" said Thineas.

"No, it is something different…" said Zudithe.

"Yet related to the issue," said Judith.

"What? Something… else? You mean… outside… of this world?" asked Thineas.

"Whatever goes on outside of Terra is already not of our responsibility, Zudithe, Judith. You shouldn\'t worry about such things…" said Abraddon.

"It is of our responsibility because the world, Terra, might be in danger, not from the Demon King itself, but something beyond our own world…" said Zudithe.

"Do you remember when we heard about entities that traveled through the universe that were not the Overseers? Beings that were trying to achieve the Overseer\'s levels of power… by harvesting worlds, galaxies, and another thing?" asked Judith.

"What…?! You mean… No! It can\'t be… they… are here?!" asked Thineas.

"Eh? Who? I don\'t remember…" muttered Abraddon.

"The Watchers have arrived. And they are patiently waiting for this world to all into chaos to act…" said Zudithe.

"The Watchers!" muttered Thineas, gritting her teeth.

Who could be so dangerous that even Gods feared them?!

And even more with such a simple name as \'Watchers\'…

What kind of entities could even travel through the universe with such ease, and even be capable of \'harvesting\' worlds, or even entire galaxies?

All of it just so one day they could have the chance of achieving the Realm of the Overseers!

"They… have chosen Terra from all worlds?! Is it because we are weakened?!" asked Abraddon.

"Most likely… Also, Terra\'s Origin Core is unique, as it has been coated with Chaos Attribute due to the Miasma beneath the tectonic plates, due to that, the Origin Core of the planet has slowly turned into a Chaos Origin Core, and it has, without our intention, become a high-quality material that they seek…" sighed Zudithe.

"But then… what can we do? They are too strong…! We are left hopeless!" said Thineas.

"Not yet. They are wary of us, of this world, and are only observing while incentivizing the Demon King to grow faster…" said Zudithe.

"What? They are not attacking us straight away?" asked Abraddon.

"If they had already attacked, we all would be dead by now, Abraddon," said Judith.

"Right…" said Abraddon.

"…But what are they wary of…?" asked Thineas.

"What else than the one who possesses Overseer powers?" asked Zudithe.

"Ah! Frank?!" asked Thineas and Abraddon in surprise.

"It is because of Frank\'s presence and his awakened powers that the Watchers had decided to step back and watch for now… Perhaps they are waiting for the Demon King to be born before they strike… they are just testing the waters. Although they are very strong, they are also incredibly wary and thoughtful, they wouldn\'t really want to ruin their own lives if they were to fight against an Overseer and be annihilated, right?" asked Zudithe.

"You are right! Frank is… without even realizing it, he\'s helping us…" said Thineas.

"And he\'s also our only hope… Well, him…" said Zudithe.

"Axitl\'s strength seems to have increased a lot, she might also be capable of fighting against the Watchers, but much like Frank, she needs to develop and evolve her abilities even more… And then…" muttered Judith.

"The third one that could also help us…" said Zudithe.

"…The third one? Who else could?" sighed Thineas.

"What? But how can we… even ask it for help? Isn\'t it a berserk entity?" asked Abraddon.

"Indeed. The Demon King can also help us. It is strength is similar if not slightly higher than Axitl herself. But the sole idea of somehow convincing an entity of pure chaos to help us is…" muttered Zudithe.

"Even harder than asking help to Axitl…" sighed Judith.

"But we believe that there might be a chance, as long as Frank and his friends keep growing stronger… the Heroes from the other nations also have great potential, but they need to work alongside Frank and receive the shared strength of his Trait to grow faster and become strong enough to be able to help," said Zudithe.

"I feel like you two are planning something…" said Thineas.

"Indeed… If everything is going like this, I am sure as hell that you two are planning something…" said Abraddon.

"Haha, well, you know us quite well, siblings, we are quite cunning," said Zudithe.

"Indeed. We had been planning to repurpose the power of the Demon King for some time now, we had planned to use it… against Axitl or any of our siblings whenever they went berserk," sighed Zudithe.

"You what?!" asked Thineas, glaring at Zudithe with anger!

