Perfect Superstar

Chapter 122

A stack ofprinted paper was slammed heavily on the desk and was immediately picked upagain.

Su Qingmeifanned herself with the paper, but the cool breeze could not blow away therestlessness and depression in her heart.

As she fanned,she gritted her teeth and said, "I’m so angry. Is there no air conditionerin your room?"

The younglady felt hot all over her body, as if she had just been exposed to the sun.

Dong Yulooked at Su Qingmei with a funny look and asked, "What’s the matter?"

It’s so hotoutside, how can she turn off the air conditioner in the office of the generalmanager of Light Rain Media?

It’s SuQingmei’s mood that has a problem!

Su Qingmei saidill-humoredly, "It’s not because of that guy!"

"Today,I went to Blue Sky Creative Park on the Fifth Ring Road, and finally found hisstupid studio. I didn’t expect that guy to hire some manager agent and ask LuXi to come and make a deal with me."

She squeezedthe contract in her hand, and both her willow eyebrows rose: "Notmentioning that the song cost 200,000 and all the copyright will not betransferred but the contract is only signed for five year. That simplydemanding an exorbitant price!"

Remembering theprevious negotiation with Lu Xi in Lu Chen’s studio, Su Qingmei’s heart was onfire again.

The otherparty’s age is about the same as hers. Although, she was polite on the surface,and also agreed to sell the copyright of the song, but in the specificcontract, her attitude is very tough.

Miss Su isnot so good to talk to, and when she did not agree with her, she ran backangrily without even saying a word.

She couldbarely accept the full copyright of "Fly Higher" for 200,000. It should beknown that the song has been sung publicly by Lu Chen and has been downloadedfrom live audio sources in QQ Music.

Its valuemust certainly much lower than "In Spring", but the other party isstill clinging to it like a treasure.

The more shethinks about it, the angrier she gets!


But to SuQingmei’s disappointment, Dong Yu’s expression was not a bit different, noexcitement or anger.

As if such asituation had long been in her expectation.

"Whyaren’t you angry?"

Dong Yu can’thelp laughing. She pulled open a drawer and took out a piece of paper andhanded it to Su Qingmei.


Su Qingmei wasa bit confused, so she picked it up.

Lookingcarefully, it turned out to be the latest sales figures for the Wandering band’sdebut album, "In Spring", in QQ Music.

As of August1, "In Spring" album package paid downloads: 110,560.

The titlesong "In Spring" single downloads: 250,150.

"ReasonTo Be Strong" single: 97,803.

"I WantTo Have A Home" single: 72,610,

The totalnumber of downloads is more than 500,000!

QQ Music isthe earliest online company in China to launch a paid download service forgenuine music. its paid download ranking list has always been regarded as oneof the trend setters in the pop music world.

The Wanderingband’s "In Spring" is a small album with only five songs. It has beenon the shelf of QQ Music for some time, and currently rank first in terms of sales.

In thesingle, "In Spring" is also ranked first. Double rank first.

Such aresult, for a band that has just made its debut album, is simply going againstthe heaven! (TN: going beyond what is normal.)

In additionto honor, the paid download of more than 500,000 also represents a huge profit.

The price ofa high-quality genuine single song download in QQ Music is 1 yuan, and a 20%discount for an album package download.

Then, thepackage price of "In Spring" album is 4 yuan, and with number ofdownloads of more than 110,000, the income is 440,000 yuan.

The threesingles total download is more than 420,000. All of them added up to nearly 900,000yuan in income!

Afterentering the internet age, due to the emergence of new media and the rampant proliferationof piracy resources, the traditional record industry has been hit by anunprecedented blow, CD sales are declining year by year, and now it’s in alingering stage.

Therefore,in today’s pop music world, except for a few underground musicians, no singeror company still depend on selling records to support themselves. They all goto the fan economy, making money through advertising endorsements, peripheraldevelopment, and so on.

Stars producealbums and make records, and they’re making a loss just to brush up and satisfyfans.

The introductionof authentic paid downloads of music websites has more or less become a brightcolor in the sale of music products, but now that online piracy resources arecasual, those who are willing to pay for songs are basically real fans.

Therefore,despite the number of downloads is only a few hundred thousand, it is already anextremely beautiful result.

"In Spring"has continually ranked first, good enough to make one feel proud!

Of course, LightRain Media, which is the copyright owner, cannot take all the profits, it alsohas to share it with QQ Music.

Moreover,the cost of marketing is very high. Income sharing is far from enough to wipeout costs.

But it isimportant to know that QQ Music is only one of the marketing channels, and notthe focus.

Looking atthe thin piece of paper in her hand, Su Qingmei completely got the weight ofit.

Her anger graduallysubsided.

At the sametime, she also understood Dong Yu’s intention - Lu Chen Studio has thequalification to set the price!

The salesresults of the album and singles are there. Anyone can log on to the website tocheck. If it was Su Qingmei herself, what reason is there for her not to insistand be tough?

Now, Lu Chenand Lu Chen Studio are not yet that well-known. Many of their peers in the industryare estimated to have not responded, but it would be naive to underestimatetheir sensitivity.

