Perfect Superstar

Chapter 724: motion capture

In 2009, when the most famous sci-fi director of the United States, McCarter, filmed the sci-fi blockbuster "Starry Sky Legend", the special effects cg was completed by motion capture technology, realizing the perfect combination of motion capture technology in the movie, letting touch ap in the movie. It has a milestone meaning.

"Starry Sky Legend" officially released in 2011, the global box office more than 2 billion US dollars, won 5 Oscars, and a number of Oscar science and technology awards, motion capture technology can be said to be indispensable.

Since the great success of "Starry Sky Legend", the motion capture technology has developed rapidly in the world, and the development is extremely fast. However, on the advanced technology, Hollywood special effects production company is absolutely unbeatable.

In the past few years, the country has also introduced a full set of motion capture technology. However, the domestic special effects company\'s touch ap always has the problem that the motion is not smooth and the details are not in place, which is quite different from the level of Hollywood.

Lu Chen has a certain understanding of ap, this time to visit the United States, but also very concerned about this aspect, because he will build the martial arts big ip plan, there must be a lot of motion capture technology, including movies, animation, Games and more.

So Mill\'s proposal is in his heart.

Blue Sky Studio\'s touch ap is not the industry\'s top, but has its own unique technology and patents.

Compared with their counterparts in the United States, domestic special effects companies, in addition to the backwardness of capital, technology and personnel, are more diverse in terms of technology research and development and technical patents. Small companies like Blue Sky Studio are small. A large amount of capital and manpower are also invested in technology research and development to form their own superior patents.

It has a digital studio of nearly 200 square meters and a height of 12 meters. It was transformed from the open-air central garden of the original building. It contains a large number of sophisticated equipment and is considered to be the core asset of the studio.

There are hundreds of optical cameras in the studio, which can record 360-degree angles without any dead angles. It also has a 3D holographic scanning system.

When Mill introduced Lu Chen, there was an indescribable pride in his tone: "We are the best!"

He asked the staff to send a set of black clothes and said: "This is our studio registered patented fgk data service, built-in 277 high-precision sensors, able to capture the most subtle movements..."

"Mr. Lu Chen, do you want to try?"

Lu Chen nodded and he was really interested.

Mil smiled: "Very good, I let everyone prepare, please wear it first."

It is not easy to wear this data suit. Lu Chen was assisted by two professionals in the locker room. It took 20 minutes to completely wear it on his body.

The size and size of the data service can be adjusted, so it is very fit after the final wear. Lu Chen tried it, the joint movements were very flexible, and there was no blockage. It felt like wearing a pair of close-fitting underwear.

But the appearance is absolutely full of technology, and nearly three hundred high-precision sensors flash faint blue light after power-on, and a psychedelic visual effect.

Under the guidance of the staff, Lu Chen came to the front of a huge green curtain.

Three digital cameras were aimed at him from different positions.

Mill stood on the side of a camera facing Lu Chen, and there was a row of computer screens in front of him.

The blue sky studio ceo said to Lu Chen loudly: "Lu, you can play freely, just do whatever you want, walk, run, like it!"

Lu Chen\'s understanding of motion capture technology is limited to related materials, and he is the first to experience the magic of this technology.

After adapting to the data suit, he started the action.

Lu Chen did not follow Mil\'s suggestion, but improvised a set of collapsed mountain fists!

The collapse of the mountain fist is derived from the memory of the dream world. This set of boxing is not a traditional martial arts routine, but an ancient military boxing that has been handed down in ancient times. It is equivalent to the ancient military boxing, and the move is fierce and fierce.

At the beginning, Lu Chen was not quick at the speed of one stroke. He punched and kicked a plate and looked calm and steady. However, as his muscles and muscles gradually became active, the speed of punching and kicking was accelerated, and the strength was even greater. Doubled.

As the name suggests, the collapse of the mountain is the fist of the broken mountain. Although it is impossible to achieve a real mountain collapse in reality, the focus of this boxing method on the strength of the power is precisely its essence.

The Lushan Boxing, which was exhibited by Lu Chen, undoubtedly exerted this essence to the fullest, with a punching out of the front, and the fists screaming and screaming!

In this studio, there are more than 20 people in the blue sky studio. Everyone’s attention is on Lu Chen’s body. At first they were inexplicable and did not understand what Lu Chen was doing.

Lu Chen\'s action boxing is not like boxing. Judo is not like judo. Is it Chinese-style juggling?

However, very quickly, their doubts, curiosity and even ridicule on their faces were all shocked!

Mill looked stunned.

Even if he was separated by a distance of five or six meters, he could clearly understand the strength of the boxing tricks displayed by Lu Chen, and let go of the unfamiliar freshness. Lu Chen’s crashing mountain punch also made him realize. What is the beauty of violence!

Although there is no target opponent, Lu Chen’s “attack” is like a squally shower, so that the onlookers are suffocating and even tremble, because they can imagine that they are standing on the opposite side of Lu Chen, what kind of severe blow will be suffered. .

This kind of awe from the instinct of life for powerful power, so that everyone can hold their breath, what can be heard in the entire studio is the sound of Lu Chen’s broken feet and whistling into the ears!

Then, these Americans couldn\'t see Lu Chen\'s moves, only seeing the shining light of the sensor on the data service and forming a blue light, flying in front of the green screen.

Many people swear that this is one of the most incredible scenes they have ever seen in their lives! ——


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