"Sorry, but it was a realistic thing to do. We do not know when would Axitl try to do something against us, and preparing was the only thing we could do. But… it seemed that Frank had changed her a bit," said Judith.

"Well, not like we even put the item we crafted to work, to begin with…" said Zudithe.

"You two… I know that you are realistic, but to think that Axitl would one day… attack us… I don\'t think that she is truly evil!" said Abraddon.

"Us neither, Abraddon. But we are never sure about ourselves either," said Zudithe.

"What we believe might sometimes not be the truth as well, and hence, we have to prepare for the scenario where what we believe could not happen," said Judith.

Suddenly both Gods took out a floating cube from a pocket dimension, showing it to Thineas and Abraddon.

"That\'s… an amazing artifact…" said Thineas, detecting the amazing power within the artifact, and the immense amount of Divine Energy it contained!

"So? Is that the item you crafted to entrap the Demon King?" asked Abraddon.

"It is more complicated than that…" said Zudithe.

"This item was crafted after hundreds of thousands of years of constant work. It is the fruit of our labor…" said Judith.

"We have named it, Nexus Cube," said Zudithe and Judith at the same time.

The Nexus Cube.

The artifact was crafted by the God of Space and the Goddess of Time for hundreds of thousands of years, which had the potential to somehow make the Demon King their ally…

An enormously powerful artifact that the other Gods in Terra would literally kill for…

Yet, the Gods they most trusted, Thineas and Abraddon, had the privilege of glancing at its splendor.

"How does this cube exactly work?" asked Abraddon.

"I also wonder the same… even if it is an amazing Artifact, how can it even be capable of making the Demon King somehow our ally? It doesn\'t make sense… Unless it can…" muttered Thineas, as she felt a bad feeling about this…

"It can only be used when the Demon King is weakened. The Nexus Cube has the power to control the Miasma within the Demon King, and Refine it," said Zudithe.

"Refine… it?!" asked Abraddon.

"You two were planning in refining such a beast?!" asked Thineas.

"Indeed. If we refine the Demon King\'s Miasma, which makes up for most of its existence, and then fill it with our wills, it will become our power, something similar to a tamed beast. With this, we can order it to attack, to train, and sharpen its power, and defend ourselves from the Watchers… However, even then, we believe that it might not be enough," sighed Judith.

"To think that you two have crafted such an amazing solution to the problem… But I cannot even picture the Demon King being tamed.. and how exactly can it be weakened without having to kill it? The way to defeat the Demon King was to destroy the Miasma and damage its soul, only something that the Heroes with their special types of magic spells could do… How can we weaken it without accidentally killing it?" asked Thineas.

Although it was very hard to even fathom to kill the Demon King, it was even harder to weaken it and keep it alive…

"That\'s where Frank, leading the other Heroes, shall enter into action," said Zudithe.

"Frank… so you two are really planning on using him…" sighed Abraddon.

"Were you two not doing the same?" asked Judith.

"…Indeed, we are selfish weaklings…" sighed Thineas.

"We are as selfish and shameless. In fact, we are not proud of anything we do, but it is the duty that we must do to save our world and our children, the mortals we always watch over…" said Zudithe.

"It pains me to think the same as well. But… we really do not have any other option than to shamelessly ask help for an outsider," sighed Judith.

"So you want Frank to use the Nexus Cube to catch the Demon King when he and his companions weaken it the most?" asked Abraddon.

"This scenario is something that has never happened before… I do not really know what will really happen… I am worried about Frank and his friends, what if… their souls end up shattered? You know that the Demon King and its Abyssal Pawns can damage souls directly right?" asked Thineas.

"We are aware of it…" said Zudithe.

"And yet, you…?!" asked Thineas.

"We don\'t have other option…" said Judith.

Thineas suddenly felt incredibly angry, as her hand reached Judith, slapping her in the face.


Judith let herself be slapped, as she glanced back at Thineas, her eyes did not falter…

"You… How could you say such a thing?! I don\'t want Frank to lose those he loves!" said Thineas.

"It is something that has yet to happen. We need to assist him as much as we can… so such a thing does not happen," said Zudithe, calming down Thineas.

"…We are running out of options, Thineas…" sighed Judith.


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