Once theysmell profit, those companies are bound to swarm in like flies, and take partin the competition!

Perhaps theprice will go up!

Su Qingmeicouldn’t sit still anymore: "Then I will go and talk to her right now..."

Dong Yu didn’tknow whether to laugh or cry: "Isn’t that just giving her reasons to continueraising the price?"

Su QIngmei’selegant face turn red and she sat down again.

Dong Yucouldn’t help saying: "in the future, when negotiating with Lu Chen Studio,let Manager Song of the Brokerage Department go."

She didn’tcriticize Su Qingmei for ignoring what her proper job is - You’re the musicdirector, don’t always rob others of their work.

Su Qingmei bit her lip, her eyes moved around, and suddenly said, "Let’s just dig Lu Xi over. I think she’s very smart and capable. Let her be the manager of the Sales Department and negotiate with that guy later!"

This is called attacking the shield with the spear of the son1. Isn’t Lu Chen very capable? Let’s try someone he invited!

The more SuQingmei thought about it, the more she felt that this idea is wonderful.

As forwhether Lu Xi can be dug up, that is not a question at all.

Thetreatment, strength and development potential of Light Rain Media are enough todump that little studio for three blocks!

The frontdoor to the North Sea! (TN: No clue what this means. Maybe the way to prosperity?)

Seeing theproud smile on Su Qingmei’s face, Dong Yu touched his forehead speechless.

She took outanother document from the drawer and handed it to Su Qingmei as well.

Su Qingmei cameback to her senses, took it and looked at it. It turned out to be Lu Chen’spersonal data.

Su Qingmei couldn’thelp but be stunned, what does Sister Dong mean?

Dong Yu saidlightly, "Look carefully at Lu Chen’s family status."

Under her reminder,Su Qingmei’s eyes fell on the family member column of the information.

Father: LuQingsheng (deceased) / Mother: Fang Yun (Accountant of Binhai City LocalTaxation Bureau, Zhedong).

Elder Sister:Lu Xi / Younger Sister: Lu Xue.

Lu Xi? LuXi!

Su Qingmeialmost jumped up, Lu Chen Studio’s manager and Lu Chen’s agent, wasn’t shecalled Lu Xi?

In herChanel bag, she has the other party’s business card!

This isreally embarrassing!

Su Qingmei’sface became red, and she didn’t dare look at Dong Yu.

She praisesherself as an elite, but she keeps making mistakes repeatedly. She even wantedto dig up Lu Chen’s sister to deal with Lu Chen.

If not forDong Yu’s reminder, and she really did that, then people would be laughing todeath!

"Ah! Idon’t care!"

Su Qingmeidropped the information in her hand, hurriedly grabbed her bag and escaped.

Dong Yu can’thelp laughing. She picked up the phone on the table and called Song Xinwei toher office.

Song Xinweiis in his 30s, wears a suit and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, hair is neatlycombed, and not very handsome. He can also be said to have a commandingappearance. At a glance, he looks like an office elite.

He is thedeputy general manager and brokerage manager of Light Rain Media. He is alsoDong Yu’s right-hand man.

Dong Yu handedLu Chen’s information, together with the performance table of the Wanderingband, to Song Xinwei, and told him about Su Qingmei’s previous negotiations atLu Chen Studio.

Dong Yu said,"In addition to the right of authorship, we must take all the copyright ofthis song. This is the premise of the negotiation, but the transfer fee can be negotiated.My authority for you is within 500,000."

Song Xinweiwas surprised: "Isn’t that too much?"

A song of 500,000,isn’t this a bit of an exaggeration. The industry’s top big shot’s painstakingwork is no more than this!

Dong Yusmiled and said, "That depends on Manager Song’s negotiation ability. This"Fly Higher" is very suitable for the North Needle band. I don’t want others tosnatch it, and there will definitely be people who want to grab it."

Song Xinwei,with a great fear in his heart, respectfully said, "I understand."

Dong Yuleaned back in her chair and said, "Go ahead then and remember not to letother party feel that we are in a hurry."

Inadvertently,she revealed her infinitely beautiful body.

Song Xinweinodded. A thin, undetectable blazing color flashed through his eyes.

The nextday, he came to Lu Chen’s studio with his assistant to renegotiate the song"Fly Higher."

However, atthis time, Lu Chen was no longer in Beijing.

He followedthe "Singing China" program group to Shengjing and began a nationwidetour of knockout competition.

On August 5,Shengjing knockout competition began. Lu Chen defeated his opponents with hisoriginal work "Love In The Wind".

On August 8,he moved to Shanghai, relying on the "The Bright Times of Early Youth"to win a narrow victory over Zhang Xiumin, the champion of Shanghai Top 10.

At thattime, between the total score of the two people, there were only 1.75 pointsdifference!

On August11, the tour team arrived at Hangzhou.

In his ownhalf home, Lu Chen swept all the challenger of Hangzhou singing area with"Those Flowers" and went to the next city. (TN: Half home: Hangzhou is his hometown)

He sang allthe way, sweeping away all obstacles!


TN: This is a metaphor that means: To takes the other party’s point of view, method or speech to refute the other party.1

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